FRANKFURT — A Burmese migrant worker is sold bytraffickers as a slave to the owner of a Thai fishingboat. The catch of the boat is used to make fish mealto feed farmed shrimp. The shrimp wind up insupermarkets in the United States and Europe.
Issues of security and economics tend to attractthe most attention at Group of 7 meetings. Butwhen President Obama and other leaders of thenations in the group meet at the Bavarian spa resort of Schloss Elmau on June 7 and 8, one ofthe items on the agenda will be related to those Thai shrimp.
安全和经济似乎是七国集团峰会最引人关注的议题。不过,6月7日和8日,当奥巴马总统与该集团其他国家的领导人在巴伐利亚州的温泉度假胜地埃尔茂宫(Schloss Elmau)会晤时,其中一项议程将与这些来自泰国的虾有关。
The leaders plan to discuss so-called supply chain standards — ways of ensuring that everydayproducts like food, electronics and jewelry do not come packaged with human misery as ahidden ingredient.
Abuses in the Thai fishing industry have been well documented and were the subject ofhearings in the United States Congress in April. The Group of 7 countries — Britain, Canada,France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States — represent 45 percent of globaleconomic output, which gives them considerable power to push for better working conditionsnot only for Thai fishing crews but also for miners in Democratic Republic of Congo and textileworkers in Bangladesh.
The urgency was underlined on May 14 after at least 72 workers died in a fire that consumed afactory near Manila that made rubber sandals and slippers. The products were made for localmarkets, according to news reports, but the events showed the potentially deadlyconsequences of unsafe working conditions.
No producer wants to be excluded from markets in the Group of 7. While the gathering ofwealthy nations is known more for bland communiqués than bold initiatives, even a statementof resolve on supply chain standards would be welcome, watchdog groups say.
“We would love to see the G-7 leaders make a strong commitment to this, said SophiaPickles, a senior campaigner at Global Witness, an advocacy group. “It would be an importantsignal.
“我们希望看到七国集团领导人做出强有力的承诺,倡导团体全球见证组织(Global Witness)的资深宣传人员索菲娅·皮克尔斯(Sophia Pickles)说。“这将是一个非常重要的信号。
The United States and other countries already have rules designed to ensure that importedproducts are not contributing to human rights abuses or environmental damage. Dodd-Frank,the American law designed to address the financial crisis, has a provision requiring companiesto disclose if they were using minerals like tungsten and gold exported illegally from theDemocratic Republic of Congo or neighboring countries.
But watchdogs say the wealthy nations need to do more to ensure that existing rules are morerigorously enforced.
“Governments really need to start closing the door to illegally produced products, said JasonClay, a senior vice president at the World Wildlife Fund, which has pushed for improvedscrutiny of timber and of other products that are often harvested in developing countries andexported to rich ones.
“政府亟需开始关闭向非法生产的产品敞开的大门,世界自然基金会(World Wildlife Fund)的高级副会长贾森·克莱(Jason Clay)说。世界自然基金会一直要求加大对木材等通常由发展中国家生产并向富裕国家出口的产品的审查力度。
Perhaps surprisingly, some corporations have been moving faster than governments toscrutinize where their products come from and to ensure they are not tainted, Mr. Clay said.The collapse of a building in Rana Plaza in Bangladesh in 2013, in which more than 1,100textile workers were killed, demonstrated to retailers like Walmart how their own reputationsand sales could be at risk from unscrupulous suppliers.
Walmart denied reports that one of its suppliers had purchased jeans made by a company atthe Rana Plaza complex. But Walmart has stepped up scrutiny of its supply chain andcontributed to a fund for victims of the disaster.
“Even in the height of recession, companies were investing in sustainability because they knewtheir futures depended on it, Mr. Clay said. “We don’t see that commitment fromgovernments. They have trouble managing their own piece of the planet.
The push to put supply chains on the Group of 7 agenda comes largely from Germany, theworld’s third-largest exporter after China and the United States. Germany, host of the meetingthis year, is also the world’s third-largest importer, in part because of the raw materialsrequired for its auto makers and other industries.
“The rich industrial countries need to establish fundamental standards worldwide, so thatthese will be adopted by others, said Gerd Müller, the German minister for economiccooperation and development.
德国经济合作与发展部部长盖德·米勒(Gerd Müller)表示,“富裕的工业化国家需要建立世界性的基本标准,从而让这些标准被他国采用。
The European Commission is considering a proposal that would encourage companies toscrutinize whether minerals they use are coming from conflict areas. There are already similarrules in place that apply to timber and diamonds.
Global Witness and other nongovernmental organizations have complained, though, that theEuropean proposal calls for voluntary rather than mandatory compliance. Companies suchas mobile phone manufacturers would be certified as a European Union “responsible importer ifthey documented that raw materials they were purchasing were not being used to help financearmed conflict. But there would be no legal obligation for them to do so.
“The commission’s proposal is from our point of view extremely weak, said Michael Gibb, acampaign leader at Global Witness in London who specializes in so-called conflict resources.Although Germany pushed to put supply chains on the agenda, he said, it is one of thecountries that has resisted mandatory rules.
“在我们看来,欧盟委员会的提议力度太小,全球见证组织驻伦敦的宣传负责人迈克尔·吉布(Michael Gibb)说。他关注的正是“冲突资源议题。他表示,虽然德国将供应链问题提上了议程,但它也是抵制强制规定的国家之一。
Others say that voluntary rules are easier to steer through the political process andpotentially just as effective.
A strong statement from the wealthy countries at the summit meeting would have a powerfuleffect on the developing countries that are the main suppliers, said Mr. Müller, the Germandevelopment minister.
He noted that voluntary rules were more practical. “You can’t change world trade overnightwith regulations, he said. “What is decisive is that the industrial countries commit themselvesto sustainable standards.
Gabriela Ramos, chief of staff at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Developmentand the person responsible for summit meeting preparations, said that reaching agreement oncommon supply chain standards would be significant.
经济合作与发展组织(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)幕僚长、本次峰会准备工作的负责人加芙列拉·拉莫斯(Gabriela Ramos)表示,在供应链通用标准方面达成协议将具有重大意义。
“It’s important for the G-7 to be leading by example, Ms. Ramos said. “Sometimes you need tomake progress in any way you can. Of course we would like to make everything obligatory.International law is more complicated than that.
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