THE corner shop on South Honore and West 59th inEnglewood is an uninviting sort of place. Thosewindows that are not bricked up are covered in heavysecurity grilles; the shopkeeper hides behind aPlexiglas wall. Most of what is on offer is eitherpackaged or carbonated, and is always processed.
This part of Chicagos South Side is in the heart of one of Americas many food deserts. Theseare notable not for the absence of food, but for the kind of food available. Though crisps,sweets and doughnuts are easy to come by, an apple is a rare commodity. Yet all theevidence shows that poor access to quality food results in a higher risk of obesity, diabetesand cancerand more avoidable deaths.
Although cynics might argue that the market gives people the food they deserve, researchpublished this month in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests otherwise. During the1990s, when the American government paid for around 1,800 women to move out of publichousing, the women who had moved showed a 20% lower rate of obesity and diabetes thanthose who had not. In other words, their improved environment led to their better health.
Research published this week by Mari Gallagher, an independent food researcher, suggeststhat the problem of food deserts may be relatively tractable. Over the past five years, thanksto the arrival of some new grocery stores, Chicagos desert has shrunk by 40% to a mere384,000 people. It sometimes takes only one shop to change things vastly for the better. Forexample, the Food-4-Less store in Englewood improved access to fresh food for almost 41,000people, most of whom are black.
独立的食品研究调查机构Mari Gallagher本周发表的调查表明,食荒的问题可能是相对温和的。在过去的五年中,多亏一些新型食品杂货店的降临,芝加哥地区的食荒已经缩减了 40%,反影响384000居民。例如,Food-4-Less一家位于恩格尔伍德的商店就为将近41000户居民改善了新鲜食品的途径,并且,这些居民中的大多数都是黑人。
This is all grist to the mills of Michelle Obama, Americas first lady, and Rahm Emanuel, Chicagosmayor, who appeared together at a South Side pharmacy on October 25th to promote accessto fresh food. Both have been adept in their own ways at twisting the arms of retailers such asWalmart, SUPERVALU and Walgreens to open grocery stores in underserved areas.
Walgreens, a chain of almost 7,800 drug stores, now has a large selection of fresh food in tenfood oasis stores in Chicago. It has also promised that over the next five years it will providemore fresh food in 19 other sites in the city, most of them food deserts, and in 1,000 otherstores across the country. This could make a big difference. The firms chief executive, GregWasson, says that two-thirds of all Americans live within three miles of one of his shops.
Moreover, the opening of a halfway decent grocery store is often the trigger for the arrival ofother better-class shops in the area, which then spurs a local economic revival. This could gosome way towards reversing a worrying trend pointed out by Ms Gallagher. She says that theretend to be more diet-related deaths in places where fringe retailers accept food stamps.Fringe retailers, by her definition, are those shops that specialise in food high in salt, fat andsugar, plus non-food items such as fizzy drinks. The sad thing, as she points out, is that foodstamps are supposed to protect the poor from malnutrition, not make them ill.
Mrs Obama made a point of saying that nobody in government is telling anyone what theyshould, or should not, be eating. But good food does have to be available. As any parent cantell you, the fruit bowl always needs to be easier to reach than the cookie jar.
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