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发布时间:2013-11-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Mr Ballito' s secretary, Opal, is very busy nearly all the time. She has to answer letters,take messages,arrange appointments and answer the telephone. Mr Ballito thinks that Opal needs someone to help her in the office. He has decided to advertise in the newspaper for a junior secretary.Today Opal helps Mr Ballito draft anadvertisement which will be sent to the 'Dongali Times' to appear in Friday's issue.Here is Mr Ballito talking to Opal about the idea.

MR BALLITO:Opal. I want to advertise for a new junior.

OPAL:A new junior?

MR BALLITO:Yes, a new junior secretary.You have to spend so much time on the telephone that you need someone to help you in the office.

OPAL:That's a good idea. Then I can spend more time dealing with correspondence.

MR BALLITO:Yes, and if you spend more time on correspondence, I'll have more time to visit customers.

OPAL:And the firm will do more business.

MR BALLITO:Yes, and if the firm does more business, it' 11 make more money.

OPAL:(LAUGHING) And we'll all Get more pay.

MR BALLITO:Yes, Perhaps. Anyway let's start by getting a new junior secretary. We can put an advertisement in the daily newspaper.

OPAL:Right, what shall we. say in it,MR BALLITO: (DICTATING) Erm …… Junior Secretary wanted Oh, in block capitals. Then, Em ……A vacancy exists for a junior secretary in a medium-sized firm. Applicants, should be, shorthand-typists with a knowledge of secretarial duties. (NORMAL) What about that?

OPAL:I think it would be a good idea to put “office practice” instead of “secretarial duties.”

MR BALLITO:Do you? Why?

OPAL:Well, if she's worked in an office, she will know aboutoffice practice. But she may not know anything about secretarial. duties.

MR BALLITO:Yes. Yes, you're quite right.Put “Applicants” should be shorthand-typists with a knowledge of office practice.Secretarial training provided.

OPAL:Oh, I see. If she wants toknow anything special, I'll explain it to her.

MR BALLITO:Yes, yes. Now should we ask applicants to phone or write?

OPAL:Oh, phone, I think. You canfind out. a great deal about someone front their telephone manner. Oh, and what about languages?

MR BALLITO:Well anyone who uses the telephone in business should be able to speak at least one foreign language - we'd better put “Knowledge of one foreign language essential” somewhere. Oh, and will you mention that when you are interviewing the applicant. Now, read out the advertisement.

OPAL:UNIOR SECRETARY WANTED - in block capitals. Then Um. A vacancy exists for ajunior secretary in a medium sized firm. Applicants should be shorthand-typists with a knowledge of office practice. Secretarial training provided.Knowledge of one foreignlanguage essential. Telephone Dongali 52364 and ask ,for Miss Opal Karli.

MR BALLITO:Yes, now that's all right.Type it out and send it to the “Dongali Times.”

OPAL:When do you want it to appear?

MR BALLITO:Oh, in Friday's issue, I think.Thank you Opal. Thank you.


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