security 安全 reassuring 安心可靠的 safe 安全 reliable 可靠的 salutary 有意的 useful 有用的 tranquil 安静的,稳定的 antidote 解毒剂 insurance 保险
vulnerability 易受攻击性 breach 破坏 frail 脆弱的 insecurity 不安全 phobia 恐惧症 trepidation 恐惧 fear of 恐怖的 trepidation 惊恐 side effect 副作用 injury 伤害 deterrent 威慑 uncertainty 不确定的 adversity 不幸,灾难 danger 危险的 risk 风险 deleterious 有害的
in order 有序 tidy 整齐清晰 clear 清晰 thorough 连贯 consistent 一致 clear-cut 明确的 orderliness 有序 contrive 设计 coherence 连贯性
random 随机 by chance 随机 vary 多变的 confuse 混乱 randomness 无序状态 chaos 混乱无序 accident 意外 happening 意料之外的
procurement 采购,获得 enclosure 围住,私有化 proprietary 所有权 profitable 有利益可图的 possess 占有
divest 放弃 forfeit 丧失 retire from 退出 abandon 抛弃 lack of 缺少 elimination 消除 sacrifice 牺牲 scarce 缺乏的 nonexistent 不存在
Exhaustion: extreme weariness Exhaustive: covering all possibilities
Exonerate: 证明无罪 Exorable:可说服的,心软的
Fortuitous: accidental Fortitude: strength
Forfeit: 丧失 Surfeit:饮食过度
Fomentation:煽动,助长 Fermentation:发酵
Flounder: proceed clumsily Founder: collapse
Fractious: 易怒的,好争吵的, hard to handle or control Fractional:部分的,碎片的 Factious: 有派性的 Factitious:人为的,不真实的 Facetious:轻浮的
Fetid: having an offensive smell stinking Fetish: 神物
Fantasy: imaginative fiction Fascinate: be irresistibly attractive
Flush: to pour liquid over or through Fluster: upset
Gouge: 半圆凿,敲竹杠 Gauche:笨拙的,不会社交的 Gauge:标准尺寸
Gravel:碎石 Grovel:摇尾乞怜的 Gavel:a mallet used for commanding attention Grove: a small wood
Grate: to grind or rub against with a rasping noise Grateful thankful; pleasing Gratify: to afford pleasure to Gratis: without charge or recompense Gratuitous: free charge; unwarranted Gratitude: thankfulness
Gamble: 赌博,投机 Gable:山墙 Gambol:跳跃,嬉戏 Gobble: to swallow or eat greedily
Gall: vex, harass Gulled: deceive Guile: duplicity Guilt: 罪
Gloss:光泽 Gross:总的,粗野的,整体的
Hypnosis; 催眠术 Hypothesis:假说
Histrionics:演戏 Histology:组织学
Homely:长相一般的 Homily:a lecture of a moral theme
Hypercritical :meticulously or excessively critical Hypocritical :not sincerely
Halo:光圈 Hale: health, sound ,free from defect, disease
Incision: a cut Incite: start up, stir up
Impassioned:感激的,慷慨激昂的 Impassive:不为所动的
Imminence:急迫的 Eminence;卓越的
Ingrate:忘恩负义的 Ingratiate:逢迎,讨好
Insurrection:造反,叛乱 Resurrection:复活
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