LONDON — The British bank HSBC, in a majorrevamping of its global strategy, said on Tuesdaythat it would shed as many as 50,000 jobs as it sellsseveral underperforming businesses, reduces thesize of its global investment banking business andaims to cut billions of dollars in costs.
The bank said it would eliminate 22,000 to 25,000full-time jobs, or about 10 percent of its work force, through restructuring by the end of 2017.It also plans to reduce its head count by an additional 25,000 positions through the sale of itsunderperforming businesses in Turkey and Brazil.
HSBC said that it would increase its investment in Asia, where it generates more than half of itsearnings, while it seeks to cut costs by up to $5 billion annually within two years. The bank saidit would complete a review of whether to move its headquarters from Britain by the end of theyear.
Stuart Gulliver, the bank’s chief executive, is under pressure to satisfy investors amid recentscandals that have damaged the lender’s reputation and as HSBC faces an increasinglychallenging regulatory environment in Britain and across the globe.
汇丰银行首席执行官欧智华(Stuart Gulliver)为了能让投资者满意,正面临巨大压力。最近的丑闻损害了银行的名誉,同时银行在英国和全球范围内也面临愈发严格的监管环境。
The bank, which has operations in 73 countries and territories, has exited dozens ofunderperforming businesses in recent years as it looks to cut costs and reduce its risk.
Investors did not seem impressed on Tuesday, with the bank’s shares down about 1.2 percentin late-morning trading in London. The stock value has fallen about 2.5 percent over the pastyear.
“This was not the massive shake-up some investors had been hoping for, Chirantan Barua, ananalyst at Sanford C. Bernstein, said in a research note. HSBC “has failed to bring out anythingradically different from moves which have been widely expected for some months now.
“这些举措并不是一些投资者所期待的巨大变革,桑福德·伯恩斯坦公司(Sanford C. Bernstein)分析师奇兰坦·巴鲁阿(Chirantan Barua)在一份研究摘要中指出。汇丰银行“没有什么非常出人意料的决定,各方几个月前就预料到了这些举措。
Raul Sinha and Vivek Gautam, analysts at JPMorgan Chase, said in a research note that it waspositive that the bank was taking actions to shrink its low-return businesses, but that “thechanges announced are unlikely to positively impact earnings estimates.
摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的分析师劳尔·辛哈(Raul Sinha)和维维克· 高塔姆(Vivek Gautam)在一份研究摘要中说,银行采取行动缩减低回报率业务是积极举措,但是“已公布的变动不太可能对收益估值产生明显影响。
The plans announced on Tuesday are the second major job reductions at HSBC since Mr.Gulliver became chief executive in 2011. A number of the bank’s rivals, including Barclays,Credit Suisse and Royal Bank of Scotland, have announced similar plans to reduce the size oftheir work forces and exit higher risk businesses.
周二宣布的计划是2011年欧智华上任首席执行官后,汇丰银行第二次大幅裁员。汇丰银行的部分竞争对手,包括巴克莱(Barclays)、瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)和苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)在内,都已宣布类似的计划以削减雇员数量,终止高风险业务。
HSBC said that it expected about 12,000 to 13,000 of the job cuts to result from streamliningand automating processes at the bank. An additional 7,000 to 8,000 were expected to comefrom closing branches and eliminating back office functions as more banking shifts online and tomobile devices. HSBC expects to reduce its number of branches by 12 percent.
About 8,000 of the job cuts are expected in Britain, where HSBC employs about 46,000 people.
HSBC cut about 37,000 jobs from 2011 to 2014, but it has not benefited as much as it hadhoped from the move because costs associated with regulatory compliance skyrocketed inrecent years and its returns in Asia were disappointing.
The lender spent more than $11 billion on regulatory and compliance charges in the past fouryears as it faced a number of investigations and agreed to a series of settlements related toaccusations of money laundering and the rigging of foreign exchange markets.
The bank has also faced recent inquiries into its small Swiss private bank operation, asprosecutors examine whether it helped wealthy clients evade taxes.
The overhaul of the HSBC was announced just days after Deutsche Bank said its co-chiefexecutives, Anshu Jain and Jürgen Fitschen, would resign. Deutsche Bank has faced pressurefrom investors as its legal and regulatory costs have risen drastically in recent years.
在汇丰宣布裁员计划的几天前,德意志银行刚刚宣布其联席首席执政官安舒·贾恩(Anshu Jain)和于尔根·菲辰(Jürgen Fitschen)将辞职。由于法律和管理成本在近些年的大幅上涨,德意志银行一直面临来自投资者的压力。
Like many of its rivals, HSBC is looking to reduce the amount of riskier assets on its balancesheet, including cutting the size of its global banking and markets business and focusing onstrategically important and profitable businesses.
HSBC said it would reduce so-called risk-weighted assets, a measure of the risk of the capital itholds, by 25 percent, or about $290 billion. About half of those reductions will come from theinvestment banking business, the lender said.
The sale of its operations in Turkey and in Brazil had been anticipated for some time, but thebank said it would keep a presence in Brazil to serve large corporate clients.
In February, Mr. Gulliver identified the Brazilian and Turkish businesses among four “problemmarkets where HSBC would seek more extreme restructuring measures if returns did notimprove. The bank is also seeking improvement in its operations in Mexico and in the UnitedStates.
While it sought to cut costs by up to $5 billion annually within two years, the lender said itexpected to book restructuring costs of $4 billion to $4.5 billion over that period.
In April, HSBC announced that it was formally reviewing whether to move its headquartersfrom Britain. The bank is facing a shifting regulatory landscape in Britain that includes a banktax that has hit British lenders particularly hard.
The government has raised the bank tax, known as a bank levy, nine times since it wasintroduced, taking in 5.3 billion pounds, or about $8.1 billion, according to the British Bankers’Association.
据英国银行家协会(British Bankers’Association)说,英国政府已经将这种被称为“银行征费(bank levy)的银行税提高至开征时的九倍,征收53亿英镑,合81亿美元。
HSBC’s payment has more than doubled since 2012. The tax cost the bank about $1.1 billionin 2014, when HSBC reported a profit of $13.7 billion.
The bank, which traces its roots to Hong Kong, has been based in Britain since 1993.
Banks in Britain will be required by 2019 to shield their retail banking operations from theeffects of investment banking and other activities in the event of another financial crisis — aprocess known as ring-fencing.
As part of its restructuring, HSBC said that it planned to begin setting up a ring-fenced bank inBritain.
Despite reducing the size of its business in some markets, HSBC said it planned to expand itsasset management and insurance operations in Asia in hopes of capturing “expectedopportunities from emerging wealth in the region.
It also plans to increase its business in the Pearl River Delta area in the southern Chineseprovince of Guangdong, and in parts of Southeast Asia.
“The world is increasingly connected, with Asia expected to show high growth and become thecenter of global trade over the next decade, Mr. Gulliver said in a news release. “I amconfident that our actions will allow us to capture expected future growth opportunities anddeliver further value to shareholders.
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