
发布时间:2020-04-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Growing up is like a boat in my life, driving on the wave. Sometimes it's calm, sometimes it's turbulent. But my boat of growth is not smooth sailing, which has also experienced a variety of storms. For me, there are tears and smiles, sorrows and joys, sweets and bitters.


My boat of growth, from the moment I set sail, has brought me a lot of happiness and troubles. As a junior high school student, I am eager to see the wind and waves in the sky as soon as possible, but I am tired of facing them.


Like other people, I am also a "sailor" who just went out to sea. At the same time, there are many troubles around me. Perhaps, this is what people often say, "people have ups and downs, and the moon has ups and downs."! Because I am growing up and becoming an adult, I am no longer a child in the eyes of the elders at home, no longer that ignorant, but naive me, becoming conscious, courageous and knowledgeable. No matter what I do now, I must first recognize the "compass needle", and I must have principles in my body, not be careless or careless. If there is a slight difference. A Blizzard will come at any time. You have grown up No longer a child It hurt my head.


Recalling my childhood, when I was a child, I lived a relaxed, carefree and free life. I had no worries at all. But with the passage of time, the waves in front of me are bigger and the sea is more twists and turns. I have become a middle school student. The past has gone. My stature is tall, the time of going to school is long, the homework that goes home is increased, the subject that studies is much, my double shoulders gradually carried heavier schoolbag. The pressure in my heart is also increasing. If I was a child, no matter what I did wrong, no one would blame me, because I was still young and didn't understand, plus my parents were "guides" for me. But now I have to grow up, be sensible and adapt to independence. I have to be careful and think twice before I do anything. Compared with the leisurely days when I was a child, it gradually widened the distance.


Alas! There are many troubles in growing up, but there are many happiness that I have been longing for for for a long time. Sometimes I have sunny and calm days.


Growing up will bring me a lot of troubles, but also want to quickly become an adult. It's the same when I was a kid, it's the same now. As a child, although I live a more comfortable life, I am bound by the elders and others everywhere. When I walk, my parents mix with me; when I fall down, my parents support me. I can't and have no right to express my opinion at all. The road on the sea can't be navigated by me at all. But I know, I know that when I grow up, I will become an adult, different from when I was a child.


Just like me now, I am growing up gradually. I have my own opinions on everything. Before doing anything, I don't need to consult my parents completely. I can go where I want to go, fall down and support myself by my own strength. For example, although I have a lot of heavy learning tasks, I have learned a lot of new knowledge, and I will get a lot of harvest every day, which is not a good thing?


My boat of growth, though not stable, has a calm, surging waves. But it is all kinds of rough waves that make me realize a lot, learn a lot and exercise a lot. Through my journey of growing up, I really know that growing up has certain troubles, but there are more happiness.


How can sunshine succeed without wind and rain after wind and rain? This growing trouble is exactly the happiness of my growing up. I should face it calmly.


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