1. 学校场景涉及词汇
大一新生 : freshman
大二学生 : sophomore
大三学生 : junior
大四学生 : seniors,
Children. the sick,
The disabled ,
Pregnant women
Extra curricular activities
Extra curricular activities
校长 :president
院长 : dean /bean
教授 : professor
讲师 : lecturer
学士: bachelor degree
Stripper wedding list
硕士 : Master
博士 : Doctor ph.D
选修课 select/optional course 必修课
白天的课 day 晚上的课 evening
数学 mathematics B.Science B.A. Arts Engineering
化学 Chemistry reaction 72
Have a crash on
文学 :Literature
心理学: psycho freak
建筑学 :architecture
考试: exam,test, quiz
期末考试final- mid-term ----semester
补考 : make up test
随堂考: pop test
私立学校 :
教会学校: religious /church
借书 : borrow/lend
Rent/ lease,let
参考书 : reference book
过期: overdue study room/
作业:assignment. Presentation
Hard cover n.v,
1讲座:难理解:-----------,-----------------,-------------------- T1.3 p1 p83
1 A: It was a lecture but easy to understand.
B: It was as difficult as she had expected.
C: It was not as easy as she had thought.
D: It was interesting and easy to follow.
2A: The professors presentation was not convincing enoughT12.3P31 p106
B: The professors lecture notes were too complicated.
C: The professor spoke with a strong accent
D: The professor spoke too fast.
Hot hot job what
Class glass grass
Morning -
Idea famous
2选修课:难.选多了 T12 10 p32 p107
A: its not as hard as expected.
B: Its too tough for some students.
C: Its much more difficult than people think.
D: Its believed to be the hardest optional course.
Even worse bad/ill
3作业:难即便完成了也需revise,polish,improve, rewrite
4考试:fail 挂了。T11 9 P29. P106
Said than done
Say says
A:The exam was easier than the previous one.
B: Joe is sure that he will do better in the next exam,.
C:Joe probably failed in the exam.
D: The oral part of the exam was easier than the written part.
5误课sick/over sleep/miss the bus T 7 ,3 p17 p96
A: She will help the man to catch up.
B: She is worried about the mans health.
C: She has bought the man an up to date map. Latest
D: She has bought the man a pair of glasses today.
上一篇: 考试听力备考资料常用美国习语1
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