一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。
1. 蓝色经济
blue economy
China calls for the development of a "blue economy" to optimize the traditional marine sector and speed up the development of emerging marine industries while promoting sustainability, a Chinese official said.
为期5天的联合国海洋大会(United Nations Ocean Conference)正在纽约联合国总部举行。大会期间,中国国家海洋局副局长林山青表示,国际社会应在国际、区域和国家层面(at the international, regional and national levels)实现海洋经济发展(marine economic development)优势互补,发展环境友好型(environmentally friendly)的产业业态。
蓝色经济(blue economy)是指发展依赖于海洋或与海洋相关的环境友好型产业和经济(ocean-based or ocean-relevant environmentally friendly marine industries and economy)。蓝色经济对中国这样的海洋大国至关重要,今后蓝色经济在国民经济中所占比重会越来越高。
此次联合国海洋大会旨在确保2030年可持续发展议程(2030 Sustainable Development Goal agenda)中第14个目标——养护和可持续利用海洋和海洋资源以促进可持续发展(conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development)能够得以落实。大会讨论了海洋污染(marine pollution)、海洋生态保护(protection of the marine ecosystem)、海水酸化(ocean acidification)、可持续渔业(sustainable fishery)、海洋科研能力(marine scientific research capacity)等议题,呼吁社会各界采取措施,减少人类活动对海洋和海洋资源的威胁。
中国向大会提交了5份自愿承诺(voluntary commitments),在加强对海洋生态环境的保护(strengthen the protection of the marine ecological environment)、提高防灾减灾能力(improve the disaster prevention and mitigation capacities)、加强科技创新(strengthen scientific and technical innovation)、发展可持续的海洋经济(develop a sustainable ocean economy)以及推动亚太区域海洋国际合作(enhance the international marine cooperation in Asia Pacific region)5个方面提出了发展目标。
海洋产业 marine industries
禁渔令 fishing ban
海洋资源 marine resources
保护生物多样性 preserve biodiversity
2. 自媒体
We Media 请看例句:
In the era of We Media, citizens can publish and circulate information and opinions online, develop their own user profiles, and become independent "media entities."
近日《中国青年报社》社会调查中心联合问卷网对2003人进行的一项调查显示,59.6%的受访者坦承对争议性事件(controversial incident)的认知受自媒体(We Media)影响大。调查显示,24.6%的受访者大量阅读网络上自媒体产出的内容(do a lot of reading generated by We Media)。情感生活类(48.5%)、心灵鸡汤(Chicken Soup for the Soul)类(46.1%)和时政资讯(political news)类(38.4%)是最受受访者喜爱的自媒体内容。
调查还显示,45.8%的受访者认为自媒体有趣的内容(interesting content of We Media)最具吸引力,43%的受访者则认可自媒体采用的多样的表现形式及风格(varied forms and styles of presentation employed by We Media);20.7%的受访者称,他们通过自媒体发现了高质量、有思想的内容(high-quality and thoughtful content)。但也有34.7%的受访者抱怨称,相较提高内容质量(improve content quality)而言,自媒体更注重"追热点"(prioritize hot topics)。与此同时,抄袭问题仍然非常猖獗(plagiarism remains rampant)。
新媒体 new media
社交媒体 social media
网络直播 live video streaming
网红经济 internet celebrity economy
粉丝经济 fan economy
3. 共享小金车
gilded shared bike 请看例句:
Gilded shared bikes with wireless charging have hit the streets in Beijing as market competition increases.
家电制造商(appliance maker)海尔电器旗下公司海尔无线和共享单车平台(bike-sharing platform)酷骑合作推出了这款金色两轮车(golden colored two-wheelers)。海尔无线称,选择金色是因为看起来喜庆(jubilant)且极富视觉冲击感(visually striking)。这款单车自带手机支架(cellphone mount),骑行过程中用户可以将手机夹在车前开启导航功能。车辆前方搭载了一块充电宝(lighting connector),用户在骑行时可为手机无线或有线充电(charge their cellphone wirelessly or through a cable)。此外,该车辆还宣称用到了智能升降座椅(self elevating seat)、智能语音锁(intelligent voice lock)等黑科技。
首批小金车已在北京、上海、深圳、杭州和西安等城市投入使用(be put to use),骑行半小时收费1.5元(cost riders RMB1.5 for a 30-minute ride),押金(deposit)298元。据悉,目前我国已有超过30家共享单车初创企业(bike-sharing startups),每家企业都给单车选了独有的配色(make their bikes distinctive in color)。在红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、白、金的海洋里,共享单车在风险投资(venture investment)的支撑下野蛮生长。
科技巨头 tech behemoths
财大气粗 deep-pocketed
烧钱大战 money-burning war
主要对手 arch rival
争夺市场份额 wrestle for market share
4. 八卦账号
paparazzi account
China on Wednesday closed several popular paparazzi social media accounts as a part of efforts to uphold socialist core values and clean up the cyber environment.
根据北京市网信办7日发布的声明,由于传播商业炒作(disseminate commercial speculation)、低俗内容(vulgar content)等原因,60个社交媒体账号将被关停(social media accounts will be shut down)。上述账号来自新浪微博、微信、腾讯及百度等7个社交媒体平台(social media platforms),多数涉及明星绯闻(celebrity gossip),其中包括众所周知的"中国第一狗仔卓伟(China's No 1 Paparazzi Zhuo Wei)"。该账号曾多次发布关于明星私生活、性丑闻方面的信息(information about celebrities' private lives and sex scandals)。
本月1日开始实施的《中华人民共和国网络安全法(cyber security law)》规定,网络运营平台对自媒体的管理有法可依:任何个人和组织不得利用网络从事侵害他人名誉、隐私、知识产权和其他合法权益等活动(any individual or organization should not infringe on others' reputation, privacy, intellectual property and other lawful rights and interests of others via the internet),网络运营者应当加强对其用户发布的信息的管理,发现法律、行政法规禁止发布或者传输的信息的,应当立即停止传输该信息(immediately stop the spread of information),采取消除等处置措施,防止信息扩散,保存有关记录,并向有关主管部门报告。
网信办负责人表示,此次行动旨在采取有效措施遏制渲染演艺明星绯闻隐私(hype celebrity personal affairs)、炒作明星炫富享乐的生活方式(extravagant lifestyle)、低俗媚俗之风(forms of vulgarity)等问题,传播积极的社会主义核心价值观,营造健康的舆论环境(create a healthy public opinion environment)。
八卦 gossip
低俗内容 vulgar content
个人信息 personal information
隐私泄露 privacy disclosure
5. 悬浮议会
hung parliament
Britain will have a hung parliament, with no party winning majority in the snap general election, according to official results announced Friday morning.
在已经揭晓的英国大选结果中,保守党获得306个席位(the Conservatives got 306 seats),其主要对手工党(main rival Labour)获得258席,没有政党赢得成为多数党所需的326席(no party has won 326 seats required for becoming a majority party),确定将产生"悬浮议会(hung parliament)"。
4月,英国首相特雷莎·梅宣布提前举行大选(call a snap general election),旨在利用当时民调支持率大幅领先(commanding lead)的优势,通过选举增加议会席位,强化其在脱欧谈判中的话语权(bolster her position in Brexit negotiations),以兑现"硬脱欧(hard Brexit)"的诺言。然而,一系列恐怖袭击(a string of terror attacks)使舆论风向发生了转变,主张"软脱欧(soft Brexit)"的科尔宾率领的工党更能迎合选民心理。
英国各大报刊的头条称,特雷莎·梅提前大选的政治赌博事与愿违(Theresa May's political gamble in calling a snap general election had backfired)。出现悬浮议会后,通常有筹组联合政府(form a coalition government)、组建少数派政府(form a minority government)或重新选举(re-election)三种解决方案。
选举周期 election cycle
出口民调 exit poll
大胜 win a landslide victory
巨大未知数 the big unknown
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