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发布时间:2013-03-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  前所未有的机遇和挑战 unprecedented opportunities and challenges unknown before

  更加奋发有为,兢兢业业地工作 aim higher and work harder

  作出全面部署 adopt a comprehensive/an overall action plan

  作出总体安排 adopt steps for general implementation

  关系全局的重大问题 issues of underlying importance/of overriding importance

  历经千辛万苦 endure untold hardships and sufferings

  开创生动的新局面 create a dynamic new environment in which…

  新形势下党的建设 Party building in a new environment/under new conditions

  综合国力大幅提高 China’s overall strength has grown considerably.

  观调控体系 system of macro-regulation

  农村扶贫标准大幅度提高 Rural poverty line was raised by a big margin.

  政治体制改革 reform of the political structure; political structural reform

  基层民主不断发展Community-level democracy has steadily developed.

  凝聚力量,攻坚克难 pool our strength to overcome all difficulties

  文化建设迈上新台阶 Development of the cultural sector has reached a new stage.

  免费义务教育全面实现 Free compulsory education is now available across the country.

  军事斗争准备不断深化 Military preparedness is enhanced.

  开创两岸关系和平发展新局面 usher in a new stage of peaceful growth of cross-Straits relations

  有利的国际环境 favorable international conditions/environment

  加强党的干部 strengthen the ranks of Party officials

  资源环境约束加剧 Resources and environmental constrains have become more serious.

  最广泛地动员和组织人民管理国家事务 mobilize and organize as many people as possible to manage state affairs

  要始终把改革创新精神贯彻到治国理政的各个环节 We should always apply the spirit of reform and innovation to all aspects of governance.

  社会公平正义 social fairness and justice

  一些领域消极腐败现象易发多发 Some sectors are prone to corruption and other misconduct/malpractices.

  反腐败斗争形势依然严峻 The fight against corruption remains a challenging task for us.

  战胜一系列重大挑战 successfully met major challenges

  文化体制改革全面推进 Comprehensive progress has been made in the reform of the cultural system.

  人民精神文化生活更加丰富多彩 People have richer intellectual pursuit and cultural entertainment.

  国际局势风云变幻 We face a volatile international environment.

  保证人民平等参与、平等发展权利 ensure people’s equal right to participation in governance and to development

  分配制度 system of income distribution

  应对外部经济风险冲击 defuse/stand external economic risks

  时代特征 the underlying trend of our times

  实施科技兴国、人才强国战略 We must implement the strategies for making China strong by developing science and education and training competent personnel.

  统筹 balance/coordinate relations between

  我们要把握以下基本要求 We should have a firm grasp of the following basic requirements…

  我们必须坚持人民主体地位 We must ensure that the people maintain their principal position in the country.

  世情、国情、党情 global, national and Party conditions

  坚持一切从实际出发 We should base ourselves on reality in everything we do.

  充分调动各方面的积极性 keep all parties fully motivated

  实践发展永无止境,认识真理永无止境,理论创新永无止境。There is no end to practice, to seeking truth, or to making theoretical innovation.

  把握时代发展要求 respond to the call of the times

  探索和把握中国特色社会主义规律 to explore and master laws governing socialism with Chinese characteristics

  开创全面改革开放的新局面 usher in a new phase/open a new horizon in carrying out all-round reform and opening up

  加快生态文明建设 promote ecological progress; speed up ecological conservation; raise ecological awareness

  关系群众切身利益的问题 problems affecting people’s immediate interests

  逐渐实现全体人民共同富裕 achieve prosperity for all over time/in due course

  回答了建设什么样的社会主义的根本问题 It has addressed the fundamental issue of what kind of socialism to build.

  公平正义是中国特色社会主义的内在要求 Fairness and justice are an inherent requirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


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