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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  The Fashionable Crow 时髦的乌鸦

  Today, God is going to pick the prettiest bird among all the birds. All of the birds gathered around to talk about the party. They are all very excited.

  Sparrow: There will be a big party at the palace tonight. All birds are invited. God will pick the prettiest bird.

  Duck: This will be so exciting.

  Sparrow: I wonder who will be picked.

  Duck: Who knows? It can be any bird.

  Peacock: I know it will be me. I will be picked for sure. My tail is the prettiest

  Swan: Your tail may be pretty, but I am more graceful.

  Crane: But wait. My beak is the longest.

  Sparrow: Lets not fight. We have to get ready for the party.

  Duck: Youre right. We dont have much time.

  Peacock: Lets take a bath in the pond.

  Swan: Thats a great idea.

  The sparrow, the Duck, the Peacock, the Swan, and the Crane are going to the pond. On the way, they meet the Crow.

  Crow: Where are you going?

  Sparrow: We are going to the pond to take a bath.

  Duck: There is a big party at the palace tonight.

  Peacock: God is going to pick the prettiest bird. I will be picked for sure.

  Crow: Really?!

  Swan: All of the birds are invited. Didnt you know?

  Crow: No one told me.

  Peacock: God is picking the prettiest bird. You have no chance. So why dont you just stay home?

  Crow: I dont want to stay home. I want to go to the party..

  Crane: Look at yourself.

  Peacock: You are too ugly.

  Duck: You are too black.

  Swan: You are too dirty.

  Crow: But I still want to go. Im going to jump into the pond first. Im going to take a bath.

  Peacock: No! No! Wait!! You cant bathe before us.

  Crow: Why not? I should also bathe for the party.

  Crane: You are too dirty. You will make the water dirty.

  Swan: Please, bathe after us. I dont want to get dirty because of you.

  Peacock: Thats right. You are too black and dirty. Bathe after us.

  Duck: Yes. If you bathe first, the water will get dirty.

  Sparrow: Thats right. Bathe after us.

  All of the birds go into the pond. They start washing their feathers. The Crow watches them and talks to himself.

  Crow: Why am I so ugly? Why am I so black? Why am I so dirty?

  The birds finish bathing and all go home go get ready for the party. The Crow watches them leave.

  Crow: Miss Peacocks tail is so beautiful. Mrs. Swan is so graceful. Mr. Crane is so tall. They are all pretty. I wish I werent a crow.

  The Crow goes into the pond to bathe after them.

  Crow: The water is so dirty. But perhaps if I wash long enough, I will become white.

  The Crow bathes for two hours, but he is still black.

  Crow: I am still black and ugly.

  Just then he sees the fallen feathers. The Crow comes up with an idea.

  Crow: Look at all these fallen feathers. There are yellow, red, green, and blue feathers everywhere. They are beautiful. Ah ha! I have an idea. Ill cover myself with all these feathers. Then, I will be the most beautiful bird.

  The Crow puts on the fallen feathers. He turns into a colorful bird and looks into the pond.

  Crow: I am so beautiful. Everyone will be surprised. No one will know its me. I cant wait to go to the party.

  Its night time and all of the birds are gathered at the palace. The Crow has not arrived yet.

  Duck: Everyone be quiet. God is coming down.

  God comes down the stairs.

  God: Are all the birds here?

  Sparrow:Yes. All the pretty birds are here.

  Just then, the Crow with the colorful feathers arrives at the party.

  God: What is the name of that bird? It is so fashionable.

  Sparrow: I dont know, God. I have never seen such a bird before.

  Duck: It is very beautiful.

  God: Now, I have picked the prettiest bird.

  Peacock: Its me. Ha, ha, ha.

  God: The prettiest bird is The one with the colorful feathers! Congratulations!

  Crow: Thank you, God. I am so happy.

  God shakes the Crows hand and puts a big crown on his head. All of the other birds are

  jealous. They whisper among themselves.

  Peacock: Who is that bird? Does anyone know?

  Swan: I have no idea.

  Crane: He must be new here.

  God asks the Crow a few questions.

  God: Your feathers are very pretty.

  Crow: Oh, thank you.

  God: What is your name?

  Crow: Uh? My name is

  The Crow hesitates to say his name. then a feather falls out.

  Peacock: Hey! That is my feather!

  Swan: Look! He has my feather, too!

  Duck: Thats my feather over there!

  Sparrow: He is wearing my feather, too!

  Crane: Thats mine.!

  All of the birds gather around the Crow and start picking their feathers off the Crow.

  All the birds: Give us back our feathers at once! Give them back right now!

  Crow: No! no! No! Please STOP! They are mine! Dont take away my feathers!

  All of the birds pick their feathers off the Crow. The colorful Crow now turns into a black Crow.

  Sparrow: Look! Its the Crow!

  Peacock: My goodness!

  Duck: He tricked everyone!

  The Crow is so ashamed and sad.

  Crow: Im sorry. I didnt mean to trick anyone. I just wanted to be pretty like all of you.


  Dont try to be someone else. Just be yourself.



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