仿2011年12月17日四六级写作 之前2011年12月17日的四六级作文,有如下特点: 1、全英文给题,无中文提纲 2、文章给出一句名人名言或是俗语谚语,对其进行评论 3、文章主题与人生哲理、优秀品质相关,不再是以往的校园、学习或社会热点 如果今年2012年6月的四六级作文如果同时满足以上三条特点,那么以下的5篇练习题的针对性是很强的。 学习建议:建议同学们下载打印下面的文本后,同学们先自己写一遍,写完后可以参照范文进行比较,看看文章思路、遣词造句方面有没有可以改进的地方;然后进行范文背诵,进而默写范文。 1.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Unity breeds success by commenting on Albert Einsteins famous remark, A snowflake is one of Gods most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they stick together! You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Unity breeds success I assume that you are familiar with the words of Einstein, who once said, A snowflake is one of Gods most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they stick together! Definitely, A snowflake is easy to melt when it lands on the soil. However, when falling on the ground together, they can create a snow-wrapped world with splendid scene. It is obvious that unity transforms snowflakes vulnerability into strength. Simple as Einsteins remark may sound, it contains abundant life philosophy and informs us of the significance of unity. why does unity play an indispensable role in our life ? Unity enables us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. In such a competitive world of today, it is not personal strength that the achievement of any course depends on; it condenses the energies of a group. To further demonstrate the importance of unity, I would like to take Chinese Communist Party as a case in point, how could she achieve the victory of Anti-Japanese War if she failed to unite Chinese people of all ethnic groups ? From my perspective, at no time should we ignore the importance of unity. Accordingly,we should foster the consciousness of unity and always bear in mind that unity can create miracles no matter what obstacles we meet. Many hands make light work. John Heywood also once said. 我觉你应该对爱因斯坦说过的一句话非常熟悉,叫做一片雪花是上帝最脆弱的创造物之一,但他们抱在一起的时候却令人刮目相看。确实,一片雪花,降落在地,极易融化消失。然而,当很多雪花一起飘落人间,他们足以创造出片银装素裹的美景。很明显,正是团结,将雪花从脆弱变得强大。 尽管爱因斯坦的话听起来很简单,但却包含了丰富的人生哲理,并告诉我们团结很重要。为什么团结会在我们的生活当中扮演重要的角色呢?团结可以使我们更顺利地达成目标、更快速地实现梦想。在竞争如此激烈的当今世界,任何事情的成功都无法仅仅依靠一个人的力量,而需要凝结整个团队的力量。为了进一步证明团结的重要性,我想以中国共产党为例,如果中国共产党没有团结各族人民的力量,她怎么可能去的抗日战争的胜利呢? 在我看来,我们任何时候都不能忽视团结的重要性。因此,我们应该培养团结的意识,并且永远铭记在心,只要团结,不管遇到什么样的困难,我们都能够创造奇迹。约翰.伍德也曾经说过众人拾柴火焰高。
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