1. 生活化细节联想法
What are your opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of fast food?
① 遍地都是麦当劳、肯德基、永和豆浆、馄饨、油条。
② 每次老爸不在家时,我吃鸡腿汉堡,快,省事、省时间。不用买菜,切菜,做菜,蒸饭,洗碗,擦桌子。
③ 永和24小时,但东西贼贵,晚上避风的好地方,粥还行,油条,烂!
④ 麦当劳小孩多,因为玩具多,电视上有很多他们的广告,小孩又哭又笑,学鸡叫的那个广告特傻,儿童乐园。
⑤ 还是太贵。在美国,垃圾食品,到了中国,特火!洋货?老爸不爱吃汉堡,因有奶酪。不符合中国人的口味,农民就不喜欢,中国有8亿农民
1) Harmfulness of Fake Commodities
2) the Influence of the Internet
2. 逆向思维联想法
In 1995, an Englishman killed a burglar who broke into his house. He was sentenced. Do you think he should be sentenced? How can we protect our property?
文章的关键在于How can we protect our properties?(我们如何保护自己的财产?)对于大多数同学来讲,对财产的概念还不清楚,谈何保护措施?于是,从反面破题,从我们周围的盗窃想起,请看一位同学的草稿:
① 前两天,丢了钱包,bus上,小偷走了,才有人告诉我,社会公德真有问题。
② 学校的7台电脑CPU丢了,小偷从窗户爬进去的。学校3年都不修,宿舍经常丢鞋、丢衣服。
③ 家里与房地产开发公司打官司,合同有问题。
④ 警察现在都不管事,出了问题才来,没出问题,懒得理你,防患于未然。
1) Advantages of a Harmonious Family
2) The importance of fresh drinking water
Smoking is a bad habit that does a lot of harm to human health. Cigarette smoking does great harm to human health. In many cases, cigarette has proved to be the direct cause of such a fatal disease as cancer-hence its nickname, Cancer Stick. Experts say that smoking one cigarette can reduce ones life by about 15 minutes and that chain smoking is far more hazardous. Recent findings of medical research show that even a tiny drop of nicotine (about 3 grams in weight) can kill a large animal like a horse. Some medical reports have also proved that heavy smoking would seriously affect an adults sexuality, and smoking after a meal also disturbs ones digestive system. Cigarette smoking not only jeopardizes the physical health of a smoker, it also affects the health of a nonsmoker who passively inhales the polluted air into his or her lungs when he or she is exposed to a winding shroud of cigarette smoke. The impact on such passive smokers (also called second-hand smokers), according to the experts in the medical field, can be even more damaging, and that is why smoking is usually prohibited in most public places.
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