1.Use your name as your brand, especially in email. Don't confuse potential employers by using your maiden name on your resume and your married name in your email. And the nickname your friends find funny may not look professional.
"Manager jobs don't go to people with cute email addresses," said Marianne Adoradio, a recruiter and career counselor.
Marianne Adoradio是一位职业顾问,同时也是猎头,他说:“经理的工作不需要可爱的邮件地址。”
2.Meet an employer's need. Employers "want a round peg for the round hole," said Kathryn Ullrich, a career expert and executive recruiter.
满足雇主的需求。职业专家兼招聘主管Kathryn Ullrich说:“雇主需要的是为该职位找到最合适的人选。”
You may want to stretch yourself by trying a job you've never done before, but there's not much in that for the employer. Any time you apply for a job, make sure you can tell a story about your career that shows why you would be the best person for the job. "It's really about what the employer is looking for," Ullrich said.
3. Maintain a smart online profile. "All that stupid stuff you put on Facebook -- take it off," said Richard Phillips, owner of Advantage Career Solutions. At the same time, find industry blogs and forums and start contributing comments.
建立一份聪明的在线资料。“将你在Facebook上存放的那些愚蠢的东西都删掉吧。” Advantage Career Solutions的老板Richard Phillips建议说。同时,登录一些商业博客,论坛,上去发表你的高见。
4. Ask for help. "Ask everyone for one thing they would suggest you do if they were in your shoes," Adoradio said. "It seems to reveal things that you wouldn't have thought to ask."
5. Become active in a professional association. This means doing more than paying dues and showing up for meetings. Find a way to help: For example, perhaps you can organize expert speakers in your field to be on a panel. It will boost your resume, build you self-esteem and give you valuable connections. "You're building up relationships with people who are going to hire you," Ullrich said.
6. Take a class or get a certificate. This is especially helpful if it teaches you a skill -- new technology that's being used in your field, for example -- that you don't already have.
7. Take on a new project at work. It should be "something that lets you add something new to your resume," Phillips said. "Think in terms of the resume that you're going to be writing. What do you want to have on there that isn't on there now?"
在工作上开发一个新项目。“而这个新项目应该是你可以将其添加到你的简历上的,想想你要在简历上写的工作经验,那些是原来没有而你想增加的条款呢?” Phillips建议说。
8. Be flexible. You may not want to commute more than 10 miles, but being willing to bend a bit will open up more opportunities. It will also make you a more attractive candidate because it signals to employers that you're able to handle change.
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