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英语六级词汇解析 Lesson 6

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  accidental a.意外的,偶尔发生的

  Their accidental meeting led to a renewal of their acquaintance.偶然的相遇使他们重续前缘.

  alternative a.两者择一的,供选择的另类的,他择性的

  alternative n.取舍,抉择,供选择的东西;选择的余地

  I couldnt afford the trip to Xinjiang, so I had no alternative but to stay at home this vacation. 不够钱去新疆旅游,所以这个假期我只能呆在家里.

  Have you got an alternative suggestion? 你有没有其他的建议可选择?

  career n.生涯,职业

  The technological innovation of recent years have changed the nature of many jobs and influenced the careers of many people.近几年来的技术改革改变了许多工作的性质并影响着许多人的职业生涯.

  Collision n.碰撞;冲突,抵触

  In Britian,a collision with the Parliament could ruin the governments plans.在英国,政府与议会的冲突可能使政府的计划破产

  Concede vi.让步,认输 vt.承认,

  Concede vt.承认...为真 承认失败允许,让与

  The Democratic Party conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known.大选结果一揭晓,民主党就承认失败.

  After the First World War Germany conceded its neighbors much valuable land.第一次世界大战后,德国让与其邻国许多宝贵的领土.

  contribution n.贡献,促成作用;捐款,捐献物;稿件

  Mr.He Zhenliang has made an important contribution to the Olympic bid.何振梁先生为申奥做出了重大贡献.

  Custom n.习俗;风俗;惯例海关,关税

  In ancient times the custom of shaking hands served to transfer power or authority. 在古时候,握手的惯例用以表示转让力量或权威.

  Devote vt.把...专用于;将...奉献给

  Nurses devote themselves to the care of the sick.护士致力于护理病人的事业.

  The magazine Nature is devoted to science.《自然》杂志专门刊载科技文章.

  donation n.捐赠品,捐款;捐赠,赠送

  Bill Gates made a donation of 100 million U.S.dollars to the Global AIDS and Health Fund.比尔.盖茨捐赠了1亿美元给全球艾滋病健康基金会

  embarrass vt.使窘,使尴尬,使不好意思

  The decline of sales embarrassed the company.销路下降使公司陷于财政困难.

  It embarrassed him when he found he hadnt enough money to invite his girl friend to dinner. 他觉得很尴尬当他发现自己不够钱请女 友吃晚饭时,

  exlusive a.奢华的,高级的;独有的,独享的;排斥的,排他的;

  exlusive a.不包括...的 n.独家资讯

  Hair is exclusive in mammals.毛发是辅乳动物独有的.

  Some journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost.有的记者愿意不惜一切的获取独家资讯.

  Fiction n.小说

  Truth is often stranger than fiction.真事常常比小说还离奇.

  General n.将军 a.一般的,普通的;总的,全体的;笼统的,大体的

  The Conservative Party failed in the general election for all their pains.尽管保守党费尽了心机, 还是在大选中遭到了失败.

  I like games in general,and especially football.各种运动我一般都喜欢,尤其是足球.

  Humble vt.使谦虚,使...卑下

  Humble a.卑贱的,地位低下的;谦虚的,谦逊的;简陋的,低劣的

  Defeat and failure may make people humble.挫折和失败会使人变得谦卑.

  Infinite a.无穷的,无限的,无边无际的

  Infinite space surrounds the Earth.地球周围围绕着无限的空间.

  judgement n.看法,评价,意见;判断,判断力;审判,判决

  As a qualified premier he is a man of good judgement.作为一个很有才干的总理,他具有很强的判断力.

  The judgement was in her favor and she was released from custody. ;判决对她有利,她被当庭释放.

  Miss n.小姐 vt.未击中,未达到;未赶上;惦念;未注意到,未明白;避免

  Dont miss our bargain offers!本店大减价,勿矢良机!

  Miss India was honored with Miss Globe for the year 2000.印度小姐荣膺2000年度环球小姐.

  opposite prep/ad.在对面 a.对面的;相反的,对立的 n.对立面,对立物

  It is said that opposites attract. ;都说异性相吸.

  My view is just the opposite.Do you accept opinions opposite to yours?我的观点正相反,你接受与你的意见相对立的意见吗?

  performance n.演出,表演.履行,执行;工作情况,表现;工作性能

  Windows 98 has a very satisfactory performance. Windows 98 的性能令人很满意.

  He is faithful in the performance of his duties.他忠于职守.

  pledge n.保证,誓言 vt.保证,许诺

  Take this gift as a pledge of our friendship.把这个作为我们友谊象征的礼物收下吧.

  You must be pledged to keeping the secret.你必须誓守秘密.

  Profit n.利润,收益,益处 vt.有益于,有利于 vi得益

  We can profit by making mistakes.我们可以从错误中得到教益.

  We hope our criticisms and suggestions will profit you.我们希望我们的批评和建 议将对你有所裨益.

  recognition n.认出,识别;承认,确认,认可;赏识,表彰,报偿

  Henry Tanner received widespread recognition for his naturalistic painting of plantation life.亨利坦纳受到了广泛的承认,是由于他对种植园生活的自然主义描画.

  The arms race leads to the recognition by the superpowers that arms talks must be resumed.军备竞赛使超级大国认识 到必须重开军备谈判.

  Reflect v.反射,映现;反映,显示;深思,反省,考虑

  Baseball reflects Americas history, just as Roslyn Mazer put it.罗斯林.马泽尔说过,棒球反映出美国的历史.

  A childs bad behavior reflects on his home training.孩子的坏行为可归咎于家教不严.

  sacrifice n.牺牲,舍身;葬品;献祭,供奉

  A mother would sacrifice her life for her children.母亲为自己的孩子操劳一生.

  Shock n.震动,冲击;震惊,惊鄂;休克;电震,电击 v.震惊

  It was a great shock for him when his wife died.妻子的死对他是一种沉重的打击.

  I was shocked when I heard about your accident.当我听到你出事后我很震惊.

  Talk vi.讲话,谈论,交谈 vt.讲,说,谈论

  Talk n.谈话,会讲;讲演,讲话;会谈;闲话,流言蜚语

  I hate talk and no action.我讨厌光有一大堆空话而无实际行动.

  Peace talks between the two sides will be held again in Seoul soon.双方不久将在汉城重开和谈.

  True a.真实的,确实的;真正的;真的;忠实的,忠诚的;正确的,精确的

  It is true that the city can provide much convenience and entertainment, which is the very reason why people cant bear to part with city life. 确实,城市能提供许多方便和娱乐,这正是人们为什么不愿放弃城市生活的主要原因.

  Variety n.品种,种类; 变化,多样性,多样化

  The secretary complained that her paperwork lacked variety.秘书抱怨她的文书工作缺少变化.

  Watch n.表;看管,监视

  Watch v.注视,观看;看守,监视,照看;小心,当心

  You have to watch it when you step onto the ice.你走上冰面时一定要留神了!

  Keep watch against thieves!谨防小偷!



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