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发布时间:2016-02-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1 我确信幸福取决于许多不同的因素。

  参考答案:1 I am fully convinced that happiness depends on many different factors.

  2 众所周知,竞争和合作是当代社会的一个热点话题。

  参考答案:2 It is well-known that competition and cooperation is a hot topic in modern society.

  3 我确信国际旅游业带来更多的好处。

  参考答案:3 I am fully convinced that international tourism brings about more benefits.

  4 那些在外国学习的孩子将会有机会去体验一种完全不同的文化。

  参考答案:4 Those children who study abroad will be blessed with an opportunity to experience a totally different culture.

  5 通过互联网,学生可以学到很多有用和启发性的知识。

  参考答案:5 Through the Internet, students can acquire a great deal of knowledge which/that is useful and thought-provoking.

  6 网络是一种有效的拓展孩子知识面的工具。

  参考答案:6 The Internet is a tool which/that can expand childrens horizon of knowledge.

  7 那些被父母鼓励去从事兼职工作的孩子会拥有更多的自信。

  参考答案:7 Those children whom parents encourage to take part-time jobs will possess more confidence.

  8 那些国际力量薄弱的国家将在国际事务中没有发言权。

  参考答案:8 Those nations whose national defense is weak will have no right to speak in the international affairs.

  9 我想列出的第一点好处发展旅游业将会促进经济的发展。

  参考答案:9 The first advantage I want to present is that to develop international tourism will enhance the economic development.

  10 互联网的快速发展使得我们享受更好的生活成为一种可能。

  参考答案:10 The eye-dazzling development of the Internet has made it possible for people to enjoy a better life.

  11 英语作为一门全球化的语言使得语言的多样化发展成为一种不可能。

  参考答案:11 English as a global language has made it impossible for the cultural diversity to develop.

  12 因此,我们今天所做到的一切应该是停止无谓的炫耀。

  参考答案:12 Thus, what we should do today is to stop showing off.

  13 为了解决这个问题我们必须采取切实有效的措施。

  参考答案:13 To solve this problem, we should adopt feasible solutions.

  14 可以毫不夸张地说互联网已经彻底改变了我们工作学习和娱乐的方式。

  参考答案:14 It is no overstatement to say that Internet has revolutionized the way we live, work, study and play.

  15 更确切的说我们离开广告就不行。

  参考答案:15 To be exact, we can never do without advertisements.

  16 很明显学校和老师的作用无法被取代。

  参考答案:16 To be clear, the role of teachers and schools cannot be replaced.

  17 总之,我支持后者。

  参考答案:17 To summarize , I take the side with the latter.

  18 更糟糕的是,由于缺乏经验,许多青少年无法明辨是非。

  参考答案:18 To make matters worse, due to their inexperience, youngsters cannot tell right from wrong.

  19 把所有的因素都加以考虑的话,我们可以得出如下的结论:前者很明显更具有说服力。

  参考答案:19 Taking all factors into account, we can draw a conclusion that the former carries more weight.

  20 从教育学的角度而言,孩子在上学期间做兼职工作将会浪费许多宝贵的时间。

  参考答案:20 Educationally speaking, taking part-time jobs during the schooling may waste students precious studying time.

  21 自己学习,孩子可以培养克服困难的勇气和独立思考的能力

  参考答案:21 Studying alone, children can cultivate their courage to overcome difficulties and the ability to think independently.

  22 我们现在已经进入一个信息爆炸的时代,每天我们都得面对各种各样的广告。

  参考答案:22 Having entered an information-explosion epoch , we are exposed to various advertisements per day.

  23 与书本相比,互联网具有许多明显的好处比如说高速,高效,易于操作等等。

  参考答案:23 Compared with books, the Internet enjoys many obvious advantages such as high speed, great efficiency, easy accessibility , to name just a few.

  24 和自学相比,老师和学生之间会有一种面对面的交流因此会更加的生动,互动,有效。

  参考答案:24 Compared with studying alone, there is a face-to-face communication between teachers and students, so it is more vivid, interactive and efficient.

  25 一谈到电视,许多人认为其是祸而非福。

  参考答案:25 Speaking of TV, many people think it is a curse rather than a blessing.

  26 那些学习国际资讯课程的学生通常会拥有更加敏锐的观察力。

  参考答案:26 Students studying international news often have keen insight.

  27 简而言之,人们对于幸福的定义不同。

  参考答案:27 Simply put, people have different definitions of happiness .

  28 综上所述,我们可以清楚地看出看电视将会对孩子产生深远的影响。

  参考答案:28 We can see clearly that watching television will exert a far-reaching impact on children.

  29 该问题是如此严重,因此我们别无选择不得不采取一些切实有效的措施。

  参考答案:29 So serious is this problem that we have no alternative but to take some effective measures to solve this problem.

  30 万事开头难。

  参考答案:30 It is first step that costs most.



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