Chinese property
BUBBLES are supposed to burst with an audiblepop. But in the snap and crackle of the Chinesehousing market, it is hard to hear anything clearly. On June 9th the Wall Street Journal put itsear to the ground and declared that the great property bubble of China may be popping. Itpointed out that prices had fallen by 4.9% in the year to April in nine big cities tracked byRosealea Yao of GaveKal Dragonomics, a consultancy. Ms Yao herself thinks a correction inthe next six months is inevitable. But she argues that it is still a bit early to say the bubble isbursting.
泡沫爆破时本应是有声的。中国房地产市场虽是噼里啪啦地好不喧闹,却很难听清个中详况。6月9日,华尔街日报侧耳倾听了一番后发表说中国巨大的房产泡沫也许正在爆破。该报指出,今年截至4月九大城市的房产价格下降了4.9%,这是一家咨询机构GaveKal Dragonomics的Rosealea Yao所掌握到的信息。Ms Yao认为在未来6个月内房产市场必将迎来一段调整期。但她也认为,现在说泡沫会爆破还为时过早。
Official figures released on June 14th added more noise. They suggested that builders startedwork on 19% more residential floorspace in May, compared with a year earlier, and sold 18%more. But the sales figures were flattered by comparison with May 2010, an unusually slowmonth following a government clampdown on speculative homebuying a few weeks before. Andthe starts figures may have picked up the governments drive to build more affordablehousing.
In other countries, such as America, economists canrely on clear signals from credible price indices. InChina the National Bureau of Statistics used topublish a price index spanning 70 cities. But thatmeasure muted both the highs and lows of Chinashousing market. It suggested that prices for newand existing homes never fell by more than 1.3%during the financial crisis, and never rose by morethan 12.8% a year in the boom that followed. Thatwas hard to square with the head-splitting priceshomebuyers were paying in the big cities. Peoplestopped paying attention to the national index. In December the government ceased publishingit.
The bureau does, however, still track prices in the 70 individual cities that made up the index.Weighting the cities by population, and weighting the mix of new and existing properties byfloorspace, The Economist has tried to rebuild Chinas abandoned house-price index from its constituent parts. Our calculations suggest nationwide prices are still risingby 4% inthe year to Aprilbut only slowly. The pace of increase has eased steadily for 12 months in arow.
In the absence of credible government figures, many analysts have turned to private-sectoralternatives. A 100-city index published by Soufun, a property consultancy, shows prices risingby 5.1% in the year to May. But in many of those cities its coverage is patchy, especially insmaller localities where developers may not have good, computerised records to share. That isone reason why Ms Yao, who draws on Soufuns figures, concentrates only on the nine cities itcovers best.
由于缺乏可信的官方数据,许多分析家转而借助私营部门给出的数据。房产咨询机构搜房发布了100个城市的房价指数,表明今年截至5月房价上涨了5.1%。但在那些城市中有许多的覆盖范围是不完全的,特别是在一些小地方,开发商也许仍未备有完善的电脑记录。这就是为什么负责制作搜房的这个数据的Ms Yao只关注覆盖范围最完整的九个城市。
The first signs of a sharp reversal may not show upin prices anyway. The volume of sales tends to dropfirst, because optimistic developers will try to waitout a bad patch, hoping that better times will return.Despite the 18% rebound in May, most analystsbelieve sales are dropping sharply.
Developers can stay out of the market only for as long as they can stay out of the red. As theircash pile dwindles and liabilities fall due, they will be forced to sell, whatever the marketconditions. To give themselves more leeway, bigger developers have turned away from fickleonshore financing to international bond markets. The 30 developers rated by Standard Poors, a rating agency, raised about $8 billion of mostly five-year money in the first fivemonths of this year, compared with $8.8 billion in the whole of 2010, itself a record year.Developers can bring this money back into the country, despite Chinas capital controls,provided they show a bit of patience and a commitment to build things in unfancied cities.
Even so, the debts of many smaller developers will fall due next year. Standard Poorsexpects property prices to fall by about 10% over the next 12 months, but it does not ruleout a price war if distressed selling by overstretched developers begins to feed on itself. IfChinas property market is a bubble, it may end with a squeal as well as a pop.
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