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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 17 Children

  Children from all around the world are basically the same.世界各地的儿童基本上是一样的。

  Their needs are similar wherever they live.无论在哪里,他们的需求是相似的。

  Of course they need food, parents and love.当然,他们需要食物、父母和关爱。

  However, as children grow older, their needs may differ according to their culture.然而长大之后,他们的需求会因为文化不同而有所差别。

  In some countries, children go to school from the age of three.在某些国家,儿童三岁上学。

  In other cultures, children may never go to school at all.在一些文化国度里,孩子们也许永远都不去上学。

  When they are babies, they all eat or drink milk.婴儿时期,他们都吃奶或喝奶。

  When they are older, their food becomes the same as their parents.长大后,他们的食物就和父母相同。

  This naturally is different in different parts of the world.这自然而然地随居住区的不同而有差异。

  In the west, children learn to use knives and forks and spoons.西方国家的孩子们学习使用刀、叉和勺子。

  In the east, they use chopsticks and spoons.在东方国家,他们则使用筷子和勺子。

  Children will leave school and start work at different ages.孩子们离开学校开始工作的年龄因人而异。

  Their education will depend on many things including cultural background.他们的教育取决于许多因素,包括文化背景等。

  It does not matter if they are from east or west, most people think children are beautiful.无论东方或西方,大多数人都认为儿童是美好的。

  It is a shame it changes as they get older.遗憾的是长大后,事情就变了。



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