There’s a town on the outskirts of Beijing thatmight just be the strangest you’ll ever see. The mainstreet looks as if it was based on a child’s crayondrawing—a riotous palette of pinks, blues, andoranges—and the residents are frighteningly still. Infact, most aren’t even real. Instead, the townfeatures such sights as a pair of petrified pigeons,yellow phone booths, and a statue of a sea doggazing from a bridge.
Welcome to “Spring Legend, a mock-Alpine town located in Huairou, a designated green-beltdistrict about 35 miles from Beijing. The town has existed for about five years, but it lackssomething fundamental: residents.
Spring Legend has the feel of a dream come true. Entering the town’s German restaurant—outside of which sits a statue of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill enjoying a bronzecigar—tables are set with fine china, wine goblets, silver cutlery, and linen, all neatly laid out fordiners who never arrive. Then, a waitress dressed as a Bavarian fr?ulein appears and inquireshow many there will be for lunch.
The town’s motto is “The Beautiful Legend From the Alps and indeed, compared to thelivability problems of Chinese cities, Spring Legend has a pleasant environment. Tables are setwith fine china, wine goblets, silver cutlery, and linen, all neatly laid out for diners who neverarrive.
“We named it Spring Legend because it’s close to the river and has a small creek runningthrough it, explains Liu Xinhu, the chairman of Ding Xiu Zhi Ye (Spring Legend Properties). “It’s extremely beautiful in the spring, too.
The town was conceived back in 2007, towards the end of a period of rapid development inBeijing that led to an increase in pollution and, correspondingly, a renewed interest amongcity-dwellers in a serene environment.
Spring Legend is empty for one simple reason: During the week, hardly anyone lives there. Anestimated 80 percent of the town’s homeowners also have apartments in Beijing, and,according to Liu, the general occupancy rate in Spring Legend is only about 60 to 70 percent.Multiple-home ownership among China’s rich is not uncommon; University at Albanyprofessor Youqin Huang has estimated that 15 percent of urban households in the countryown two or more houses.
The nature of property ownership has changed greatly in China. Fifteen years ago, stateworkers (who then comprised much of the population) were assigned basic accommodation.But today, home ownership has become so important that young men struggle to find agirlfriend if they do not own their own home. Buying a place, however, is difficult: Averagesalaries in Beijing top out at about 4, 500 RMB per month (around $750), while the cost of anapartment in the city center is around 43, 000 to 52, 000 RMB per square meter.
Why has China gone mad for housing? With strict capital controls and a state-controlledstock exchange that is volatile and risky, the tangible reassurance of evergreen propertyhas made it a “fungible commodity, in the words of Anne Stevenson-Yang, co-founder ofBeijing-based equities analysis firm J Capital Research. She says that homes are usually leftempty in order to avoid any depreciation in value.
“Renovation costs are very high, so it makes no sense to rent if you are seeking capitalappreciation, she explains via e-mail. “Remember that apartments here are sold bare,without flooring, ceilings, lighting fixtures or wall tiles. They all need to be installed, adding atleast 20 percent to the cost [and] people expect to ... custom fit the unit.
This means that even in successful towns like Spring Legend—where a unit costs an average of16, 000 RMB (about $2, 500) per square meter, roughly a third the cost of a typical apartmentin central Beijing—the streets and houses remain lifeless. The owners, says Bianca Bosker,author of Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China , are “dreaming of whatthey’ll do with the riches they imagine they’ll get when they one day sell them. The likelyanswer? Buy more property. However, “Given how many people have hatched the same ‘getrich quick’ real-estate idea, and how many of China’s gated communities stand empty, bettingon real estate looks increasingly risky.
Spring Legend is hardly the only city of its kind. There's also Thames Town, outside Shanghai,which is a $300 million British-style residential complex developed by since-incarceratedShanghai Communist Party boss Chen Liangyu. And north of Beijing in Hebei Province isJackson Hole, a wind-swept Wild West replica featuring neighborhoods called Moose Creek,Route 66, and Aspen Land. When developers previewed Jackson Hole in 2003, buyer interestwas intense. The homes “sold out in record time, says Oregon-based designer Allison Smith,who helped create the settlement. Early investors who purchased an “American villa for arounda quarter-million dollars in 2006 have seen their dreams “triple in value, she estimates.
Jackson Hole bucks the trend: It is a living community, a mix of older families and retireesdrawn by what Smith agrees is a serendipitous confluence of factors—co-operativedevelopers, clever marketing, and a great location. But Smith fears there’s a downside to thespeculation. “At this point, the Chinese are in such a rush to buy everything, it may not holdits value down the line, she says. “Jackson Hole doesn’t have that problem; people want tostay there. People want to live there. We've done something positive—it’s not just for themoney."
Not every fake European village is so successful. Luodian New Town , also known as NorthEuropean New Town, is a development in Shanghai’s suburban Baoshan district supposedlybased on the historic Swedish town of Sigtuna. According to Bosker, “its foreign architects[Swedish firm Sweco] failed to take into account Chinese lifestyles or customs—specifically, theprinciples of feng shui. The developers at first banned any remodeling but, as homes failed tosell, they caved. On visiting, Bosker “found the neighborhood to be a mess of construction, ashomebuyers eagerly carved up the houses to fix their feng shui.
Anting German Town, a failed experiment located about 20 miles outside Shanghai, is anotherexample. “The [Chinese wanted] half-timbered buildings and medieval romance, Der Spiegelexplained in a 2011 postmortem. “But the architecture firm Speer thought it knew better andbuilt a modern German residential quarter [where] nobody wants to live. The truth, as thearticle admits, is more complicated than just aesthetics—the town lacked the life support ofproper infrastructure.
“‘Empty towns’ and ‘ghost towns’ attract a lot of public attention, and that has a lot to do withthe fact that these are local government initiatives and investments, says Pan Yingli, aprofessor of finance at the Research Center for Modern Finance at Shanghai Jiaotong University.
With taxes collected centrally and then redistributed to local governments, land has become theprinciple source of income for provincial officials, who normally can expect a redistributionof only 50 percent of fiscal revenue after paying 85 percent of the municipal purse, according toPan. Grandiose land projects, thus, are a ripe moneymaking vehicle for officials. Germanhouses are too dark-colored, Liu argues. “They look depressing.
“This creates bubbles, because the prosperity of properties and cities ultimately comes fromthe accumulation of people, but developing real estate alone doesn’t create jobs—so [thesenew towns] don’t attract laborers or their families. As a result, only the land per se is‘urbanized, ’ and so become the ‘ghost towns’ that we see.
As with many real-estate projects, the key to avoiding disaster relies on several things allgoing the developers’ way: Connections must be well-maintained, oversight should ideally beavoided, local power structures must be preserved, and the infrastructure needed to breathelife into a remote, self-contained development has to be completed on time.
In the case of Anting, the problem seems to be more of an absence of the latter. A pleasantconurbation of ponds, green space, and wide boulevards, there is nothing about Anting thatwouldn’t necessarily appeal to Chinese buyers—a Shanghai city planner praised the conceptas aesthetic and “well thought through—but “the project failed because … the district is cutoff and surrounded by industrial districts and wasteland. It was like a “foreign body, the cityplanner told Der Spiegel.
从“安亭案例来看,其失败的主要原因并不在于该社区的设施问题。这个大型的社区里小桥流水,绿树成荫,到处都令人赏心悦目,对于中国的购房者来说,安亭小镇具有绝对的吸引力。一位上海城市规划人员对《明镜》记者说安亭就像一幅绝美的风景画。其设计“是经过深思熟虑的,——但是“该项目却是失败的,原因在于,它孤立于市区之外,周围都是工业区和荒地。 看上去就像一个格格不入的“异物。
To China’s more bearish observers, vacant cities are prima facie evidence of the country’sovercapacity problem, with Ordos, a “ghost town in Inner Mongolia, being the most famousexample. But some economists reject this narrow interpretation.
“It’s possible the ‘ghost town’ problem is exaggerated. China is a big country; different localgovernments have different governing styles and their leaders have different working abilities, says Pan Yingli. “Local governments borrow a lot of money [to build these towns] but [thesetowns don’t create] the industries or population to produce enough fiscal income to paythem off. These debts become bad loans and add to the risks for the banks. And the banks’solution to this is to extend maturities—in other words, to lend them more money to pay offtheir old debts.
Stevenson-Yang attributes the faux-architecture phenomenon partly to “a lack of commercialdrivers behind development … planners just pluck ideas from magazines. It’s a descriptionthat Spring Legend’s Liu would probably dispute. The decision to build Spring Legend in itsunique style was carefully considered, he says, rather than a knee-jerk instinct to copy othersuccessful copycats.
杨思安认为这种全盘复制西方建筑的现象的部分原因在于房产开发缺乏商业动力……规划者只是对杂志上的一些理念断章取义。" 顶秀置业的刘新虎却并不同意这个说法。丁秀美泉独特设计风格是经过深思虑的。绝不是草率的盲目仿制品。
The original concept aimed to imitate ancient Chinese village designs, but thefeng shui didn’tquite fit. “[It] required too much space and needed to be built along a river, Liu says. “Wewanted to make use of the scenery and mountainous location and make the property blendin naturally. (“Bad feng shui can tank a neighborhood’s prospects, warns Bosker.)
Hence the Alpine approach. The mix of styles and scenery, Liu says, was intentional. InChina, “European architecture is largely symbolized, he observes. (This is especially true inhistoric cities like Tianjin, where Liu observed that “you see a lot of carriages being pulled byhorses [and] that sort of thing).
The developers sent a team of around a dozen people to Europe, where they spent time invillages and towns. Their findings encouraged focus on “lifestyle rather than authenticity, withLiu trumpeting “a relaxed style of living environment … the idyllic, rather than the aristocraticside of Europe. One of the few genuine shops was a small supermarket, selling typical, low-end domestic fare—duck necks, vacuum-packed chicken feet.
In Spring Legend, for example, you’ll encounter plenty of benches—a piece of street furniturepractically never encountered in Chinese cities—because “We wanted to encourage people togo out more.… [In China], people tend to stay in; in Europe, it’s different, says Liu. But placesto spend money are curiously absent—almost all the stores and bars are artificial. The ToyShop, for example, has photographs of goodies plastered into its window, but peering througha broken pane reveals a concrete husk littered with debris—rubble, a bicycle, a workman’sleftover lunch.
你可以看见街道上摆放着很多装饰用的长凳。在中国别的城市是少见的。刘新虎说,“我们这样做,是希望人们多出来走走……在中国,人们都爱呆在家里,而在欧洲,情况就不一样了。 但是,这里连个想花钱的地方都没有——几乎所有的商店和酒吧都是人造假景。玩具店里面的橱窗上贴着商品画册,但透过破了的窗户向里看,却只有灰尘覆盖的水泥地上,堆积着沙子,还有一辆自行车和工人吃剩的午餐。
Businesses take time to prosper, argues Liu: “We didn’t sell the storefronts to anyone yet,because we’re afraid once we do so, it will be out of our control and low-end shops willpervade, which is not what we want. He may have a point. One of the few genuine shops wasa small supermarket, selling typical, low-end domestic fare—duck necks, vacuum-packedchicken feet, potato chips, spicy tofu, beer, and frozen fish balls; items that probably don’t fitLiu’s ‘brand.’
While the shops may not sell foie gras and fine Scotch yet, there are nods to different parts ofhigh European culture all around, even though Europeans themselves are not permitted topurchase any of these properties. According to the town website, the large, swanky butdeserted Elischer restaurant pays tribute to the Austrian town where Emperor Franz Joseph issupposed to have met Princess Sisi—in fact, the real town is called Bad Ischl . But that doesn’tmatter: The Spring Legend Holiday Hotel finally opened its doors two months ago to animpatient public and purports to be the “First Princess Sissy-themed [sic] hotel in Beijing—anunproven (but perfectly credible) claim.
即使顶秀美泉的房子没有一间是卖给欧洲人的,也没有一家商铺卖鹅肝或鲜美的威士忌酒之类的东西,但是这里的确到处体现了各种欧洲优雅的文化风情。顶秀美泉的伊舍尔酒店宽敞豪华,却生意惨淡。据其网页介绍说,该酒店原型位于一个于奥地利小镇,据说是奥地利王子佛兰茨.约瑟夫邂逅茜茜公主的地方。事实上他们真正邂逅的地方是一个叫Bad Ischi的小镇。但这点无关紧要。两个月前,公众期盼已久的“首家茜茜公主主题度假酒店在顶秀美泉欧式风情商业街区正式开门迎客。(这一冠名虽然无法证实其真实性,但还是有些名至实归的感觉)
This unedited amalgam of different traditions and countries is deliberate, Liu explains: Formainlanders, at least, “it’s enough to get their general approval of the style. They don’t needthe absolutely authentic experience. Indeed, the European dwellings of Spring Legend mayboast a range of primary colors, but something they don’t have is one that looks definitivelyEuropean. That’s because the real thing can come with apparent drawbacks. “Well, Germanhouses are too dark-colored, Liu argues. “They look depressing.
Indeed, as China’s confidence grows, the country might sour on foreign styles altogether. “Already, new developments are cropping up with traditional Chinese architecture as theirtheme, Bosker observes. “We might have reason to worry when China stops copying ourarchitecture altogether.
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