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竞争与监管夹击下 优步斥重金撬开中国市场

发布时间:2015-06-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

HONG KONG — Uber is spending money at abreakneck rate to crack the China market — evenpaying its drivers more than the fares they collect.


Fat with almost $6 billion in venture capital, Uber,based in San Francisco, is doling out bonuses up tothree times the amount of its fares, in a bet that itsexceptional rise in the United States can bematched in China.


So far, its strategy is working, shattering prevailing assumptions that young American techcompanies cannot compete against local rivals.




The spending spree has attracted droves of drivers like Jacky, a systems analyst at aninternational telecommunications company, who recently began moonlighting for Uber with hisFord Fiesta in Shanghai. In late May, Uber said it had created more than 60,000 jobs in Chinaover the past month, with the spread of its service spurring protests from some taxi drivers.

发放优厚补贴的热潮吸引了大批司机,比如在一家国际电信公司担任系统分析员的杰基(Jacky)。他最近开始成为优步的兼职司机,在上海开着自己的福特嘉年华(Ford Fiesta)赚外快。优步在5月底宣称,公司过去一个月在中国创造了六万多个就业机会。优步服务的盛行还导致一些出租车司机发起抗议。

“This is a really great opportunity for me to make some extra money, said Jacky, 34, whodeclined to give his full name because he was releasing internal information about Uber.


Though other ride-hailing services also offer driver bonuses, Jacky said Uber pays the most. Inthe first three weeks of May, he said, he made the equivalent of about $1,000 from Uber — oralmost half of his $2,100 monthly salary at the telecommunications company — with themajority of his earnings as a driver coming from the subsidies.


While China represents huge scale as a market, it has fended off the entry of just about everymajor Western technology start-up. Uber, a five-year-old company that operates in more than310 cities and 58 countries worldwide, faces homegrown Chinese rivals like Didi Kuaidi, whichhas more than 90 percent of the market and is backed by two of the largest Chinese Internetcompanies, Alibaba and Tencent. It may also have to grapple with a fickle central governmentthat could shut it out of the market overnight.


Yet more affluent and cosmopolitan Chinese have flocked to Uber’s service, attracted by faresthat are on average at least 35 percent cheaper than taxis, with the cars generally moreluxurious than cabs and drivers who offer free water and are typically more polite.


Uber is providing more than 100,000 rides a day in China, according to two people withknowledge of the company’s internal metrics, who declined to be identified because thenumbers are confidential. That is about 10 percent of the total one million rides a day thatUber said it was getting companywide in December.


In the central Chinese city of Chengdu alone, Uber has attracted 20,000 drivers since 2014,compared with 26,000 in New York City who have come aboard since 2011. Travis Kalanick,Uber’s chief executive, is teaming up with the Chinese Internet giant Baidu and makingmultiple visits to the country, including one last month to the provincial capital of Guiyang inthe southwest.

从2014年开始,优步仅在中国中部城市成都就吸引了2万名司机,而在纽约市,从2011年开始提供服务算起,累积的数字为2.6万。公司首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)正在与中国网络行业的巨头百度开展合作。他多次访华,上个月还曾到访位于中国西南部的省会城市贵阳。

“Uber is doing quite well in the first-tier cities, and it’s a bit of a surprise, said You Na, ananalyst at ICBC International based in Hong Kong. “The subsidies make a big difference.


An Uber spokeswoman declined to comment on the scale of the company’s business in China.Uber is in talks with investors to raise another $1.5 billion or so in a financing that would valueit at $50 billion.


Uber still faces many hurdles in China, where the market is highly competitive, regulated and,at times, eccentric. Chinese tend to favor Chinese-branded services, said Mark Natkin, founderof the research firm Marbridge Consulting in Beijing, though sometimes using a globally leadingbrand — like Uber — has cachet.

优步在中国仍然面临着重重阻碍。中国市场的竞争十分激烈,监管严格,有时还颇为反常。调研企业北京迈博瑞咨询有限公司(Marbridge Consulting)的创始人马克·纳特金(Mark Natkin)认为,中国人倾向于支持本土品牌的服务,尽管有时使用全球著名品牌——比如优步——会让人感觉良好。

Uber has attracted Chinese customers like Li Yufang, 28, a Beijing resident and an employee ata property developer, who switched to Uber in January from other ride-hailing services.


“The reason I love Uber is because the price is really low compared with taxis or private limos,Ms. Li said.


On Chinese social media, jokes that Uber provides a convenient, self-selecting pool ofpotential husbands for single women have even made the rounds.


Uber began tests in China in late 2013 in the southern cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen,focusing on a service that would let people hail rides from licensed limousine companies.Instead of following other Western tech firms, which at times have relied on foreign managerswith little knowledge of China, Uber hired and empowered local people to act as managers to runcity operations as they saw fit. It now operates in nine Chinese cities.


The company also took a more cautious, cooperative approach in China, unlike in othercountries, where it has brazenly flouted authorities. In December, Uber sold a stake in itself toBaidu and began working to offer its service directly on Baidu’s popular maps application.Uber recently earned praise from the head of a major Chinese Internet industry group forbehaving more like a Chinese company than like an eBay or an Amazon.


In October, however, Uber expanded a new service that put it on questionable regulatoryfooting in the country. The service, playfully called People’s Uber after the Marxist languagefavored by the Communist Party, resembles what Uber does elsewhere by letting private driversregister and shuttle passengers for pay. The service runs counter to what is offered bycompanies like Didi Kuaidi, which either enable customers to hail taxis directly or use contractswith private limo companies to offer high-end cars at luxury prices.

然而在10月,优步拓展了一项新服务,让它在中国处在了暧昧的监管处境。这项服务借用了共产党青睐的马克思主义式的语言,戏谑地称作“人民优步(People’s Uber),它类似于优步在其他国家的做法,即让私家车注册并收费搭载乘客。这项服务与滴滴快的等公司提供的服务构成了竞争,后者要么直接允许乘客叫出租车,要么通过与私人豪车公司签约,以高昂价格提供高端车辆。

It also drew scrutiny from local governments since the drivers are unlicensed. In the last twomonths, local authorities in Chengdu and Guangzhou have raided Uber offices in response tothe questionable legality of People’s Uber.


Local traffic authorities in Guangzhou and Chengdu did not respond to requests for comment.At the time of the raids, Uber said it was cooperating with officials. People’s Uber is stilloperating in both cities.


The raids have spurred driver protests. In Chengdu last month, hundreds of Uber driverslashed out at the local traffic police after one driver’s car was impounded.


People’s Uber has also prompted a battle with Didi Kuaidi, which last month started its ownservice for private drivers, called Kuaiche. A few weeks later, Didi Kuaidi announced aninitiative to spend 1 billion renminbi ($160 million) subsidizing the program in the form ofdiscounts to passengers and driver incentives.


“We welcome all good competition, said Jean Liu, Didi Kuaidi’s president, at a May 22 mediabriefing. “This is our home market; we love this market so much, we want to make sure it growsin a healthy, sustainable, safe way.

“我们欢迎所有良性的竞争,滴滴快的总裁柳青(Jean Liu)在5月22日的资讯发布会上说。“这是我们的主场,我们很爱这块市场,我们希望确保它以一种健康、安全、可持续的方式增长。

The inducements from both sides are stirring resentment from taxi drivers, similar to whatUber has faced in other countries. In recent weeks, cabdrivers in Tianjin have lashed out atprivate car drivers.


One woman, whose husband and father-in-law share a taxi in Tianjin, confirmed the protestsbut declined to be named. She said the popularity of services like Uber has cut what taxidrivers can make during the day by about a third.


Another problem for Uber may be its own drivers. On Taobao, Alibaba’s e-commerce site,vendors run a thriving black market for driver accounts, allowing purchasers to circumventUber’s background checks. Jacky also confirmed reports in local news media that many driverslog fraudulent Uber rides using fake passenger accounts to get some of the bonuses thecompany is offering.


Uber isn’t deterred.


“We’re particularly optimistic in China, Mr. Kalanick said in a speech in China last month. “I’vejust seen cities everywhere and have found that mayors and city governments are far morefocused on progress in their cities here in China than I’ve seen elsewhere, and it makes meincredibly optimistic.



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