一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。
1. 火星探测器
Mars probe
China on Tuesday released the design of a Mars probe which the country plans to send to the Red Planet within five years.
在23日举行的火星探测器设计发布仪式上(a ceremony held to reveal the Mars probe's design),中国火星探测任务工程副总指挥(deputy head of China's Mars exploration program)刘继忠表示,我国计划于2020年前后发射一个无人火星探测器环绕火星运行并完成着陆(send an unmanned probe to Mars to orbit and land on the planet around 2020)。
会上,中国国家航天局(China National Space Administration)公布了我国第一款火星探测器(Mars probe)外观设计构型。火星探测器将由三部分组成:环绕器(orbiter)、着陆器(lander)、火星车(rover)。火星探测器总设计师孙泽洲表示,火星车将有6个轮子,装有4块太阳能电池板(solar panel),重约200千克,将搭载13台科学载荷(carry 13 scientific instruments),在火星上工作92天。
中国火星探测任务工程总设计师(the program's chief planner)张荣桥介绍了中国首次火星探测任务。他说,火星距离地球最远达4亿公里(the farthest distance between the Earth and Mars is about 400m km),探测器在器箭分离后经过约7个月巡航飞行被火星引力捕获(be captured by the Martian gravity),环绕器环绕火星飞行后要与火星车分离,然后进入任务使命轨道开展对火星全球环绕探测(orbit Mars to survey the planet),同时为着陆器开展中继通讯(relay communication)。着陆器在火星表面实现软着陆并与火星车分离(the lander will soft-land on the Martian surface and deploy the rover)。随后,火星车开始火星表面巡视探测,要探测火星的形貌、土壤、大气(detect the landform, soil and atmosphere of Mars),寻找水分布迹象(look for traces of water)。
太阳系 solar system
运载火箭 carrier rocket
失重 zero gravity
航天计划 space program
航天飞机 shuttle
火星大气层 Mars atmosphere
2. 奥运精神,奥林匹克精神
the Olympic spirit
President Xi Jinping issued a rallying call on Thursday for the Olympic spirit to be practiced in helping to realize the "Chinese Dream" of national rejuvenation.
《奥林匹克宪章(the Olympic Charter)》指出,奥林匹克精神就是相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争的精神(mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play)。奥林匹克精神可以用the Olympic spirit来表达,类似的表达有the spirit of the Chinese women's volleyball team(中国女排精神),the never-say-die spirit(永不言弃的精神)。
国家主席习近平25日下午在北京人民大会堂(the Great Hall of the People)会见第31届奥林匹克运动会中国体育代表团(the Chinese sports delegation)全体成员。习近平强调,我国体育健儿在里约奥运会上的出色表现,生动诠释了奥林匹克精神和中华体育精神(the Chinese athletes have demonstrated the Olympic spirit and the spirit of Chinese sports with their brilliant performances at the Rio Olympic Games),为祖国争了光(bring glory to the country),为民族争了气,为奥运增了辉,为人生添了彩,激发了全国人民的爱国热情和全世界中华儿女的民族自豪感,增强了中华民族的凝聚力、向心力、自信心(strengthen the nation's cohesiveness and confidence),是中国精神的一个重要体现。
在里约奥运会上,中国取得了26枚金牌、18枚银牌、26枚铜牌的优异成绩,位居奖牌、金牌榜前三(China swept 26 gold, 18 silver and 26 bronze medals at Rio, ranking among the top three on the medal or gold medal tally),续写了中国体育新辉煌。习近平强调,我们不以胜负论英雄。在奥运会这样高水平的竞争场合,没拿到奖牌,但在比赛中做了最好的自己的运动员,同样值得尊敬和表扬(those athletes who did not win medals but performed personal bests should also be respected and praised)。中国女排(the Chinese women's volleyball team)时隔12年再夺奥运金牌(win the first volleyball gold in 12 years),充分展现了中国女排精神,全国人民都很振奋。
习近平还表示,希望把筹办2022年冬奥会、冬残奥会作为推动我国体育事业发展的重大机遇(take the preparation for and hosting of the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics as a great opportunity to advance our sports development),全力筹办一届"精彩、非凡、卓越(fantastic, extraordinary and excellent)"的冬奥会、冬残奥会,加快我国冰雪运动普及发展。最后,习近平用里约奥运会期间人们经常喊的口号结束了讲话:我们的运动员们加油!中国队加油!中国加油!(the president concluded his speech with well-known slogans during the Rio Games: "Go athletes! Go Team China! Go China!" )
竞技体育 competitive sports
休闲体育 recreational sports
全民健身活动 public fitness activities
奥林匹克休战墙 Olympic Truce Mural
奥运赛事 Olympic events
3. 细菌耐药
antimicrobial resistance, AMR
China announced a State-level plan on Thursday to curb antimicrobial resistance, which involves 14 ministries and agencies, including health, agriculture, food and drug, and environmental protection.
细菌耐药(antimicrobial resistance, AMR)是全球公共健康领域面临的一项重大挑战(a major global public health challenge)。细菌耐药指细菌、真菌、病毒、寄生生物(bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites)等微生物对于抗菌药物的耐受性(resistance of a microorganism to an antimicrobial drug),起初该药物能对这种微生物引起的感染进行有效治疗(that was originally effective for treatment of infections caused by it)。 耐药性根据其发生原因可分为获得耐药性(acquired resistance)和固有耐药性(intrinsic resistance)。
《遏制细菌耐药国家行动计划(2016-2020年)》的出台背景是:抗菌药物广泛应用于医疗卫生(be widely used in health care)、农业养殖领域,在治疗感染性疾病挽救患者生命(treat infectious diseases and save patients' lives)、防治动物疫病(animal epidemic prevention and treatment)提高养殖效益以及保障公共卫生安全中,发挥了重要作用。但是,由于新型抗菌药物研发能力(R&D capability)不足、药店无处方销售抗菌药物(sales of antimicrobial drugs without prescriptions in some pharmacies)、医疗和养殖领域不合理应用抗菌药物、制药企业(pharmaceutical enterprise)废弃物排放(waste discharge)不达标、群众合理用药(rational drug use)意识不高等多种因素,细菌耐药问题日益突出。
文件提出,从国家层面实施综合治理策略和措施,对抗菌药物的研发、生产、流通、应用环节加强监管(intensify oversight in research and development, production, distribution and application of antimicrobial drugs),加强宣传教育、加强国际交流合作(intensify international cooperation and exchanges),应对细菌耐药带来的风险挑战。到2020年,争取研发上市全新抗菌药物1-2个,新型诊断仪器设备和试剂5-10项(one or two new antimicrobial drugs, and five to ten new testing devices as well as reagents will be developed and made available by 2020)。零售药店凭处方销售抗菌药物的比例基本达到全覆盖(basically all retail drugstores should sell antimicrobial drugs only when provided with prescriptions),省(区、市)凭兽医处方销售抗菌药物的比例达到50%。全国二级以上医院基本建立抗菌药物临床应用管理机制(establish a management mechanism to strictly control clinical application of antimicrobial drugs)。对医务人员、养殖一线兽医和养殖业从业人员完成抗菌药物合理应用培训(medical staff, veterinarians and employees of poultry and livestock industries finish training on the proper use of antimicrobial drugs);全面实施中小学抗菌药物合理应用科普教育(all primary and middle school students should be educated on the issue)。
卫生条件 sanitary conditions
耐药感染 drug-resistant infections
耐药菌株,抗性品系 resistant strains
抗生素耐药 antibiotic resistance
抗生素滥用 antibiotic abuse
诊断试验 diagnostic test
4. 网络借贷
P2P lending
China's banking watchdog and three other ministries jointly issued a set of regulations Wednesday, aiming to tighten supervision of the country's booming peer-to-peer (P2P) lending industry.
新规界定了网络借款的内涵,强调网贷机构作为金融信息服务中介的定位(emphasize the role of P2P lending companies as financial information service intermediaries),确立了网贷监管由银监会(China Banking Regulatory Commission, CBRC)及其派出机构和地方金融监管部门双负责的监管体制,并以负面清单形式划定网贷业务边界(provide a negative list to draw the business boundaries of P2P lending companies),明确网贷平台不能从事的十三项禁止性行为(impose 13 restrictions on P2P platforms)。
新规禁止网贷平台设立资金池(cash pool)、吸收公众存款(absorb public savings)或为借款人提供任何形式的担保(provide any form of guarantee for borrowers)。根据新规,个人借款人在单个网贷平台的借款上限为20万元,在不同平台的借款上限为100万元。新规还要求网贷平台通过合格的银行业机构(qualified banking institutions)存储、管理客户资金并准确、及时地披露借款人、融资项目和平台运营的相关信息(disclose information on the borrowers, financing projects and platform operation accurately on a timely basis),以更好地保障客户的资金安全(better ensure the clients' money safety)。
分析人士认为,此举有助于保证网贷行业的健康发展(ensure the healthy development of the P2P lending industry),防范金融风险(prevent financial risks),保护投资者合法权益(protect investors' legitimate interests)。
投资诈骗 investment fraud
互联网金融 e-finance
民间借贷 private lending
高利贷 usury
地下钱庄 underground/illegal banks
5. 意大利强震
strong/powerful earthquake in Italy
A strong earthquake rocked central Italy early Wednesday, collapsing homes on top of residents as they slept.
当地时间24日凌晨3时36分,意大利中部城镇发生6级以上地震,震中位于罗马东北方向约100公里的诺尔恰市(with the epicenter at Norcia, around 100 km northeast of Rome),震源深度较浅,为10公里(with a relatively shallow depth of 10 km)。这场强震给意大利中部几座城镇带来灾难性的破坏(wreak devastating havoc on a cluster of central Italian towns),死亡人数(death toll)至少为267人。著名古城阿马特里切(famous ancient town Amatrice)是重灾区(the hardest-hit town, the worst affected town)之一,建筑物倒塌,有居民被埋在瓦砾下(residents be burried under the rubbles/debris of collapsed buildings),有目击者形容灾区惨况如"但丁的地狱(Dante's Inferno)"。由于震中所处区域是著名的旅游胜地,夏季会接待大量游客(accommodate many tourists),也有一些季节工(seasonal workers),因此,地震导致的失踪人数尚不确定(the number of missing remains unclear)。
灾难发生后,意大利迅速展开救援工作,逾5000名救援人员(rescue workers)彻夜工作(toil through the night),仍在倒塌的房屋中寻找幸存者(search for survivors)。意大利政府宣布地震灾区进入紧急状态(declare a state of emergency in the affected areas),并宣布相关减税(tax relief)政策,拨款2.34亿欧元用于搜救和重建工作(the Italian government allocated EUR234m to the search and recovery effort)。25日,意大利政府宣布第一笔5000万欧元的救灾款项安排方案已经确定。
据悉,意大利位于两条断层之上(Italy sits on two fault lines),为地震多发区(be often shaken by earthquakes)。专家称,意大利许多老建筑不符合20世纪80年代实施的抗震建筑标准(vast numbers of older structures do not conform to anti-earthquake building codes adopted in the 1980s)。据意大利国家地球物理和火山研究所一名地震学家(a seismologist at Italy's National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology)估算,意大利70%-80%的建筑不抗震(not earthquake-proof)。近10年来,意大利发生过3次造成严重伤亡的地震(Italy has been hit with three major fatal earthquakes in the past decade),其中最严重的是2009年拉奎拉地震,造成逾300人死亡。
余震 aftershock
地壳运动 crustal movement
火山爆发 volcanic eruption
抗震能力 earthquake resistance capacity
地震活跃期 active seismic period
精神创伤 mental trauma
(救援)黄金时间 golden window
心理干预 psychological intervention
灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction
职场英语:白领逃离“北上广” 等超大城市
职场英语:网络口碑 word of mouse
职场英语:办公室避免老板“桌怒”desk rage
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