GRE Issue高频提纲之政治类(四)-查字典英语网
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GRE Issue高频提纲之政治类(四)

发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  编辑点评: 提纲是作者构思谋篇的具体体现。便于作者有条理地安排材料、展开论证。提纲在GRE写作当中起到了至关重要的作用。小编为大家整理了政治类的GRE Issue高频提纲,供大家参考。

  180. Many problems of modern society cannot be solved by laws and the legal system because moral behavior cannot be legislated.

  4. 政治与道德

  169. Those who treat politics and morality as though they were separate realms fail to understand either the one or the other.

  43. To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.

  a) 领导人的使命决定了更重要的不是道德,而是他们的领导能力,协调能力,处理危机的能力,道德上有点问题不妨碍他们成为有效的领导人。public official s primary duty is to expand the wealth, prosperity and influence of the community, not to be a moral leader who is ought to care only about the morality of people// Clinton s sex scandal the marital discretions of President Kennedy

  b) 作为public official,拥有一定的道德素质有利于树立威信,比如Martin Luther King和Gandhi防止权利腐败。

  c) 过多的道德要求会影响他们做出最有利于community的决策./杜鲁门Truman广岛长崎投原子弹,挽救了多少美国士兵的生命,提前结束了战争。

  5. 领导者本身素质:

  24. People in positions of power are most effective when they exercise caution and restraint in the use of that power.

  152. The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies.

  a) 为公司赚钱的确是corporate executives的responsibility之一,因为一个要发展下去是离不开钱的 但是赚钱不是唯一responsibility, 对企业自身来说,give employees motives, 给员工提供良好的工作环境,为员工塑造融洽的人际关系氛围,给予员工发展和成长的机会。【这里引用赫茨伯格的双因素激励理论】对与社会来说,一个公司属于社会的一部分,所以除了赚钱,corporate executives 还有责任回报社会,做一些慈善事业【charity undertaking】取之于民,用之于民。这样不仅可以树立公司良好的社会形象,还可以帮助需要帮助的人。而且也体现社会对弱势群体的关注。

  c) 企业使用了一部分社会资源,如:污染、有限的能源、人力资本,有责任为社会承担责任。如:帮助治理污染、开发先进的节能设备。



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