1. Cats hide their claws.
2. The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream.
3. The cat did it.
4. When the cats away, the mice will play.
猫是老鼠的天敌。没有猫,老鼠就会肆意妄为。在中世纪的欧洲,基督教徒曾认定猫是魔鬼附身的动物,数以万计的猫因此被处死。不料,猫的厄运招致老鼠的猖獗。很快,鼠害成灾,黑死病一波接一波的横扫欧洲大陆。这段惨痛的历史教训充分证明狸猫不在,老鼠闹债When the cats away, the mice will play.
类似谚语也出现在其他欧洲语言中。在法国,人们说只要猫上了房,老鼠就在地上忙When the cat runs on the roofs, the mice dance on the floors.
德国人则说家里没了猫,老鼠伸懒腰Cat outside the house, response for the mouse.
5. A cat may look at a king.
猫也可以傲视国王,意思是,既然猫都可以傲视国王,那么人人平等更是理所当然,小小老百姓也应该有说话的权利。这一成语来源于德国。据说16世纪巴伐利亚国王马克西米利安一世曾造访一家木雕作坊。作坊主的猫一直懒洋洋地卧在桌上看着这个国王,脸上满是猜疑的神情。这只猫能肯定想不到,一句谚语会因它而生猫也能傲视皇帝(Darf doch die Katze den Kaiser ansehen. Even a cat may look at an Emperor.)。到了法国,这句话成了狗也能傲视主教(Un chien regarde bien un eveque. Even a dog may look at a bishop.)
6. A cat has nine lives.
英语国家的人相信,猫这种动物命大,福大,造化大。2001年,美洲动物医疗协会杂志刊登过一份研究报告,研究人员调查了132起猫从高空坠地的事件,坠地的平均高度是六层楼,结果百分之九十的猫坠地后都存活下来了。它们在空中灵活地翻转身体,四肢着地,爪子上的肉垫大大缓解了坠地时的冲力。古人对此肯定也有所了解,认为猫有九条命(A cat has nine lives.)。下面这段故事讲一条名叫船长的小猎狗如何命大,就以猫有九条命做对照:
Mischief was Captains middle name. One time, I remember he decided to take a look at the roof of the conservatory. Portly little Captain found his way out on to the roof much to Mr Woolleys dismay. He then followed in the Captains foot-step, or should I say paw prints, in order to rescue his poor hound. Unfortunately Mr Woolley slipped and spent the next a few days unconscious in hospital. But Captain was fine. Talk about a cats nine lives!
7. Hes like a cat; fling him which way you will. Hell light on his legs.
猫之所以摔不死,是因为它们高超的着地本领。过去形容一个人大难不死或逢凶化吉,就说他像一只猫,不管怎么扔,都会以腿着地(Hes like a cat; fling him which way you will. Hell light on h his legs.)。
8. There are more ways of killing a cat than by choking it with cream.
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