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发布时间:2020-05-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

转眼暑假就嗖嗖地过去一半啦,除了腰上的游泳圈,小伙伴们都有什么收获呀?这个暑假,我们的四位选手可是收获不小!作为第20届中国日报社“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛的获奖者,来自中央民族大学的胡嫱 韩朗,中国传媒大学

1. Australians EAT kangaroos


Kangaroos are definitely cultural icons of Australia. But kangaroos can not only be found in zoos, they can be seen in the supermarket!

In Australia, supermarkets offer fresh kangaroo meat. I am totally stunned to see kangaroo meat in the supermarket!

These are adorable creatures, so how could Australians eat them? For me, it is like eating pandas in China - it is so hard to believe. By the way, kangaroo meat tastes exactly like beef. And I will never try it again.

2. Always bring a light lunch


The office where we did our internship does not provide lunch for its employees.

There is a small café on the 2rd floor where you can buy lunch. And there is a small kitchen with hot water and microwave oven available on each floor of the building. You can treat yourself there with a hot cup of tea if you bring a tea bag with you. If you tend to have a small breakfast then you need to remember to bring your own food for lunch otherwise you will have to work with an empty stomach for the rest of your day. Nevertheless, even if you still forget to bring your lunch with you, you can always grab something to eat at the shops nearby. I would ususally make myself an avocado sandwich. Yummy!


3. How to cross an Australian road


It is quite interesting that in Australia pedestrians need to press the button on the traffic light pole for the light to go green.

The friend who taught me this told me that she waited for a long time by the road, not understanding why the light was always red the first time she crossed a road alone in Australia. In China the traffic light goes green by itself.

4. You can travel to the sea on a tram


I was surprised when I first heard that tourists could go to see the beach by taking a tram car because in many places in China it might take people a few hours on the highway to drive out of the city and get to the beach.

It is a wonderful experience to enjoy the scenery of the town along the way and find the blue Melbourne sea at the end of the tram line.


5. Shopping needs to be done before 5pm


Australia is a place where nothing can stop it from getting off work on time.

I planned to do some shopping after a day's work, only to find almost all the malls and stores and restaurants have been closed.

Sometimes I can't help wondering how they could possibly make money by opening only at work time.

6. Don't ask for Australian food


Being the first time in Australia, we definitely want to try some authentic local specialities. But every time we asked about Australian food, we didn't get a definite answer. Just like its county, Australian food is quite diverse. We've tried really nice Thai food, Malaysian cuisine, European pizzas and even the fried chicken and beer from a Korean TV series.

All these foods can be regarded as 'Australian' to some extent, because different food and cultures mix with each other and have become part of this country.


7. Be adventurous


There are a many things to see and try in Australia ranging from yummy delicacies to whole new transportation. The Indigenous wildlife and aboriginal culture never stop enthralling tourists visiting from far away.

The thing you need to do is to be courageous and discard “Chinese shyness”.

My friend and I never tried a helicopter before coming to the Great Ocean Road but the panoramic view of the beautiful coastal cliffs and meandering ocean shore from above took our breath away.

We would not have been able to witness those incredible masterpieces of nature with our own eyes if we had refused the challenge.

8. Come to the office wearing a smile


Frankly I was extremely tense on my first day as an intern at the ABC, I wondered if I would have to work overtime or be constantly given demanding jobs. But then I found those worries were totally unnecessary and I turned out to be wearing the biggest smile on my face for the next few days.

There is a friendly and casual tone in both the attire and the conversions among staff. Working time is highly flexible. Cakes are shared in the office where the atmosphere is easy and harmonious. It is unlikely you’ll see anything tricky like in the movie The Devil Wears Prada. I feel like this is exactly the workplace I’ve been dreaming of.

Gabrielle, Sophia, Alison, Daisy, General Manager of 21st Century English Education Media Qingkai Zeng and ABC International CEO Lynley Marshall



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