1. Give direction. 确定公司运作的方向。
Stand in front of the mirror and say, "Here is our future" five times without stuttering. A leader's most important job at any organization is to lay out a road map to the future. If you can't provide that direction, you're a manager -- not a leader. Your vision must be real, substantive, and something people can believe in. Have the guts to make decisions while there's still risk in them. 即便是存在风险,你也必须敢于当机立断。
2. Create a culture based on innovation and cooperation. 建立以“勇于创新、精诚合作”为基础的企业文化。
Innovation is about more than designing snazzy products. It's also about improving customer experiences and services.
3. Keep it simple and focused. 工作应该目标明确、重点突出。
Identify five key areas that need improvement in your company or division and keep at them until you get them right. Your list might include such things as cost containment (成本控制), quality, or customer satisfaction. Set tough targets for each one, and hold people accountable for results. Measure, monitor, and review progress on a timely basis and reward results. 你必须及时考核、监督并审查工作的进程,并对取得成果者给予奖励。
4. Honor your customer. 尊重客户。
The Internet lets your customers sound off and tell you exactly what they like or don't like about your business. Listen to them. Get out into the markets you serve, and ask your customers for feedback. Make the necessary changes to improve service or else you may find yourself with fewer customers (and eventually, out of business).
5. Hire the best. 雇佣最杰出的人员。
Your staff is your most important asset -- in good times and in bad. Hire ambitious people who are team-builders and good communicators, who can lead the organization in turbulent times without panicking.
6. Treat employees like customers. 视员工为客户。
If you want to inspire your customers, you must first inspire your employees. Invest heavily in training and mentoring (辅导). Explain the organization's goals so that everyone has the information and motivation to contribute. Nurture and reward the top 20% of your staff who produce 80% of the results, and actively weed out (清除出去) the bottom 10% who give you 80% of the headaches.
7. Commit to diversity and social responsibility. 注意保持多样化及社会责任感。
Get beyond your dreaded mission statement and make these values central to how you do business.
8. Make technology your friend. 与科技交朋友。
Technology can transform what your company sells, how it operates, and how it prepares for the future. Don't even try to ignore it. Use it to create new products, tap new distribution channels, and improve communication with your customers and partners.
9. Groom future leaders. 培养未来的领导人。
Select 25 of your best people each year and put them through hell together on specific projects for four or five months.
10. Lead by example. 以身作则。
Keep your moral compass (道德准则) at all times especially when you need to make a difficult decision. Make sure you also have a management team that you trust and respect. Operate on the credo (金科玉律): Take care of your customers and the people who take care of your customers and the growth and profit will take care of themselves.
Do all of that and you'll have an organization that will make you proud.
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