Svetlana Alexievich, the recently announced recipient of this year’s Nobel Prize for Literatureand a prominent critic of Soviet and post-Soviet regimes, offered a bleak assessment of thepolitical situations in Russia and her native Belarus while addressing journalists in Berlin onSaturday.
刚刚获得今年诺贝尔文学奖的斯韦特兰娜·阿列克谢耶维奇(Svetlana Alexievich)是前苏联与前苏联政权著名的批评者,周六,她在柏林接受记者采访时,对俄罗斯与她的祖国白俄罗斯的政治局面发表了悲观的意见。
“Every four years, new European officials come to power and think they can solve theLukashenko problem without knowing that he is a man who is untrustworthy, Ms. Alexievichsaid. She spoke on the eve of a presidential election in Belarus in which President Aleksandr G.Lukashenko, often referred to as Europe’s last dictator, is widely expected to win a fifth term.
“每过四年,新上任的欧盟官员都认为他们能够解决卢卡申科的问题,殊不知他根本就不是个值得信赖的人,阿列克谢耶维奇说,周六正值白俄罗斯总统选举前夕,现任总统亚历山大·格里戈里耶维奇·卢卡申科(Aleksandr G. Lukashenko)很有可能连续当选第五个任期,他往往被视为欧洲的最后一个独裁者。
Ms. Alexievich described Sunday’s election as a rigged contest. “No one doubts thatLukashenko will win, she said. “To paraphrase Stalin, it’s unimportant who votes for whom;what matters is who counts the vote. I don’t think we can expect any surprises.
European officials have said the European Union is prepared to suspend sanctions against Mr.Lukashenko after he released the country’s last political prisoners this year. A decision isexpected before Oct. 31.
Ms. Alexievich, who was awarded the Nobel for her sweeping nonfiction works about events likethe Soviet-Afghan war and the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, also described Russia as a placewhere “one can no longer speak of democracy and “where ‘liberal’ is a dirty word.
“It isn’t about Putin, said Ms. Alexievich, 67, referring to the Russian president, Vladimir V.Putin. “It’s about the collective Putin. He has a huge approval rating, perhaps 80 percent.
“这不是关于普京,67岁的阿列克谢耶维奇说起俄罗斯总统符拉迪米尔·V. 普京(Vladimir V. Putin)。“这是关于群体对普京的支持。他拥有极高的支持率,大概在80%左右。
“I now understand what Hannah Arendt meant when she talked about ‘dark times.’ Russia isnow living in dark times, she added, referring to the German-born political philosopher whowrote about totalitarianism.
“我现在明白汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)所谓的‘黑暗时代’是什么了。俄罗斯现在就处于黑暗时代,她补充说道;汉娜·阿伦特是生于德国的政治哲学家,曾经写过关于集权主义的专著。
Because of her criticism of the government in Belarus, where press freedoms are underconstant threat, Ms. Alexievich spent a decade in exile in Italy, France and Sweden, amongother places. That time widened her horizons, she said, and helped her to “see the world incolor.
Yet for most of her life, Ms. Alexievich has lived in the Belarussian capital, Minsk. It is only bybeing there and speaking to people, she said, that she can express the realities of their lives. “How people actually live — you can’t find that on the computer, she said Saturday.
Since 1994, her books have not been published in Belarus.
Though she said she hoped that winning the Nobel Prize could mean expanded protection forher and other dissenting voices, Ms. Alexievich said she was less optimistic about whether theaward could make a larger difference in political terms.
“I’ve won a lot of international prizes, and that had no impact on our authorities, ourgovernment, she said.
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