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发布时间:2015-09-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编


In February, Travis Kalanick, Uber chief executive,met Cheng Wei, chairman of the Chinese ride-hailingapp Didi Dache, in Mr Cheng’s Beijing office. But that is just about the only detail of theencounter on which the two companies can agree.

今年2月,优步(Uber)首席执行官特拉维斯愠灓尼克(Travis Kalanick)与中国打车应用滴滴打车董事长程维在后者位于北京的办公室见面。但这只是两家公司关于这次会面唯一说法一致的细节。

Mr Cheng says Mr Kalanick and his team were dripping with condescension. “We could tell fromthe way they looked at us — they thought of us as just another local taxi app from Sichuan,he told an audience at the Yabuli summit, an internet forum, held last weekend.


He says Mr Kalanick ended with an ultimatum: sell us 40 per cent of your company or else face“embarrassing defeat in a war with Uber.


“I told him, ‘In 1840 when the first western powers arrived in China, they put forth a similarproposal. Give up Taiwan, open up Guangzhou, or else we will take the war all the way to thegates of the Forbidden City!’, says Mr Cheng.


“Foreign companies see China as a territory to be conquered, he continued.


Uber says its “recollection of the conversation is very different, adding that the meeting was“super friendly.


Mr Kalanick has admitted to getting “passionate in dealings with competitors in the past. Lyft,a US rival, has accused Uber of everything from poaching investors to clogging its system withfake orders.


“I realise that I can come off as a somewhat fierce advocate for Uber, he said in a speech inJune. “I also realise that some have used a different ‘a’ word to describe me.


The next few months will show whether Uber has bitten off more than it can chew in China.The country is notorious as a market that big US internet companies, from Amazon to eBay toGoogle, have all failed to crack, either due to being blocked outright or outmanoeuvred by alocal competitor.


Like the initial meeting between Mr Cheng and Mr Kalanick, how Uber is doing in China is amatter of perspective. The company says it has about 50 per cent market share in private taxihailing, while Didi says it controls about 80 per cent of the market.


Both sides are also gunning for each other with massive subsidies — in June Uber said it wouldspend $1bn in China on subsidies and was logging 1m rides per day. Didi, meanwhile, raised$2bn in a funding round in June and has not yet said how the money will be spent.


Ding Daoshi, founder of Sootoo Research, a Beijing-based internet research group, says thephase of explosive growth for both companies may have passed. “The height of the cash-burning phase is over for both companies, he says. “They are now focusing on their corecustomers — those in the cities whose demand does not disappear when it is more expensive.

北京互联网研究集团速途研究院(Sootoo Research)创始人丁道师表示,这两家公司的爆炸性增长阶段可能都已过去,“对这两家公司而言,烧钱阶段的高峰已经结束,他表示,“它们正专注于核心客户——当服务比较昂贵时需求仍不消失的城市人群,

To counter Didi’s local advantage — and raise more money to wage war — Uber has tried togo local, setting up Uber China. It is the only time the business has set up a separatecompany in a foreign market. It has tried to raise local finance, partly in an effort to build ties toChina’s business establishment.


But Didi’s own funding round makes it clear that China’s establishment is closing ranks aroundits local champion. Even existing investors in Uber, such as Hillhouse Capital, are backing itscompetitor Didi in China.

但滴滴的融资行动清楚地表明,中国商界已经团结起来支持本土冠军企业。即使是优步现有的投资者,比如高瓴资本(Hillhouse Capital),也支持其中国竞争对手滴滴。

Didi’s local advantage is also clear to drivers, who say those at Uber face police discrimination— private taxis are technically illegal in China, but enforcement is selective, according to anUber driver named Bing Wen. “If the police pull you over, and you say you’re a Didi driver, theylet you go. If you’re an Uber driver, you’re fined, says Mr Bing.



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