小学二年级英语课文 Lesson 4-查字典英语网
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小学二年级英语课文 Lesson 4

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

小学二年级英语课文 Lesson 4

  Listen, point and find clock.

  The film is at 8 oclock, sam.

  Hooray! I like films.

  Whats the time?

  Its 2 oclock.

  Whats the time, grandpa?

  Its 4 oclock.

  Dad. Is it 8 oclock?

  No, it isnt. its 6 oclock.

  Lets play, sam.

  Ok. Lets run. Im a train.

  Sam. Sam! Its 8 oclock. The film!

  Im tired.

  Listen and say.

  Whats the time?

  Its 2 oclock.

  Is it 8 oclock?

  No, it isnt.

  Listen and repeat.

  Whats the time, mum?

  Its 5 oclock.

  Im hungry!

  Dinner time is 6 oclock.

  Its 6 oclock now! Im very hungry!

  All right. Heres dinner!


  Listen and point.

  Listen and say. Then chant.

  G Is for girl.

  H Is for head.

  I Is for ice

  On your head.

  Listen, repeat and trace the letters.


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢