The Tape Recorder
Changes in Peoples Diet
The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller
My Most Favorite Programme
From the chart we can see that during the past five years there have been great changes in peoples diet. The greatest change occurs in grain consumption, which has dropped 4% from 49% in 1986 to 45% in 1990 in total food consumption. The second greatest change is in milk consumption, which increased from 10% in 1986 to 13% in 1990. But on the other hand, two trends can be observed in the consumption of meat and fruit and vegetables. From 1986 to 1989, meat consumption increased from 17% to 23% while that of fruit and vegetables dropped from 24% to 20%. From 1989 to 1990, meat consumption dropped a little to 21%, while that of fruit and vegetables increased a little to 21%.
What has caused the great changes in peoples diet? The main reason, I think, lies in the improvement in peoples income level. With the development of our society, people are becoming richer and richer, which enables them to purchase more nutritious food such as meat and milk. In the meantime, grain consumption in peoples diet consequently dropped.
So from the analysis, we can draw a conclusion that our society is progressing and people are living a better life than ever before. We are now able to purchase more delicious and nutritious food, resulting in an improvement in our health.
一篇作文贵在有亮点,吸引人。四级作文评分时,阅卷老师分配给每篇作文的时间很短。那么我们就要考虑如何来用自己的亮点赢得阅卷老师的好评。这是一个小小的捷径。我们可以看一下上面的范文:三段中都围绕着饮食水平展开。从一个方面扩大到大方向:社会在进步,人民生活水平在提高。其中第二段的第一句话也就是本段的主题句(What has caused the great changes in peoples diet? The main reason, I think, lies in the improvement in peoples income level.),用问答方式来写,与众不同,会给阅卷老师极深印象。
说了这么多,现在我们以:Changes in Mass Media 为题来练习一下。
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