John Nash in 1994, the year he won the Nobel ineconomic sciences. (Charles Rex Arbogast/AP)ByEmily Langer May 24 Follow @emilylangerWP
艾米丽·兰格·梅,5月24日,Follow @emilylangerWP
John F. Nash Jr., who revolutionized themathematical field of game theory, was endowed witha mind that was highly original and deeplytroubled. But it became known to most people byHollywood's description. His mind was beautiful.
小约翰福布斯路纳什,这个彻底改变了博弈论数学领域的人,具有高度原创和深刻焦虑的头脑。但这为大多数人知晓 却是因为好莱坞的描述,他的心灵是美丽的。
Dr. Nash, a Nobel Prize-winning mathematician whose descent into and recovery from mentalillness inspir ed the Academy Award-winning film "A Beautiful Mind, died May 23 in a two-caraccident on the New Jersi Turnpike. He was 86. His wife, Alicia, who was 82, also died.
According to preliminary findings by the New Jersey State Police, the Nashes were in a taxicabtraveling southbound near Monroe when their driver lost control of the vehicle. The taxidriver's injuries were not considered life-threatening, New Jersey police said. The Nashes livedin Princeton Junction, N.J.
In 1994, when Dr. Nash received the Nobel Prize in economic sciences, the award marked notonly an intellectual triumph but also a personal one. More than four decades earlier, as aPrinceton University graduate student, he had produced a 27-page thesis on game theory — inessence, the applied mathematical study of decision-making in situations of conflict — thatwould become one of the most celebrated works in the field.
1994年,纳什博士获得了诺贝尔经济科学奖,该奖项不仅标志着知识的胜利,而且也是个人的胜利。40多年前,作为普林斯顿大学的研究生,他写了一篇27页的博弈论论文 - 从本质上讲,这是一项在冲突情形下做决策的应用数学研究 - 将要成为本领域内最杰出的作品之一。
Before the academic world could fully recognize his achievement, Dr. Nash descended into acondition eventually diagnosed as schizophrenia. For the better part of 20 years, his oncesupremely rational mind was beset by delusions and hallucinations.
By the time Dr. Nash emerged from his disturbed state, his ideas had influenced economics,foreign affairs, politics, biology — virtually every sphere of life fueled by competition. But hehad been absent from professional life for so long that some scholars assumed he was dead.
在纳什博士出现精神紊乱状态时,他的思想却影响了经济、外交、政治和生物学 - 生活的几乎所有受竞争推动的方面。但他缺席职业生涯这么久,有些学者认为他已经死了。
"We helped lift him into daylight," Assar Lindbeck, the former chairman of the committee for theNobel Prize in economics, told Sylvia Nasar, Dr. Nash's biographer. "We resurrected him in away."
Nasar's book, titled "A Beautiful Mind," was published in 1998 and adapted for the big screenthree years later. The film, although criticized by some for presenting a romanticized version ofthe mathematician's life, won four Oscars, including for best picture. Portrayed by RussellCrowe, Dr. Nash became an international celebrity — perhaps the most famous mathematicianin recent memory.
纳萨的书名为"美丽心灵",出版于1998年,三年后搬上了大银幕。这部电影,尽管受到了一些对数学家生活进行浪漫化的批评,却荣获四项奥斯卡大奖,包括最佳影片。罗素·克洛描绘的纳什博士成为国际名人 - 也许是近来最有名的数学家。
Complexity in competition
Modern game theory was first articulated by mathematician John von Neumann and economistOskar Morgenstern in the 1944 volume "Theory of Games and Economic Behavior."
Its objective: to understand and ultimately predict the interactions between rivals in givencircumstanc es. During the Cold War standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union,game theory became in asingly fashionable and immensely useful.
其目标是:理解并最终预测给定情况下竞争对手之间的相互作用。在美国和苏联之间的冷战对峙期间,博弈变得越来越 时尚,非常有用。
Von Neumann and Morgenstern had assumed the existence of a "zero-sum" game such ascheckers, in wP e party's loss was the adversary's gain. Dr. Nash 狄 who, ironically, was said tohave struggled since ch ildhood with social interactions 狄 observed that few human rivalriesfunction in so simple a fashion.
expanded game theory to include cooperative games (in which binding agreements can bemade) and n ooperative games (in which they cannot), and to allow for the possibility of mutualgain. Such an outcome became known as the Nash equilibrium.
Nash equilibriums, which he described in the hieroglyphics of mathematical symbols, existeverywhere. Two magazines might charge the same price so that each may achieve maximumprofit. Two rival nations might agree to arms treaties that limit each of their stockpiles butguarantee both countries a measure of security.
The utility of Dr. Nash's work had limitations. One is that rivals frequently do not fully knoweach other's strategies, as his theories assumed. Another limitation is that in many cases,there is not a single possible outcome for a conflict but rather many potential outcomes.Game theorists John Harsanyi and Reinhard Selten shared with Dr. Nash the 1994 Nobel Prizefor contributions in those areas of the field. The prize citation recognized all three men for their"pioneering analysis."
Dr. Nash was described as having insights before he could hammer out the proofs of theiraccuracy, the thoughts coming to him more like revelations than like scholarly findings. Asearly as 1958, Fortune magazine had ranked him among the greatest mathematicians of theera.
"Everyone else would climb a peak by looking for a path somewhere on the mountain," Nasarquoted a former colleague as saying. "Nash would climb another mountain altogether and froma distant peak would shine a searchlight back on the first peak."
The emperor of Antarctica
His mental illness came on when he was about 30, during what might have been one of therichest periods of his career. Dr. Nash was working at the time at the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology and was studying quantum theory.
As his condition worsened, Dr. Nash suffered delusions, hallucinations and impressions of beinghunted. Men wearing red ties, he came to believe, were part of a "crypto-Communist Party."
He thought that the New York Times was publishing messages from extraterrestrials and thathe could understand them. He gave a student an intergalactic driver's license, Nasar wrote.
At one point, he declined a prestigious appointment to the University of Chicago because hebelieved that he was in line to become emperor of Antarctica. At another point, he concluded,according to Nasar, that he was a "messianic figure of great but secret importance" andsearched numerals — once the object of his brilliance — for hidden messages.
在某个时刻,他拒绝了久负盛名的芝加哥大学的任命,因为他认为他即将成为南极洲皇帝。根据纳萨的说法,在另一个时刻他得出结论,他是一个"救世主式的重要人物,伟大而又神秘",并开始搜索具有隐秘信息的数字 —— 这些数字一度成为他出色才华的对象。
"I felt like I might get a divine revelation by seeing a certain number; a great coincidencecould be interpreted as a message from heaven," Dr. Nash said years later in the PBS "AmericanExperience" documentary "A Brilliant Madness."
He let his hair grow long. He traveled abroad and attempted to give up his U.S. citizenship, andat various times considered himself a Japanese shogun, the biblical figure Job and a Palestinianrefugee, among other identities.
During one of his stays in mental institutions, a former colleague came for a visit.
"How could you, a mathematician devoted to reason and logical proof . . . how could youbelieve that extraterrestrials are sending you messages?" he asked, according to Nasar.
"Because," Dr. Nash responded, "the ideas about supernatural beings came to me the sameway that my mathematical ideas did. So I took them seriously."
‘Big Brains'
John Forbes Nash Jr. was born June 13, 1928, in Bluefield, W.Va. His father was an electricalengineer and his mother was an English and Latin teacher.
As a child, John Jr. acquired a nickname: "Big Brains." His family encouraged education, but herecalled in his Nobel biographical sketch the need to "learn from the world's knowledge ratherthan from the knowledge of the immediate community."
In 1945, he enrolled at what is now Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and completed hisundergraduate work after switching from chemical engineering to chemistry and finally tomathematics. So great was his progress that he received a master's degree in addition to hisbachelor's degree, both in mathematics, upon his graduation in 1948. He then moved toPrinceton University, where, as a second-year student, he wrote the thesis that became theintellectual underpinning of his contributions to game theory.
Dr. Nash was "handsome as a god," a former classmate told Nasar, but deeply unusual. Herode a bicycle in figure-eights. He joined a group of students that carried on the long traditionat Princeton of playing complex games and even invented a game of his own.
Dr. Nash received his doctorate in 1950, joined the MIT faculty and soon took a researchposition at the Rand Corp. in California. In that period of his career, he untangled what hedescribed as a "classical unsolved problem" related to differential geometry and to generalrelativity.
Also during that period, Dr. Nash met Eleanor Stier, a nurse with whom he had a son, JohnDavid Stier, in 1953. A year later, Dr. Nash was arrested for indecent exposure at a men'srestroom in Santa Monica, Calif., and was immediately dismissed from Rand. According toNasar's biography, he denied that he was gay, showing a picture of Stier and their infant sonto Rand officials as evidence.
He then returned to MIT, where he met Alicia Larde, a physics student from El Salvador, andthey married in 1957. Shortly thereafter, Alicia became pregnant with their son, John CharlesMartin Nash, and Dr. Nash began to show signs of mental instability.
During his illness, Dr. Nash was divorced from his wife, moved in and out of hospitals andendured dangerous treatments including insulin-coma therapy. Alicia Nash later took him intoher home and cared for him even though they were no longer married.
He spent much of his time on the Princeton campus, where some recognized him as the geniusthat he was. Others knew him as the Ghost of Fine Hall, a reference to the building thathouses the mathematics department.
In time, and seemingly against all odds, he appeared to overcome the illness that had afflictedhim for so long. He insisted that he "willed" his recovery.
"I decided I was going to think rationally," Dr. Nash told an interviewer.
Dr. Nash and Alicia were remarried in 2001. "We thought it would be a good idea," she latersaid. "After all, we've been together most of our lives."
纳什博士和艾丽西娅在2001年复婚。"我们认为这会是一个好主意,"她后来说, "毕竟,我们大部分生命中一直在一起。"
Survivors include his sons, John David Stier of Lynn, Mass., and John Charles Martin Nash ofPrinceton Junction; and a sister.
Dr. Nash remarked in his Nobel biographical sketch that his return to rational scientific thoughtwas "not entirely a matter of joy as if someone returned from physical disability to goodphysical health."
"Without his ‘madness,' " Dr. Nash wrote, "Zarathustra would necessarily have been onlyanother of the millions or billions of human individuals who have lived and then been forgotten."
Emily Langer is a reporter on The Washington Post's obituaries desk. She has written aboutnational and world leaders, celebrated figures in science and the arts, and heroes from all walksof life.
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