Russia and theWest Slip and slide
俄罗斯与西方世界 跌落并下滑
Change or Decay: Russia s Dilemma and the West sResponse. By Lilia Shevtsova and Andrew Wood.
This book, says Mikhail Gorbachev, the formerSoviet leader, in a foreword, is different, anddeserves to make an impact. The first is certainlytrue. It takes the form of a lengthy series of exchanges between two old friends: LiliaShevtsova, a Russian who works for America s Carnegie Endowment in Moscow, and SirAndrew Wood, a former British ambassador there. Their subject is the relationship betweenRussia and the West, still neurotic and plagued with misunderstandings 20 years after theSoviet collapse. Why do so many Russians feel threatened, betrayed and disappointed bythe West? Some there see it as a flawed paradigm of human rights, free elections and therule of law. Others find it a self-righteous bully.
Ms Shevtsova politely bemoans a failure of imagination in the West. Too comfortable withthe old bipolar world, it splurged cash when it should have imposed conditions, was stingywhen it should have been generous and naive when it should have been tough. Tolerancefor Boris Yeltsin s faults opened the way for the rigged elections and crony capitalism ofVladimir Putin s ex-KGB regime. Her interlocutor s realism is an excellent foil for thisidealistic approach. European and American leaders, he argues, were stumbling about inthe dark. For all their faults, it would have been unrealistic to expect much more of them.Mr Yeltsin s rule did not inevitably presage Mr Putin s.
谢夫索娃对西方的 失败的想象力稍感惋惜。安逸于过去的两极世界,在应该强加条件的时候挥霍现金,在应该大方的时候吝啬,在应该严厉的时候幼稚。对鲍里斯叶利钦所犯错误的容忍为作弊选举和裙带资本主义普京的前苏联国家安全委员会政权打开了道路。她的谈话者的现实主义是这种现实方法的陪衬。他认为,欧美领导人 正在黑暗中跌倒。鉴于他们所有的过错,再指望他们是不现实的。叶利钦的统治不见得就预示着普京的统治。
New failures come in for scrutiny too. America in 2009 reset relations with the regime inRussia, bringing some gains but sacrificing Western moral credibility.They rightly decry the unhealthily close ties of some European politicians to theircounterparts in Russia.
The debate coins useful and vivid terms. Ms Shevtsova s description of the imitationpartnership between Russia and the West is acute. So is Sir Andrew s description of theWest as a simultaneous magnet, threat and rebuke to Russia. He recasts the West smessage to Russian oligarchs wanting to immigrate: give me your rich, your sated, yearningto breathe safe. A sharp insight concerns asymmetry. Russian leaders obsessively searchfor slights, weaknesses and plots in the world outside. Traffic the other way is scant. MsShevtsova notes how few Russians realise that the world is fed up with our problems.
Both see bleak views ahead. Ms Shevtsova believes that the elite s misrule is demoralisingsociety and could bring Russia down in flames Sir Andrew says that the smell of danger isin the air. Their joint conclusion likens Russia to a theatre: the play is over but the actorswill not leave the stage and keep trying to win attention for what has become a plotlessrigmarole; the audience feels trapped, bored and frustrated.
Reading the book is like being an eavesdropper as two companions take a long countrywalk. They chew over great mutual concerns, sometimes with gentle teasing, mostlyhelping each other over intellectual obstacles, pondering the way ahead and the lessons ofthe path already taken. The effect is intimate but a touch claustrophobic. One begins tohunger for some other views, even if less elegantly and sympathetically expressed.
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