Has your teacher ever tried to explain something, perhaps a math problem, and the class did not seem to understandshe would then go to the blackboard and say, Let me show you an example. As she drew a picture, or worked out a numbers problem, you were able to see that example and know what to do.If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, did you know God wants YOU to be an example?
在课堂里, 老师在讲解一道题, 讲了半天, 大家还是不明白。最后, 老师说, 我举个例子罢。老师就举个例题, 这下, 大家就明白了。如果你已经接受主耶稣成为你的救主, 神也愿意你成为大家的榜样。
I Timothy 4:12 says, ? be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.How many ways are we to be an example?Lets count themsix! The Apostle Paul was an older man writing to young Timothy that he was to be a good example to others who believed in Jesus. Even though you are young, boys and girls, you are an example, either a good one or a bad one! Remember someone is always watching your life!
提摩太前书4章12节说:不可叫人小看你年轻, 总要在言语, 行为, 爱心, 信心, 清洁上, 都作信徒的榜样。 在哪几点上成为榜样呢?数一数, 一共有六点。在这里神的使徒保罗写信给年轻的提摩太, 让他成为其他基督徒的榜样。小朋友们, 虽然你的年纪不大, 但你可能成为一个好榜样, 也可能成为一个坏榜样。记住,神和人都在看著你!
If you have believed on the Lord Jesus, you should be a good example of the Lord Jesus. Can people see that Jesus has made a difference in your life?Are you watching your words?Would they be right and good words for younger children to be saying?What about your actions, do they show unselfishness and love, honesty and diligence?And what about your heart attitudes?Could others say you are a good example of faith and purity?Faith means to believe and obey God, and purity means you have a clean life on the inside, like our Lord Jesus. Keep checking up on those areas of your life, so you can continually improve your example to other believers!
如果你已经接受主耶稣成为你的救主, 你就应该活出耶稣的生命来。让人看到耶稣已经改变了你的生命。你有没有注意你的话语, 是不是不应该在比你小的孩子面前这样说话, 因为他们都来学你。你的行为呢?有没有显出你的无私, 爱心, 诚实和勤勤恳恳。你的心态呢?有没有让你成为信心和敬虔的榜样呢?信心就是相信并听神的话。敬虔就是你的内心的生活是纯洁的, 就象我们的主耶稣一样。你要小心地留意这几个方面, 好让你成为众人的榜样。
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, you must realize you can never be an example of something you know nothing about. But Jesus wants you to know Him, for He is the only One Who can save you from sin. Go now to ?How to Be a Child of God.
如果你还没有接受耶稣做你的救主, 你就不能为大家做榜样, 做表率。但耶稣愿意你来认识他, 只有他才能把你从罪中拯救出来。要想认识耶稣, 你现在就可以去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 并照着那里所说的去做。
Lets say that verse one more time. I Timothy 4:12: be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
Why not learn this old hymn from Mr. B. B. McKinney to help you remember to live for Jesus!While passing through this world of sin, And others your life shall view, Be clean and pure without, within, Let others see Jesus in you.Let others see Jesus in you, Let others see Jesus in you.Keep telling the story, be faithful and true, Let others see Jesus in you.
让我们再说一遍今天的圣经经节:提摩太前书4章12节说:不可叫人小看你年轻, 总要在言语, 行为, 爱心, 信心, 清洁上, 都作信徒的榜样。
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