Japans consumption tax
THE Japanese are among the worlds most reluctant taxpayers. They reserve their deepestloathing for value-added tax . That may be because one of the inventors of VAT, CarlShoup, an American economist, used them as guinea pigs for his new levy during theoccupation after the second world war. Japan soon scrapped VAT, reintroducing aconsumption tax only in 1989. This quickly became as hated as its foreign-imposedforerunner.
日本人是世界上最不情愿的纳税人之一。他们对增值税恨之入骨。可能是因为增值税的发明者之一,美国经济学家Carl Shoup在二战之后用他们作为其新税收类型的小白鼠。日本很快废除了增值税,直到1989年重新引入了一种消费税。很快人们也烦透了这一税收。
The gaijin are watching again as Japan struggles to raise the consumption tax for only thesecond time since its introduction. The IMF, the OECD and local institutions all reckon a series of rises is the only way for Japan tocontrol its gross public debt, approaching 250% of GDP.
The Democratic Party of Japan, which won legislative backing for the hike last year, arguedthat without it Japan could soon go the way of Greece. Financial markets have counted onthe tax rise going ahead despite a change of government since then. This week theauthorities surprised them by saying they would set up a panel to examine whether toproceed as planned.
The plan is to lift the levy from 5% to 8% next April and to 10% in 2015. That would bite justas Abenomics, a popular three-part plan to reflate the economy, designed by Shinzo Abe,the prime minister, is taking off. The first two stages, a radical monetary loosening by theBank of Japan and a generous fiscal stimulus, were aimed at jolting consumers out oftheir deflationary mindset and inspiring firms to invest. But so far it is mainly the urbanwealthy and big firms that are benefiting. A consumption-tax increase, on the other hand,would immediately lighten all pockets.
The fear is that a rise in revenues from the tax could be far outweighed by years of lostgrowth if consumers take fright. The only other consumption-tax rise, of 2% in 1997, wasblamed for consigning Japan to a second lost decade, though this coincided with other eventssuch as the Asian financial crisis. Without counting broader knock-on effects, says RobertFeldman of Morgan Stanley, the 3% rise scheduled for 2014 would reduce GDP by over 1%.
最大的隐患是如若消费者产生恐慌心理,税收的收益会远低于经济增长放缓的损失。唯一的一次消费税增税出现在1997年,增加了2%,被指责使日本陷入了二次衰退。尽管这次衰退还有这其他诸如亚洲金融危机等的原因。摩根斯坦利的Robert Feldman表示,不算其带来的连锁效应,2014年增税3%会使GDP减少至少1%。
An alternative could be to lift the tax more gradually. Koichi Hamada, an economist at YaleUniversity who helped to design Abenomics, has said that the levy could be raised inincrements of 1% over five years. Mr Abes panel will study this option, among others. Aslong as the tax is raised significantly in some way, says Naka Matsuzawa at NomuraSecurities, the bond market would probably stay calm.
另一种方法是更循序渐进的增税。耶鲁大学的经济学家Koichi Hamada参与设计了安倍经济计划。他表示增税可以在未来的五年增加1%。安倍先生的团队会研究这一策略。野村证券的Naka Matsuzawa认为,如果增税,债券市场可能会保持冷静。
Ditching the tax increase entirely remains unthinkable. Recent economic indicators, such asstrong real annualised GDP growth of 4.1% in the first quarter, as well as a slightlyimproved jobs market, leave Mr Abe with little excuse but to go ahead. The BoJ this weekadded its voice to those pushing for a rise. And taxpayers may be more accepting than thepoliticians think. An unscientific straw poll by The Economist found that seven out of tenshoppers in Ginza, a high-end shopping district, were ready for a tax increase, as narrowlypreferable to a debt crisis.
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