37In most societies, competition generally has more of a negative than a positive effect.
119When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many peoples lives will be improved if the results are successful?
1 能够解决目前最urgent,immediate, predicable的社会问题的学科理所当然的应给于优先权a high priority:如通信,经济,法律,环境等。因此那些研究人和相应的消费者会受益会受益的是大多数人。
For example, biotechnology research is proven to help cure and prevent diseases; advances in medical technology allow for safer, less invasive diagnosis and treatment; advances in genetics help prevent birth defects; advances in engineering and chemistry improve the structural integrity of our buildings, roads, bridges, and vehicles; information technology enables education; and communication technology facilitates global peace and participation in the democratic process.
2 是否会带来利益不应该成为衡量给于优先权的标准。如果if we strictly follow the speakers suggestion, who would decide which areas of research are more worthwhile than others?一些看起来没用的学科长期来看会有用,不能因为短期带来的利益少就放弃。如philosophy,mathematics,archeology等。更不能看着表面的利益强迫人们从事该方面的研究。to compel all researchers to focus only on certain areas would be to force many to waste their true talents.
3 在研究成果没出来之前,很难说哪些是会带来利益的。因此,在保障了最迫切urgent:我们要平衡发展,对于已经很兴旺的学科,无须再。。。可能会超出饱和,供大于求;而现在默默无闻的边缘学科需要给予扶持
94Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the students field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.
1 掌握多专业的优点,必要性:社会需要,通才受欢迎,对自己未来有益
2 就近来看,多范围学习也是有意义的:缓解压力,拓宽视野,交朋友
3 多范围学习也会带来相应的害处,如果不加节制自己
95People work more productively in teams than individually. Teamwork requires cooperation, which motivates people much more than individual competition does.
25Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite directionin other words, to make things as simple as possible.
1 事情确实是越变越复杂了。原因:全球化、通信工具都使得人们之间的距离拉近,要解决一个问题要牵扯到很多人。现状:政府机构越来越庞杂、学科分类越来越多。
2 人们正在努力把事情变得简单:简化复杂的事情。A 一部分工作由电脑取代,如复杂的计算、存储和数据分析。B 对工作进行分类,每个人只做一部分,专攻。
9月4日,微软亚洲研究院院长,沈向洋在HUST的讲座中指出, KISS原则:Keep It Simple and Stupid .这是计算机应用科学的初衷.
3 把事情简单化从表面来说容易,实际很难,需要对整个事情有通盘的考虑,并能分清主次。have profound understanding of the whole matter, to discriminate between essence and peripherals。
170The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but the general welfare of all its people.
1 首先,全民福利的确是象征国家富强的强有力标志。只有当一个国家的政府解决了他的国民的基本问题,达到小康:生存,温饱了,不害怕外族人入侵,自己的自由,并且高生活标准,这个国家才被认为是个好国家。相反,如果一个国家不能像那样保证人们有健康正常的生活,无论在政治科学艺术上多么强大,也不行。如:前苏联。
2 同时,我们也不能忽视政治艺术科学的影响,他们的确为福利做出了贡献。
政治家:引导我们走向正确的道路 Czar Peter
3 所以一个真正富强的国家是需要同时具备那两方面的,如 Tang Dynasty
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