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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  ( )1. --Which would you like, a cup of tea or a glass of milk?

  --- ______. I think Ill just have a glass of water.

  A. Both B. Neither C. None D. Either

  ( )2. Ive never seen ______ match before.

  A. such an exciting B. so an exciting C. such an excited D. so an excited

  ( )3. We usually _____ hello to each other.

  A. tell B. talk C. speak D. say

  ( )4. She did the exercise again. She forgot _____ it.

  A. to do B. doing C. do D. did

  ( )5. There _____ a great number of students over there. The number of the students ____ five thousand..

  A. are, is B. are, are C. is, are D. is, is

  ( )6. I think he must be in the office now, ______?

  A. dont I B. mustnt he C. isnt he D. cant he

  ( )7. --- How many people were there at the meeting? ----_______.

  A. Nobody B. No one C. None D. Nothing

  ( )8. I _____ the mouse for 18 yuan in the supermarket.

  A. paid B. bought C. cost D. spent

  ( )9. _____ of us felt very tired but quite happy after _____ sports meeting.

  A. Everyone, a two days B. Every one, the two days

  C. Every one, the two-day D. None, a two-day

  ( )10. --- Will you please _____ your radio a little? I can hardly go to sleep.

  --- Oh, sorry.

  A. turn off B. turn on C. turn down D. turn up

  ( )11. Ill spend as much time as I can _____ after the flowers in the garden.

  A. look B. to look C. looking D. looked

  ( )12. Its _______ that we will never forget.

  A. such a nice city B. a such nice city C. a so nice city D. so a nice city

  ( )13. Im afraid Ill spend _____ two hours on the problem.

  A. other B. more C. another D. else

  ( )14. There used to be a house_____ on the top of the mountain.

  A. standing B. stands C. stood D. stand

  ( )15.Can you remember this park? We _____ here.Sure. But now I ______ in A. are used to take a walk, am used to swim

  B. are used to taking a walk, am used to swimming

  C. used to take a walk, used to swim

  D. used to take a walk, am used to swimming

  ( )16.Girls like to ________ themselves in modern dresses.

   A. dress     B. make    C. put on     D. wear

  ( )17. Will you please tell John to come to my office?-- _____.

   A. Yes, I do B. Ill be glad C. Thank you D. Ill be glad to

  ( )18. Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick?-- John _____.

   A. cleaned B. does C. did D. is

  ( )19. Which sweater do you prefer, the yellow one or the pink one?

   -- ____. I like a light blue one.

   A. Eith

  er B. Both C. Any D. Neither

  ( )20. The doctor worked for ___ after twelve oclock.

  A. two more hours B. two another hour C. more two hours D. another two hour

  ( )21. Who is the man over there? Is it Mr Li? -- No, it ___ be him. Mr Li is much taller.

  A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt

  ( )22 Your dress is very beautiful, Mary. -- ____.

  A. Not at all B. Just so-so. C. No, it isnt. D. Thank you

  ( )23. We_____ spend too much time in watching TV.

  .A. told dont B. told not to .C. were told not to D. were told to not

  ( )24. He said he ___ never seen _____ an exciting football match before.

  .A. has, so B. has, such .C. had, so . D. had, such

  ( )25. We study five days week and on Sundays we often play ____football.

  A. a; the B. 不填; a .C. an; a .D. a; 不填

  ( )26.____John ____Jack may go with you because one of them must stay at home. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and .C. Either; or .D. Not only; but also

  ( )27. He told me that he here for five minutes.

  .A. has come  B. had arrived .C. had been .  D. came

  ( )28. -_____ are the Olympic Games held? .-Every four years..

  A. How often B.When C.How soon D. How long

  ( )29. You wont pass the exam you study hard.

  . A. if B. when .C. after D. unless

  ( )30. -Could I use your bike? .-Yes, of course you _____.

  . A. can B. could C. must D. will


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