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发布时间:2015-07-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


“Mad Men ends its run on Sunday night, and a toastis definitely in order. Martinis and Manhattans areamong the cocktails made for the occasion, New York City the optimal locale.


A “Mad Men tour of New York might start with a martini at Sardi’s (featured in Season 2),either the Little Bar on the main floor or the larger bar on the second called Club Sardi, butopen to all. Upstairs, you get a view outside of the marquees for “Matilda and “Mamma Mia onWest 44th Street, and inside of a gallery of caricatures — Bob Hope! George Hamilton! MarloThomas! The bartenders, in burgundy Sardi’s jackets, are pleasant, and a martini withStolichnaya is $14.15 (tax included).

纽约的《广告狂人》之旅可以从萨迪餐厅(Sardi’s,它在第二季里经常出现)的一杯马提尼酒开始,不管是在主楼层的小酒吧(Little Bar)还是在二层对所有人开放的更大的萨迪酒吧(Club Sardi)。在楼上,窗外能看到西44街上《玛蒂尔达》(Matilda)和《妈妈咪呀》(Mamma Mia)的招牌,室内能看到漫画展览——鲍勃·霍普(Bob Hope)!乔治·汉密尔顿(George Hamilton)!马洛·托马斯(Marlo Thomas)!酒保们身穿酒红色萨迪酒吧上衣,很讨人喜欢。一杯加有红牌伏特加(Stolichnaya)的马提尼鸡尾酒的价格是14.15美元(含税)。

Don Draper wasn’t seen having a drink at the Waldorf Astoria (featured in Season 3), but youcan be, at Peacock Alley, which gives you a prime vantage point from which to take in thecomings and goings in the hotel’s beautiful lobby (complete with the bronze clock made for the1893 Chicago World’s Fair). Frank Caiafa, who is the bar czar here, says the 1860 Manhattan isthe lounge’s second most popular drink (after the Peacock, a refresher with cranberry vodkaand apricot brandy) and it’s an excellent one, with a single-barrel Four Roses bourbon andbitters made in-house ($22).

唐·德雷珀(Don Draper)没在华尔道夫酒店(Waldorf Astoria,它在第三季里经常出现)喝过酒,但是你可以。孔雀巷酒吧(Peacock Alley)是观看酒店华丽大堂(包括为1893年芝加哥世界博览会制作的铜制钟表)来往人群的绝佳地点。弗兰克·卡亚法(Frank Caiafa)是酒吧主管。他说,1860年曼哈顿鸡尾酒是这里第二受欢迎的酒水(最受欢迎的是孔雀鸡尾酒——加有越橘伏特加和杏子白兰地的提神饮料)。这款酒非常不错(22美元),加有四玫瑰(Four Roses)单桶波本威士忌和自制苦味酒。

Keens Steakhouse on West 36th Street (which dates from 1885) appeared in Season 3, andyou can have a steak or chops in the splendid main dining room, but I usually settle into themore casual wood-paneled pub room for the terrific prime-rib hash ($17.50) and a ryeManhattan ($14) or a glass of red wine. The storied pipe collection is featured in both rooms.

西36街的基恩牛排馆(Keens Steakhouse,始创于1885年)出现在第三季里。你可以在华丽的主餐厅点一份牛排或肋排,但我通常是去更随意的镶木板的酒吧间,点一份极好的上等肋条肉碎(17.50美元)和一杯黑麦威士忌曼哈顿鸡尾酒(14美元)或一杯红酒。两个房间都有历史悠久的烟斗收藏品。

You can pick up the caricature crawl at Minetta Tavern on Macdougal Street in the WestVillage (Season 5), where the barroom displays rows of them, some by the noted artist FranzKline. The line, “The steaks are supposed to be good here, was heard in the episode, and it’strue; the very flavorful Tavern Steak ($28) with a pile of crisp fries is a deal. Solid cocktails here,including a Brooklyn ($16), a Manhattan variation made with rye, Amaro Lucano andmaraschino liqueur. The dining room is more fun than the bar.

你可以在西村麦克杜格尔街(Macdougal Street)的密尼塔酒馆(Minetta Tavern,出现在第五季)继续漫画之旅。这里的酒吧间展示着一排排漫画,有些出自著名艺术家弗朗茨·克莱恩(Franz Kline)之手。《广告狂人》有一集里有这样一句台词:“据说这里的牛排很好吃。的确如此。非常美味的酒馆牛排(Tavern Steak,28美元)加上一堆脆脆的薯条是不错的选择。这里的鸡尾酒也很棒,包括布鲁克林鸡尾酒(16美元),它是曼哈顿鸡尾酒的一个变种,是用黑麦、Amaro Lucano烈酒和黑樱桃酒调制的。餐厅比酒吧更有趣。

P.J. Clarke’s on Third Avenue (at 55th Street) was in an episode in Season 1 — Peggy did theTwist here. It’s still a party after more than a century in business (born 1884). The Supremes’ “Stop! In the Name of Love was on the sound system when I walked in the other night. (First“Mad Men signifier: A woman at the bar had a canvas tote bag that read “Life Imitates Ads.Second: I got a perch under an old print ad for Utica Club, headlined “Our Beer Is 50 YearsBehind the Times.) And a few minutes later the personable bartender George Arnioitis — oneof his tattoos reads Each Day Is a Gift — was singing along with Al Green’s “Let’s StayTogether. No Twists, but it was early.

第三大道(第55街)上的PJ克拉克酒吧(P.J. Clarke’s)在第一季的某一集里出现过——佩姬(Peggy)在这里跳过扭摆舞。在经营了一个多世纪之后(始创于1884年),这里仍是欢聚之地。前不久的一个晚上,我走进酒吧时,音响里正在播放至上女声组合(The Supremes)的《住手!以爱之名》(Stop! In the Name of Love)。(我在这里看到两幕极具《广告狂人》特色的景象。第一幕是酒吧里的一个女人拿着一个大帆布手提包,包上印着“生活模仿广告。第二幕是我的座位在一个宣传Utica Club啤酒的老式平面广告下面,标题是“我们的啤酒落后于时代50年。)几分钟后,风度翩翩的酒保乔治·阿尼奥提斯(George Arnioitis)——他身上的一处纹身写着“每一天都是礼物(Each Day Is a Gift)——跟着阿尔·格林(Al Green)的《让我们在一起》(Let’s StayTogether)唱起来。没有扭摆舞,但时间还早。

The hamburgers are good (the Clarke Burger with cheese is $12.50), the drinks well-made (thebright Sidecar includes Hennessy Cognac and Giffard cura愀漀, and a sugar rim; price $15). TheSidecar is also the name of an inviting P.J. Clarke’s establishment around the corner on 55th.A manager at Clarke’s told me to walk two doors down, ring the bell and wait for the buzzer tolet me up to the second floor. I stood there for several long minutes until I realized the doorwas unlocked. Do not let this happen to you.

PJ克拉克酒吧的汉堡很棒(克拉克奶酪汉堡[Clarke Burger]的价格是12.50美元),酒水也调制得很好(明亮的边车鸡尾酒[Sidecar]含有轩尼诗白兰地[Hennessy Cognac]和吉法德库拉索酒[Giffard cura愀漀崀,杯口边缘抹了一圈糖,价格是15美元)。这家酒吧在第55街转角处还有一个诱人的所在,名字也叫边车(Sidecar)。酒吧经理让我走过两个门,按门铃,听到提示音后上二楼。我站在那里等了漫长的几分钟后才反应过来门没锁。不要再让这样的事情发生在你身上。

One of the many pleasures of “Mad Men is wondering where Don, Pete, Joan, Peggy and Rogermight drink now (midway through a Manhattan, that list can be more expansive): It’s easy tosee any and all at the Pegu Club on West Houston Street, having a signature Pegu Club cocktail(London dry gin, bitters, orange cura愀漀, fresh lime juice; $13) and letting the Frank Sinatra-Harry James recording of “Castle Rock kick off the evening.

《广告狂人》的诸多乐趣之一是想象唐、皮特(Pete)、琼(Joan)、佩姬和罗杰(Roger)现在可能在哪里喝酒(一边喝着曼哈顿鸡尾酒一边想的话,那份名单可能会更长)。很自然会想到西休斯顿街的勃固俱乐部(PeguClub)。在这里喝一杯标志性的勃固俱乐部鸡尾酒(含有伦敦干杜松子酒、苦味酒、库拉索橙酒和鲜酸橙汁;13美元),让弗兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)和哈利·詹姆斯(Harry James)合唱的《城堡石》(Castle Rock)开启这个夜晚。

Much of the advertising business has moved downtown so a drink at the airy Crosby Bar at theCrosby Street Hotel in SoHo may be in order: a finale on a recent night was the CharlesBronson ($18.50): Bulleit bourbon, sweet vermouth, yellow Chartreuse, Punt e Mes. Bronsonmovie it could evoke: “The Great Escape.

绝大多数的广告公司都搬到了下城,所以在SoHo区的克罗斯比街酒店(Crosby Street Hotel)宽敞的克罗斯比酒吧(Crosby Bar)喝一杯似乎也在情理之中:前不久的一个晚上,我最后喝的是查尔斯·布朗森鸡尾酒(Charles Bronson,18.50美元),它含有布莱特波本威士忌(Bulleit bourbon)、甜味美思酒、黄色察吐士酒(Chartreuse)和潘脱米味美思酒(Punt e Mes),让我想起了布朗森的电影《大逃亡》(The GreatEscape)。

The East Village would be a draw now, with the cocktail den Amor y Amargo on East Sixth alikely destination (three cocktails are showcased here: Manhattans, Old-Fashioneds andNegronis). It’s pretty easy to imagine a scene at the Campbell Apartment tucked into a cornerof Grand Central Terminal, or, after a meeting at Google on Ninth Avenue, a drink at theelegant bar at Del Posto a block away (the barrel-aged Negronis are standouts; $17).

如今,东村也是一个好酒的好地方,东六街的Amor y Amargo鸡尾酒酒吧可能是个理想的地点(这里展示三种鸡尾酒:曼哈顿鸡尾酒、老式经典鸡尾酒[Old-Fashioneds]和内格罗尼鸡尾酒[Negronis])。你还很容易想到在中央车站(Grand Central Terminal)角落里的坎贝尔公寓酒吧(Campbell Apartment)喝一杯,或者在第九大道的谷歌办公室开完会后在一个街区外优雅的Del Posto酒吧喝一杯(那里的桶装陈酿内格罗尼鸡尾酒独具特色;17美元一杯)。

And although “21 has not appeared in “Mad Men, it fits. On a recent Friday night TonyBennett’s “I Left My Heart in San Francisco was followed by Sinatra’s “Chicago, a propersoundtrack for a properly made Manhattan (with Whistle Pig rye; $22) by the bartender MarkTubridy. It was so good I stayed for another, this one made by Tara Wright after Mr. Tubridyhad departed. She decided to one-up him with the addition of a burnt orange peel, whichrequired her applying lighter to citrus.

虽然21酒吧没在《广告狂人》中出现过,但它很适合那部电视剧。前不久一个周五的晚上,这里播放着托尼·贝内特(Tony Bennett)的《情留旧金山》(I Left My Heart in San Francisco),之后是辛纳屈的《芝加哥》(Chicago)。这些歌曲与酒保马克·托布里迪(Mark Tubridy)调制得当的曼哈顿鸡尾酒(含有Whistle Pig黑麦威士忌,22美元)相得益彰。它太好喝了,所以我又要了一杯。这杯是塔拉·赖特(Tara Wright)调制的,因为托布里迪已经离开了。赖特想更胜一筹,决定加点焦橙皮,这需要她用打火机烧橙子。

“A little bit of drama, she said, which was sufficiently “Mad Men for me.



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