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发布时间:2013-06-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


As sharply higher numbers of women work through pregnancy, many hear the same advice: Relax. Don't stress out or you will harm your unborn baby.


Contrary to old beliefs, however, research shows that ordinary day-to-day job and home stress isn't likely to cause low birth weight or other problems for most women. Traffic delays, work deadlines and other everyday hassles aren't likely to pose a threat to unborn babies, researchers say, and pregnant women who feel they are coping well tend to do just fine.


Instead, new studies are revealing a link between a certain kind of stress and some developmental delays in the baby: worrying excessively about the pregnancy itself.

根据加州大学尔湾分校研究人员最近在《儿童发展》(Child Development)上发表的研究报告,这种“怀孕特有焦虑与宝宝12个月时认知发展得分偏低有关。这与其他研究的结论相符。患有这种焦虑的孕妇对胎儿发育、流产或分娩的潜在问题过于担心。

This 'pregnancy-specific anxiety' was linked to lower cognitive-development scores in babies at 12 months of age, based on a study published recently in Child Development by researchers at the University of California, Irvine, echoing other research. Women who experience this kind of anxiety worry excessively about potential problems with fetal development, miscarriage or giving birth.


Researchers don't yet understand the basis for this finding. Women may become excessively anxious about their pregnancies because they sense that something actually is amiss, which could account for the developmental delays. Or, a mother who is anxious and negative during pregnancy might tend to provide less nurturing and stimulating care after birth.


Whatever the cause, many obstetricians are urging pregnant women to stop obsessing about stress, and seek out more support from family and friends.

Stephen Maturen for the Wall Street Journal 佩利(Felicia Perry,中)在“专注怀孕项目的一个小组中参与讨论


Some obstetricians are sending expectant moms to prenatal-care groups where they can get stress relief the old-fashioned way: by talking to other pregnant women. In a program called Centering Pregnancy, about 10 expectant mothers who are all at the same stage of a healthy pregnancy receive prenatal care in a group. In periodic two-hour sessions scheduled with the same frequency as standard one-on-one prenatal checkups, the women first get private screenings for blood pressure, weight and other health indicators, then gather for discussion.


While most pregnant women face moderate stress, a smaller slice have unrelenting, chronic strain. Women facing more difficult circumstances, such as extreme poverty, racism or serious family problems, have a higher risk of preterm birth or developmental problems. Also, research shows that going through a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, during the first trimester also raises the risk of premature delivery or low birth weight.


In coping with all kinds of stress, family and friends can help a lot. Social support -- kind words, nurturing friends, and surroundings that prompt smiles and laughter -- is emerging as a powerful antidote to pregnancy stress.


A 2008 Swiss study that subjected 60 pregnant women to stressors, such as a simulated job interview and a math test before a camera and an audience, found those who reported more 'daily uplifts' in their lives, such as smiling, laughing and receiving compliments, were less likely to react negatively to stress. Positive social experiences seem to act as a buffer, the study found.


Researchers increasingly believe that how individual women react to stress is a major factor in its effects. A study led by researchers at Michigan State University has linked a hostile attitude in and of itself -- that is, the tendency in a pregnant woman to feel angry, suspicious, cynical, tense or nervous a lot of the time -- with an increased risk of preterm birth.

研究对2,018名女性进行了研究,结果发表在2008年的《社会科学与医学》(Social Science & Medicine)期刊上。研究中,女性的敌对倾向是用她们对一系列有关感觉和态度的问题的回答加以衡量的。

In the study of 2,018 women, published in 2008 in the journal Social Science & Medicine, women's tendency toward hostility was measured by responses to a series of questions about their feelings and attitudes.

研究人员说,建立“压力复原能力是生育健康宝宝的一个关键。“压力复原能力指的是在严重压力期间,保持冷静和乐观、继续关爱自己的习惯。加州大学洛杉矶分校妇产科学副教授、作家Michael Lu鼓励女性在怀孕之前就开始建立对压力的复原能力──培养良好的运动、饮食和睡眠习惯,学会如何在不被压力压倒的情况下解决问题、面对挫折。

Researchers say building 'stress resiliency' -- a habit of staying calm and optimistic, and continuing to care well for yourself through periods of heavy stress -- is a key to healthy birth outcomes. Michael Lu, an author and associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at University of California, Los Angeles, encourages women to start building resiliency against stress even before they become pregnant -- forming good exercise, nutrition and sleep habits, and learning how to solve problems and face adversity without stressing out.

Learning to savor life's joys, be grateful, and look at seemingly negative events from a positive angle, he says, can set the stage for a pregnancy immune to the hazards of stress.


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