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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Confirm vt.证实,肯定;进一步确定;确认;批准

  The successfully cloned sheep Dolly confirmed the feasibility of clone technology. 绵羊多利的克隆成功证实 了克隆技术的可行性.

  consideration n.考虑,考虑的事;体贴,关心

  Age should not be the chief consideration in choosing a football referee. ;在选择足球裁判时不应该把年龄作为首要的考虑因素.

  Although architecture has artistic qualities, it must also satisfy a number of important practical considerations.尽管建筑具有艺术特性,它也必须考虑许多实用因素.

  constitute vt.组成,构成,形成;设立,建立,任命

  The employees is the Japanese company asked their boss if refusal to work on rest days constitutes a violation of contract.这家日本公司的员工问他们的老板,拒绝加班是否构成违反合约.

  Women,who constitute 52 per cent of Italys population, today represent only 35 percent of Italys total workforce.妇女占意大利人口的52%却只占劳动队伍的35%.

  Convey vt.表达,传达,传递;运送,输送

  Air is the medium by which sound waves are conveyed.空气是声波传导的媒介.

  What information the codes in the great Pyramid convey is still unknown.大金字塔中的密码到底传递了什么信息仍然不为人知.

  Crush vt.压碎,蔫碎;弄皱;压垮

  Wine is made by crushing grapes.葡萄酒是压榨葡萄制成的.

  Time would crush all pains.时间会粉碎所有的痛苦.

  decent a.象样的,体面的;宽厚的,大方的;正派的,合乎礼仪的,得体的

  Ragged jeans are not very decent to wear to a ball.穿着破旧的牛仔裤在舞会上显得不太得体.

  Most university graduates consider white-collared position as decent jobs.绝大多数大学毕业生都认为白领职位是体面的工作.

  deliberate a.故意的,含蓄的;慎重的,深思熟虑的 v.仔细考虑,思考

  I wont forgive you because of your deliberate lies.我不会原谅你,因为你存心说谎.

  Xie Jun checkmated the rival after the final deliberate consideration.经过最后的深思熟虑, 谢军将死于对手.

  The Supreme Court of the U.S.A. deliberate whether the ballots of Florida should be re-counted.美国最高法院研究是否重新统计佛罗里达 州的选票.

  Dominate vi.处于支配地位,拥有优势

  Dominate vt.在...中占首要地位;支配,统治,控制;耸立于,俯视

  Although racial discrimination is not allowed, Europe and America are still a white-dominated society.虽然种族歧视是不允许的,但欧洲和美国仍是白人统治的社会.

  Duty n.责任,义务;职责,职务;税,关税

  Ill have to go,Im afraid--duty calls.看来我得走了-公务在身.

  Elegant a.优美的,文雅的,讲究的;简练的,简洁的

  Princess Dianas elegant manners are always within peoples memory.戴安娜王妃优雅的举止总是留在人们的记忆中.



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