Password Protect Your Devices 为你的设备设定密码保护 Choosing not to password protect your devices is the digital equivalent of leaving your home or car unlocked. If you're lucky, no one will take advantage of the access. Or maybe the contents will be ravaged and your favorite speakers and/or secrets stolen. 选择对你的设备不使用密码保护,从数字设备的角度讲就好像你不锁门或锁车一样。如果你够幸运,没人会钻这个空子,不然,设备上的内容可能会遭入侵,你心爱的扬声器或秘密可能会被他人窃取。
Sign Out Of Your Online Accounts When You're Finished Using Them 在你用完之后,退出你的在线账户 Not only will this slightly reduce the amount of tracking of you as you surf the Web, this prevents someone who later sits down at your computer from loading one of these up and getting snoopy. If you're using someone else's or a public computer, this is especially important. Yes, people actually forget to do this, with terrible outcomes. 这不仅在你浏览网页时会略微减少你被追踪的次数,还可避免随后坐在你电脑前的某人登入你未退出的某个账户并窃取信息。如果你正使用别人的电脑或公共电脑,这一点尤其重要。是的,人们实际上会忘了退出,这会造成可怕的后果。
Don't Give Out Your Email, Phone Number, Or Zip Code When Asked 当别人问你的时候,不要透露你的电子邮件、电话号码或邮政编码 Obviously, if a sketchy dude in a bar asks for your phone number, you say no. But when the asker is a uniform-wearing employee at Best Buy, many a consumer hands over their digits when asked. Stores often use this info to help profile you and your purchase. You can say no. If you feel badly about it, just pretend the employee is the sketchy dude in the bar. 很明显,如果酒吧里一个轻浮的家伙管你要电话号码,你要说不。但如果对方是百思买的一位身着制服的员工,很多消费者会在被问到时提供号码。商店经常使用这一信息帮助建立关于你及你购买行为的档案。你可以说不。如果你对说不感到不安,请假装这位员工就是酒吧里的轻浮的家伙。
Encrypt Your Computer 对你的电脑加密 Encrypting your computer means that someone has to have your password (or encryption key) in order to peek at its contents should they get access to your hard drive. 对你的电脑加密意味着某人必须获得你的密码(或加密密钥)才能偷看你电脑里的内容,如果他们能够接触到你的硬盘的话。
Turn On 2-step Authentication In Gmail 在Gmail中开启两步身份验证 This simple little step turns your phone into a security fob - in order for your Gmail account to be accessed from a new device, a person (hopefully you) needs a code that's sent to your phone. This means that even if someone gets your password somehow, they won't be able to use it to sign into your account from a strange computer. Google says that millions of people use this tool, and that "thousands more enroll each day."Be one of those people. 这一简单易用的步骤将你的电话号码输入一个安全终端中——以便在一个人从一台新设备访问你的Gmail账户时,这个人(最好是你)需要提供发送到你手机上的代码。这意味着即使某人通过某种方式获得了你的密码,他们也无法使用该密码从一台陌生的电脑上登入你的账户。谷歌表示,数以百万计的用户在使用这一工具,同时“每天还有数千位新注册用户”加入这些人的行列。
Pay Cash For Embarrassing Items 在购买令人尴尬的物品时,请付现金 Don't want a purchase to be easily tracked back to you? You've seen the movies! Use cash. One data mining CEO says this is how he pays for hamburgers and junk food these days. 不希望你的购物行为能够轻易追踪到你的身份?你看过电影了!用现金。一位数据挖掘公司的CEO说,这是他现在购买汉堡和垃圾食品时的支付方式。Clear Your Browser History And Cookies On A Regular Basis 定期清除你的浏览器历史记录和Cookies When’s the last time you did that? If you just shrugged, consider changing your browser settings so that this is automatically cleared every session. Go to the “privacy” setting in your Browser’s “Options.” Tell it to “never remember your history.” This will reduce the amount you’re tracked online. Consider a browser add-on like TACO to further reduce tracking of your online behavior. 你最后一次这么做是在何时?如果你只是耸耸肩,请考虑改变你的浏览器设置,这样在每次上网之后会自动清除这些记录。前往浏览器“选项”中的“隐私”设置。勾选“从不保留历史记录。”这可减少你被在线追踪的次数。考虑安装浏览器插件,例如TACO,进一步减少你的在线行为被追踪的次数。
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