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发布时间:2015-06-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

融资投资What can a bank offer the successful chiefexecutive who has just listed his company andbecome a multimillionaire or billionaire? For financiersin Asia chasing closer ties to the region’s wealthiestpeople, the answer is proving simple enough: cash tobet on China’s soaring markets.


Financing tycoons is a lucrative and growing businessin Asia that is tempting investment banks including Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley tomuscle in. They join a crowded field of existing players such as UBS, Credit Suisse andCitigroup, which all have big private banks.

在亚洲,为大亨融资是一个利润丰厚并迅速增长的业务,吸引着包括高盛(Goldman Sachs)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)在内摩拳擦掌的投行挤入。它们加入了这块原本已有瑞银(UBS)、瑞信(Credit Suisse)及花旗集团(Citigroup)等选手在内的拥挤竞技场,上述选手均拥有大型私人银行。



Lending on margin to retail investors is the rocket fuel powering the soaring markets inShanghai and Shenzhen. Financing tycoons works on the same principle — banks make loansusing shares as collateral and borrowers can be asked to top up if values fall — but the sumsinvolved can be more than $1bn a pop. One senior investment banker calls it “one of the lastjuicy products out there.


Banks everywhere lend on margin to hedge funds and private equity but in Asia, the rise offirst and second-generation wealth makes tycoon financing a particularly attractive regionalbusiness because company founders can be worth billions on paper yet be short of cash.


“These companies are their babies but there’s a real need for these entrepreneurs to raiseliquidity — and that’s what causes all these other banks to want to get into the business,says one long-time specialist.


Li Hejun, China’s richest man by some counts until the shares in his group Hanergy Thin Filmcollapsed last week, is a case in point. Filings unearthed by the Financial Times show he pledgedshares worth HK$5.8bn (US$747m) for a $200m loan just before the 47 per cent price fall.

李河君正是这样一个例子。按照某种统计,他曾是中国内地首富,直到上周其旗下集团汉能薄膜发电(HanergyThin Film Power)股价暴跌。英国《金融时报》掌握的文件显示,就在汉能薄膜发电股价暴跌47%前不久,李河君曾以价值58亿港元(合7.47亿美元)的股票作为抵押获得一笔2亿美元的贷款。

The latest tycoon-financing twist is lending for new investments, often generated by the bankdoing the lending. “In Hong Kong, where we are seeing a lot of private placements, blocktrades and [floats], there is a real demand for this type of quick and opportunistic financingsays Sue Lee, Citi’s head of strategic equity solutions business for Asia Pacific.

为大亨融资的最新动向是为新投资放贷,通常这些新投资机会由操作贷款的银行带来。“在香港,我们看到了许多定向增发、大宗交易和(股票发行),确实存在对这种快速投机性融资的需求,花旗亚太地区战略性股票解决方案业务主管Sue Lee称。

Providing tycoon financing can also help investment bankers win particular deals. MorganStanley managed a coup in this respect when last year it snatched the mandate for a $4.7bnprivate placement of shares in Ping An, the insurer from Goldman and Credit Suisse at the verylast minute. The victory came because it offered enough financing to a tycoon in the 10-strongsyndicate to help raise the price the whole group paid for the deal.

为大亨提供融资也可以帮助投资银行家赢得特定交易。摩根士丹利在这方面成功施展了一记妙招——去年其在最后一刻从高盛和瑞信手中抢走了保险公司平安(Ping An) 47亿美元定向股票增发的独家承销权。这次胜利的原因在于,摩根士丹利为包含约10位投资者的财团中的一位大亨提供了足够融资,从而帮助提高了整个财团为这笔交易支付的价格。

Putting one over on your rivals is always nice (and rare, in a deal of that size) but tycoonfinancing hits another banking sweet spot, namely making money by bringing together privatebankers and traditional dealmakers. In theory, investment bankers unselfishly introduce newlyminted millionaires, post-float, to their private banking colleagues. They bring in the investmentbanking team to advise on dealmaking. Real relationships are rarely that smooth, but finding away for the investment bank to satisfy a private client’s need for funds to bet on shares is aquick win for both sides.


Coalition, the data provider, estimates that in the past two years, revenue from corporateequity derivatives in Asia has totalled $1.2bn, up from $96m in 2012.


The growth has been fuelled by the rise of private wealth, particularly in China, with the floatingof companies such as Alibaba. “The whole market dynamic is shifting from state-owned toprivate enterprises so you have this massive conversion of wealth and these entrepreneurs,after they float, are looking for liquidity, said Aaron Oh, head of corporate equity derivativesfor Asia Pacific at Credit Suisse. Typically banks will advance cash worth about 30 per cent of theborrower’s portfolio, but competition is reportedly spurring banks to lend up to double that.

随着阿里巴巴(Alibaba)等企业的上市,私人财富的增长推动了这种收入的增长,尤其是在中国。“整个市场动态正从国有企业转向私有企业,因此你看到了这种大规模的财富转换,在企业上市后,这些企业家正在寻求流动性,瑞信亚太区企业股权衍生品主管Aaron Oh表示。通常银行会借出约为借款者资产组合价值30%的现金,但据报竞争已经促使银行最高借出两倍于此的资金。

Backing tycoons in the bullish Chinese market is unlikely to keep bankers awake at night.Investors too are buying into the concept at a retail level: China’s brokerages have raisedequity worth $14bn in Hong Kong this year and plan to use much of it to fund more marginfinancing.


The real question is what will happen when markets suffer a correction. Retail investors mayhave trouble meeting the resulting margin calls. Tycoons should be better able to keep theircool, so long as their bankers do too.



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