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发布时间:2015-06-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The renminbi is on a seemingly inexorable marchtowards becoming a global currency. It is widelyused in international trade and finance transactions.Now China wants the International Monetary Fund tolabel the renminbi an official reserve currency byincluding it in the exclusive group that makes up itsunit of account, the Special Drawing Rights. Thatgroup comprises the dollar, the euro, the yen andsterling.




There are good reasons to welcome the renminbi’s rise. Its trajectory is closely correlated withbanking and other reforms that will make China’s economy more market friendly. These arenecessary to establish a more balanced and less-risky growth path, one that is less dependenton investment, generates more employment and reduces environmental degradation. Economicreformers in China have built public support for the idea that a great economic power should behome to an important international currency.


For this to happen, the country must undertake a series of domestic reforms: it needs a betterand well-regulated banking system; a broader range of financial markets, including basiccurrency derivatives; fewer restrictions on the flow of capital in and out of the economy; and amore flexible exchange rate.


These reforms will permit a more efficient allocation of domestic savings to sectors that cangenerate higher employment and productivity growth. A better financial system will give smalland medium-sized enterprises, especially those in the services sector, increased access tocredit. Allowing freer capital outflows is already giving households opportunities to diversifytheir savings and secure better returns.


But there is fierce political opposition to these reforms, which challenge the privileges ofpowerful vested interests. To overcome the resistance, the government has taken up therallying cry of making the renminbi a global currency and is ploughing ahead with its reforms.


To take one example: the People’s Bank of China has made a commitment to eliminate theceiling on interest rates on bank deposits this year. This will force banks to compete fordeposits, giving households a better return on their savings. Large lenders have resisted, waryof competition from smaller rivals. The central bank has fought back, noting that China needsfully market-determined interest rates for the renminbi to become a reserve currency.


Reformers in China recognise that the renminbi’s prominence in global finance is a mixedblessing. It would become harder to control the currency’s value but its official recognition asa reserve currency would be an important validation of reform efforts. For their part, the USgovernment and others should welcome the renminbi’s rise.


A more open capital account makes it harder for the central bank to manage or “manipulatethe value of its currency, countering US concerns that Chinese exporters have an unfairadvantage from a cheap currency. Stronger demand for the currency will mean a higherexchange rate, making imported goods cheaper for Chinese consumers and giving a leg up toforeign exporters.


Opening up China’s financial market could create opportunities for foreign companies, frombanks to insurers. With a more flexible exchange rate, China will no longer accumulate largeforeign exchange reserves, reducing its contribution to global current account imbalances.The IMF’s imprimatur is nice to have but ultimately it is market forces that will drive therenminbi’s adoption as a reserve currency. If foreign investors, including central banks, see therenminbi as a currency worth holding, they will hold it. Indeed, many countries hold smallamounts in their foreign exchange portfolios.


There is little prospect, however, that the renminbi will become a dominant global reservecurrency. Fundamental political and legal reforms, needed to build trust among foreigninvestors, are not on the cards. The dollar’s position is secure for now.


Official validation of the renminbi’s rise is important for the IMF. It would avoid another knockto the institution’s legitimacy, which is shaky given the stalling of reforms to give emergingeconomies their rightful voting share.


For China and others, a negative ruling on reserve currency status could symbolise theirconcerns that the IMF remains an institution run by and for the benefit of advancedeconomies. A positive outcome will give Beijing a vested interest in maintaining the fund’sprimacy in international finance.

对中国和其他国家来说, IMF不认可人民币储备货币地位将凸显它们的担忧,即IMF仍是一个由发达经济体管理并为其利益服务的机构。而IMF认可人民币储备货币地位将使中国政府成为既得利益者,维护IMF在国际金融中的首要地位将保住这份既得利益。

The renminbi’s rise could be a constructive force for change in China and the internationalmonetary system. It should be embraced.


The writer is a professor at Cornell University, a fellow at the Brookings Institution and formerhead of the IMF’s China division

本文作者是康奈尔大学(Cornell University)教授、布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)研究员以及IMF中国部前负责人


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