中央宣传部 中国
great struggle, great project, great cause and great dream
例句1:当今世界正处于百年未有之大变局,我们党领导的伟大斗争、伟大工程、伟大事业、伟大梦想正在如火如荼进行,改革发展稳定任务艰巨繁重,我们面临着难得的历史机遇,也面临着一系列重大风险考验。胜利实现我们党确定的目标任务,必须发扬斗争精神,增强斗争本领。 译文:Today’s world is in the midst of great changes that have not been seen in a century. The great struggle, the great project, the great cause, and the great dream are flourishing under the Party's leadership. The tasks of advancing reform, promoting development, and maintaining stability are arduous. We are facing a historic opportunity and also a series of major risks and tests. To achieve the goals and targets set by the Party, we must enhance our capability and meet challenges head-on. (from main points of the speech at the opening ceremony of a training program for younger officials at the Central Party School (National Academy of Governance) during its 2019 fall semester, September 3, 2019)
例句2:我们党在一个有着13亿多人口的大国长期执政,要保证国家统一、法制统一、政令统一、市场统一,要实现经济发展、政治清明、文化昌盛、社会公正、生态良好,要顺利推进新时代中国特色社会主义各项事业,必须完善坚持党的领导的体制机制,更好发挥党的领导这一最大优势,担负好进行伟大斗争、建设伟大工程、推进伟大事业、实现伟大梦想的重大职责。 译文:Governing a large country with more than 1.3 billion people, the Party must improve its leadership systems and mechanisms, give full play to the great strength of leadership by the Party, and shoulder the major responsibilities of carrying out our great struggle, developing our great project, advancing our great cause, and realizing our great dream. Only in this way can we ensure national reunification, uniform laws and policies and consistent market management, achieve economic development, clean political administration, cultural prosperity, social justice and healthy ecosystems, and smoothly advance the causes of Chinese socialism in the new era. (from the “Note to the Draft Decision and Draft Program on Further Reform of Party and State Institutions” delivered at the Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, February 26, 2018)
great historic struggle with many new features
例句:面对波谲云诡的国际形势、复杂敏感的周边环境、艰巨繁重的改革发展稳定任务,我们既要有防范风险的先手,也要有应对和化解风险挑战的高招;既要打好防范和抵御风险的有准备之战,也要打好化险为夷、转危为机的战略主动战。我们要继续进行具有许多新的历史特点的伟大斗争,准备战胜一切艰难险阻,朝着我们党确立的伟大目标奋勇前进。 译文:In the face of a confusing and changing international landscape, a complex and sensitive neighboring environment, and the for midable tasks of reform, development and maintaining stability at home, we must take the precaution of guarding against risks, while adopting effective measures to address and resolve them when they arise. We must be fully prepared and make proactive strategic moves to convert danger into safety and adversity into opportunity. We will continue the great historic struggle with many new features, prepare to overcome all difficulties and obstacles, and march forward towards the great goals set by our Party. (from main points of the speech at the opening ceremony of a study session on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress, January 5, 2018. Members and alternate members of the newly elected CPC Central Committee and principal officials at the provincial and ministerial level attended the session.)
great new project of strengthening the Party
例句:伟大斗争,伟大工程,伟大事业,伟大梦想,紧密联系、相互贯通、相互作用,其中起决定性作用的是党的建设新的伟大工程。 译文:This great struggle, great project, great cause, and great dream are closely connected, flow seamlessly into each other, and are mutually reinforcing. Among them, the great new project of strengthening the Party plays the decisive role. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)
great cause of Chinese socialism
例句:在新时代的征程上,全党同志一定要适应新时代中国特色社会主义的发展要求,提高战略思维、创新思维、辩证思维、法治思维、底线思维能力,增强工作的原则性、系统性、预见性、创造性,更好把握国内外形势发展变化,更好贯彻党的理论和路线方针政策,更好贯彻党的十九大确定的大政方针、发展战略、政策措施,更好推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业和党的建设新的伟大工程,团结带领全国各族人民奋力谱写全面建成小康社会、全面建设社会主义现代化国家新篇章。 译文:On this new journey, all our Party members must keep abreast with the new requirements of the new era, improve our capacity for strategic, innovative and dialectical thinking, bear in mind the rule of law and our principles, take a holistic, forward-looking and innovative approach to work, and better understand the changing domestic and international situation. We must put into practice the Party's theories, guidelines, principles and policies especially the guidelines, development strategies and policy measures established at the 19th CPC National Congress, promote the great cause of Chinese socialism and the great project of strengthening the Party, and unite all the Chinese people and lead them to strive for a moderately prosperous society and a modern socialist country in all respects. (from the speech at the First Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 25, 2017)
Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation
例句:中国的昨天已经写在人类的史册上,中国的今天正在亿万人民手中创造,中国的明天必将更加美好。全党全军全国各族人民要更加紧密地团结起来,不忘初心,牢记使命,继续把我们的人民共和国巩固好、发展好,继续为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗! 译文:China’s past made its mark on human history; China’s present is being created by the hands of hundreds of millions of Chinese people; China’s future will be even brighter. All members of the Party, the armed forces and the people of all ethnic groups should unite closer, stay true to our original aspiration and founding mission, and continue to consolidate and develop our People’s Republic. We should continue to enhance our efforts to achieve the Two Centenary Goals and to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. (from the speech at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, October 1, 2019)
important period of strategic opportunity
例句:当前,国内外形势正在发生深刻复杂变化,我国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期,前景十分光明,挑战也十分严峻。 译文:Both China and the world are in the midst of profound and complex changes. China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity for development; the prospects are bright but the challenges are severe. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)
1. 生活之树长青。
Forever green is the tree of life.
译文:As the saying goes, “Forever green is the tree of life.” A theory can only find its inspiration in the richness and vibrancy of real life and in the practical need to resolve social problems.
2. 不要人夸颜色好,只留清气满乾坤。
Not bent on praise for its bright colors, but on leaving its fragrance to all.
译文:We do not need lavish praise from others. But we do welcome objective reporting and constructive suggestions, for this is our motto, “Not bent on praise for its bright colors, but on leaving its fragrance to all.”
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