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发布时间:2019-11-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编


入世议定书第15条 Article 15 of the Protocol on China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in Berlin on June 1 that the European Union (EU) will fulfill its obligations under Article 15 of the Protocol on China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO).


中国2001年签署《中国加入世界贸易组织议定书》时,第15条规定,世界贸易组织成员在对中国出口产品的反倾销调查(anti-dumping investigations)中使用“替代国”(surrogate country)数据的做法应当于2016年12月11日终止。

“替代国”做法(the surrogate country approach)指世贸组织成员国在计算反倾销税(anti-dumping duty)幅度时,如果认定商品的出口国为非市场经济国家(non-market economy),则引用与出口国经济发展水平大致相当的第三方市场经济国家,即替代国(surrogate country)的成本等数据计算正常价值并进而确定倾销幅度,施以对应的征税措施。

随着15年期限的到来,其他世贸组织成员应立即停止依据《中国加入世贸组织议定书》第15条在对华反倾销调查中使用“替代国”做法,这是所有世贸组织成员必须履行的国际义务(international obligation)。但是,一些国家始终将“市场经济地位”(market economy status)概念与此相捆绑,拒绝履行这一承诺。

去年11月,欧盟委员会(the European Commission)为其反倾销和反补贴措施(anti-dumping and anti-subsidy calculations)提出一个新说法:市场扭曲(market distortion)。欧盟委员会表示,通常来说,涉及世贸组织成员的倾销案中,标准的参考值是国内价格。不过,如果有影响国内价格的“严重市场扭曲”,调查员可以使用国际基准价格(international prices and cost reference)。

默克尔表示,《中国加入世界贸易组织议定书》第15条已于去年到期。欧盟应该尊重世贸组织规定并履行自己的法律职责,致力于找到一个对所有国家一视同仁、对中国非歧视性的解决方案(the EU should abide by WTO regulations and fulfill its legal obligations by working out solutions that apply equally to all countries without prejudice against China)。

与默克尔一同出席记者会的李克强总理对德方公开表态表示赞赏,他说,在当前世界不确定、不稳定因素增加的背景下(in face of global uncertainty and instability),各国应维护现行国际体系(maintain the current international system),遵守国际关系准则(abide by norms of international relations),以及包括世界贸易组织(WTO)规则在内的各国达成的共识,支持贸易投资自由化便利化。

智能轨道快运系统 Autonomous rail Rapid Transit(ART)

The Autonomous rail Rapid Transit, which was unveiled in the city of Zhuzhou on 2 June, is around 30metres long and is fitted with sensors that detect the dimensions of the road.


The technology behind the Art was developed by Chinese railmaker CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive which also designs parts for the country’s high-speed railway.


“智能轨道快运系统”(Autonomous rail Rapid Transit,ART)采用了中车株洲所创新团队自主研发的“虚拟轨道跟随控制”(virtual rail following control)技术,通过在车辆上安装惯性传感器(inertial sensor)或角度传感器(angular sensor)等传感器来检测车辆的姿态、坐标等信息,增加前进方向上后车轮与前轮的轨迹重合率,精准控制列车行驶在既定“虚拟轨迹”(virtual rails)上智能运行。因此智轨列车以胶轮(rubber wheels)取代了传统的钢轮钢轨(steel wheels and rails),不需要铺设专有的物理轨道。

智轨列车能根据客流变化调节运力(adjust transport capacity),采用标准的3节编组时,列车可载客超过300人,5节编组时可载客超过500人,能有效解决普通公交车载客量小的缺陷,大大提高运力。

智轨列车与地铁(subway)、轻轨(light rail)、磁悬浮(maglev train)等交通工具相比,后者虽然运输力强大,但其建设成本巨大。目前,我国地铁造价约为4-7亿元/公里,现代有轨电车线路造(tramlines)价约为1.5-2亿元/公里,而智轨列车在与现代有轨电车运力相同的情况下,只需简单的道路改造就能投入使用,整体线路的投资约为现代有轨电车的1/5。


高考 national college entrance exam

A total of 9.4 million Chinese high school students will sit the 2017 national college entrance examination, known as the Gaokao, due to kick off Wednesday, the Ministry of Education said.


Some 3.72 million of these students are expected to enroll in undergraduate degrees following the examination, an increase of nearly 10,000 compared to 2016, according to the 2017 enrollment plan issued by the ministry.


高考(national college entrance examination,gaokao)是很多人中学阶段结束时最重要的一场考试,在不少人看来也是可以改变命运的一场考试(a life-changing examination)。正因为此,不光考生和家长重视这场考试,社会各界都积极采取措施,为高考保驾护航。

高考期间,北京要求所有工程一律禁止在夜间进行产生噪声污染的施工作业(all construction operations that cause noise pulltion are banned at night);在考点周边500米范围内的建筑工地,全天不得安排产生噪声污染的施工作业,外语考试期间停止所有施工作业。

在福建厦门,当地规定,在禁噪时段、高考限噪期间违反相关规定的,将被处以一千元以上一万元以下罚款(violators of noise abatement and control rules will be fined),情节严重的,可暂扣或者封存产生噪声、振动污染的设施、物品。

面部识别(facial recognition)、指纹识别(fingerprint verification)、静脉验证(finger vein verification)、金属探测器(metal detector)、电子监控(electronic monitoring system),用于考场安检和考生身份确认。

高考试卷运送车辆将安装视频监控设备和GPS(Global Positioning System,全球定位系统), GPRS(General Packet Radio Service,通用分组无线服务技术)以及RFID(radio-frequency identification,射频识别技术)定位监测设备。



所谓“3+3”,指的是高考成绩由语文、数学、外语3门统一高考成绩和3门学生自主选择考试科目成绩构成,作为高等学校录取的基本依据(colleges will admit students on the basis of the scores of the three subjects they selected, as well as their test results in Chinese, math and English)。“新高考”之下,学生的高考成绩由“两依据一参考”构成:“两依据”指统考和学业水平考试,“一参考”即综合素质评价。


明星八卦 celebrity gossip

Sixty social media accounts will be shut down for disseminating commercial speculation, vulgar content and other reasons, according to a statement released by the Beijing Cyberspace Administration on Wednesday.


Seven social media platforms, including Sina Weibo, WeChat, Tecent and Baidu, provided the accounts, most of which dealt with celebrity gossip-including the well-known China's No 1 Paparazzi Zhuo Wei, which has released information about celebrities' private lives and sex scandals many times.


6月1日,《中华人民共和国网络安全法》实施,令网络运营平台对自媒体的管理有法可依:任何个人和组织不得利用网络从事侵害他人名誉、隐私、知识产权和其他合法权益等活动(any individual or organization is not allowed to infringe on others' reputation, privacy, intellectual property and other lawful rights via the internet),网络运营者应当加强对其用户发布的信息的管理,发现法律、行政法规禁止发布或者传输的信息的,应当立即停止传输该信息(immediately stop the spread of information deemed illegal),采取消除等处置措施,防止信息扩散,保存有关记录,并向有关主管部门报告。

网信办负责人表示,此次行动旨在采取有效措施遏制渲染演艺明星绯闻隐私、炒作明星炫富享乐、低俗媚俗之风等问题(contain the hyping of celebrity personal affairs,extravagant lifestyle and different forms of vulgarity),传播积极的社会主义核心价值观,营造健康向上的主流舆论环境(create a healthy public opinion environment)。

蓝色经济 blue economy

China calls for the development of a "blue economy" to optimize the traditional marine sector and speed up the development of emerging marine industries while promoting sustainability, a Chinese official said.


Lin Shanqing, deputy administrator of China's State Oceanic Administration (SOA), said at United Nations headquarters that the global community at the international, regional and national levels should take advantage of each other's experiences in marine economic development to establish environmentally friendly marine industries.


所谓发展蓝色经济(blue economy),是指发展依赖于海洋或与海洋相关的环境友好型产业和经济(ocean-based or ocean-relevant environmentally friendly marine industries and economy)。

蓝色经济对中国这样的海洋大国至关重要。今后蓝色经济在国民经济中所占比重会越来越高,尤其升级传统海洋产业、壮大新兴海洋产业(optimize the traditional marine sector and speed up the development of emerging marine industries)将是今后发展的一个方向。

此次联合国海洋大会旨在确保2030年可持续发展议程中第14个目标(the Sustainable Development Goal 14 of the 2030 SDG agenda)——养护和可持续利用海洋和海洋资源以促进可持续发展能够得以落实(conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development)。大会讨论了海洋污染(marine pollution)、海洋生态保护(marine environmental protection)、海水酸化(ocean acidification)、可持续渔业(sustainable fishery)、海洋科研能力(marine scientific research capacity)等议题,呼吁社会各界采取措施,减少人类活动对海洋和海洋资源的威胁。

中国向大会提交了5份自愿承诺(voluntary commitments),在加强海洋生态的管理和保护(strengthen the protection of the marine ecological environment)、提高防灾减灾能力( improve the disaster prevention and mitigation capacities)、加强海洋科技创新(strengthen scientific and technical innovation)、发展可持续的海洋经济(develop a sustainable ocean economy)以及推动亚太区域海洋国际合作(enhance the international marine cooperation in Asia Pacific region)5个方面提出了发展目标。

混合项目 mixed-gender events

Mixed-gender events in athletics, swimming, table tennis and triathlon have been approved for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the IOC has announced.


IOC president Thomas Bach said the Games will be "more youthful, more urban and include more women".


2020年东京奥运会将新增9个男女混合项目包括乒乓球混合双打(mixed doubles in table tennis)、游泳4x100米混合接力(4x100m medley mixed relay in swimming)、射箭混合团体赛(mixed team event in archery)、田径4x400米混合接力(4x400m mixed relay in athletics)、柔道混合团体赛(mixed team event in judo)、铁人三项混合团体接力( mixed team relay in triathlon)和三个男子射击项目变为男女混合项目,新增加的项目大幅度提高了男女混合项目的数量。

Tokyo 2020 will see an overall reduction of 285 athletes from the 2016 Rio Games after the program adjustment, which also features significant changes in existing events toward gender balance by transferring some men's disciplines to women's and mixed.


根据执委会当天的决定,三对三篮球(three-on-three basketball event)也将成为2020年东京奥运会新增项目之一,这符合东京奥运会提出的城市集群概念,同时也是第一个从青奥会项目升级为奥运会项目的运动。

东京奥运会的其他新增项目还包括:男子和女子击剑项目团体赛、场地自行车男子和女子麦迪逊赛(the madison to the cycling program)、公园小轮车男子和女子自由式比赛(freestyle BMX)、男子800米自由泳和女子1500米自由泳(men's 800m and women's 1500m freestyle races)。

悬浮议会 hung parliament

Britain will have a hung parliament, with no party winning majority in the snap general election, according to official results announced Friday morning.


在已经揭晓的英国大选结果中,保守党获得306个席位(the Conservatives got 306 seats),其主要对手工党(main rival Labour)获得258席,没有政党赢得成为多数党所需的326席(no party has won 326 seats required for becoming a majority party),确定将产生"悬浮议会(hung parliament)"。

4月,英国首相特雷莎·梅宣布提前举行大选(call a snap general election),旨在利用当时民调支持率大幅领先(commanding lead)的优势,通过选举增加议会席位,强化其在脱欧谈判中的话语权(bolster her position in Brexit negotiations),以兑现"硬脱欧(hard Brexit)"的诺言。然而,一系列恐怖袭击(a string of terror attacks)使舆论风向发生了转变,主张"软脱欧(soft Brexit)"的科尔宾率领的工党更能迎合选民心理。

英国各大报刊的头条称,特雷莎·梅提前大选的政治赌博事与愿违(Theresa May's political gamble in calling a snap general election had backfired)。出现悬浮议会后,通常有筹组联合政府(form a coalition government)、组建少数派政府(form a minority government)或重新选举(re-election)三种解决方案。

与巴拿马建交 establishment of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Panama

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a meeting in Beijing with Isabel de Saint Malo, Panama's vice president and foreign minister, and they signed a joint communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations.


According to the communique, the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Panama, in keeping with the interests and desire of the two peoples, have decided to recognize each other and establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level effective from the date of signature of this communique.


王毅表示,巴拿马政府从国家长远发展和人民根本利益出发,毅然作出承认一个中国原则,同台湾方面“断交”、同中国建交的正确政治决定。中巴建交是双方为谋求两国人民的长久福祉,遵从两国人民的普遍意愿,共同迈出的历史性一步。建交后,巴在政治上增加了一位值得信赖的朋友(a trustworthy friend in politics),经济上增加了一个稳定持久的合作伙伴(a stable and long-lasting partner in economy),国际关系中增加了一份相互支持的有力依靠(strong and poerful support in international relations)。

巴拿马副总统兼外长德圣马洛表示,巴拿马高度重视中国的国际地位,同中国建交是基于巴拿马的长远和根本利益,顺应两国人民心愿做出的战略选择和正确决定,开启了两国关系新篇章(it will open a new chapter for the relations between the two countries)。巴方坚持一个中国原则,不再同台湾发生任何官方关系。巴方将同中方在相互尊重的基础上,做相互信赖的伙伴,扩大在政治、经济、海事、旅游、投资、教育等各领域的合作(expand cooperations in politics, economy,maritime affairs, tourism, investment and education),携手促进发展中国家的合作。

足球运动的真谛 the essence of soccer

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with FIFA president Gianni Infantino on Wednesday at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.


Xi noted that the Chinese government attached great significance to the development of soccer and provided strong and consistent support for the sport.


在会见中,习近平表示,足球运动的真谛不仅在于竞技,更在于增强人民体质,培养人们爱国主义、集体主义、顽强拼搏的精神(the essence of soccer lies not only in competition, but, more importantly, in enhancing people's health and cultivating people's patriotism, collectivism and the spirit of indomitable struggle)。

习近平指出,近年来,我们集中力量制定足球改革和发展总体方案,坚定推进改革。我们正在培养全社会足球文化(promoting the philosophy of soccer among the whole society),深化足球管理体制改革,建立符合世界足球发展规律和中国国情、专业高效的组织管理体系(establishing a professional and effective management system in accordance with the rules of the sport's global development and China's national situation),大力发展青少年足球,完善足球场地等基础设施,加强国际交流借鉴(enhancing international exchanges),通过扎扎实实的努力,久久为功,逐步提高中国足球水平(gradually raising the level of China's soccer sport through solid and continuous work over a long time),让积极向上的足球文化成为中国人民实现中国梦的正能量。

习近平赞赏因凡蒂诺就任国际足联主席后致力于足球事业发展、关注中国足球事业(Xi thanked Infantino for having provided great support to the development and reform of soccer as a sport in China),强调中方将积极支持国际足联工作,愿为推动世界足球运动发展做出应有贡献。中国同国际足联合作前景广阔(China-FIFA cooperation has a good future)。

硬X射线调制望远镜 Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope

The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope, a cutting-edge space telescope that was launched on Thursday, will help scientists better understand the universe, according to project insiders.


The telescope, developed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Academy of Space Technology, blasted off at 11 am on Thursday atop a Long March 4B carrier rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China.


硬X射线调制望远镜(Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope)由长征四号乙运载火箭(Long March 4B carrier rocket)送入550公里近地圆轨道(an orbit of 550 kilometers above the earth)。它将巡视银河系中的X射线源,详细研究黑洞(black holes)和脉冲星(pulsars),并监测伽马射线暴(gamma-ray bursts),探索利用脉冲星为航天器导航(using pulsars as benchmarks for spacecraft navigation )。

这颗卫星名为“慧眼”,重约2.5吨,载荷重量981公斤,其上同时安装了高、中、低能三组X射线望远镜和一个太空环境探测器(space environmental detector),实际上是一座小型空间天文台。

根据这颗卫星的科学目标,研制人员为它制定了巡天观测(sky survey)、小天区扫描(small field scanning)和定点观测(fixed-point observation)等多种工作模式。据科学家介绍,与其他太空中的X射线观测台相比,“慧眼”的探测面积更大(larger detection area)、科研能力更强(greater scientific capabilities)、视场也更大(wider field of view),这样在观测黑洞、中子星以及银河系(Milky Way galaxy)时将更加有效。

绿色金融改革创新试验区 pilot zones for green finance reform and innovations

The State Council, China's Cabinet, recently announced it is setting up pilot zones for green finance reform and innovations.


The pilot zones will be in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and Guangdong, Guizhou, Jiangxi and Zhejiang provinces.


国务院决定,建设各有侧重、各具特色的绿色金融改革创新试验区(pilot zones for green finance reform and innovations),在体制机制上探索可复制可推广的经验(explore replicable ways to boost green financing)。


支持金融机构设立绿色金融事业部或绿色支行(to set up green finance departments or green branches)

鼓励发展绿色信贷(to encourage the development of green credit)

探索建立排污权、水权、用能权等环境权益交易市场(to roll out pilot markets for trading pollution, water and energy rights)

建立绿色产业、项目优先的政府服务通道(to provide policy support for green industries and projects)

建立绿色金融风险防范机制(to establish a risk prevention mechanism for green finance)

会议提出,鼓励小额贷款(microfinance)、金融租赁公司(financial leasing companies)等参与绿色金融业务。支持创投(venture capital)、私募基金(private equity)等境内外资本参与绿色投资。

全球创新指数 Global Innovation Index

China has moved up the list of the world's top 25 innovative economies, rising three notches from 25 to 22, with strong performance in several indicators, according to the latest Global Innovation Index (GII) released last week.


全球创新指数(Global Innovation Index,GII)由世界知识产权组织、康奈尔大学以及英士国际商学院联合发布,该指数自2007年起每年发布,现已成为首要的基准工具,为全球范围内的企业高管、政策制定者等所使用。全球创新指数通过81项指标,对全球127个经济体的创新能力和可衡量成果进行评估,指标体系的81项指标分为制度(institutions)、人力资本与研究(human capital and research)、基础设施(infrastructure)、市场成熟度(market sophistication)、商业成熟度(business sophistication)、知识与技术产出(knowledge and technology outputs )、创意产出(creative outputs)等7大类。

报告显示,中国是唯一与发达国家经济体创新差距不断缩小的中等收入国家(the only middle-income economy edging closer to high-income economies in innovation),已经成功跻身全球创新领导者行列。在7大类指标中,中国在制度、人力资本与研究、基础设施、知识与技术产出、创意产出等5大类均有所提升。

2016年以来,我国在科技创新方面取得了不少成绩,比如,首个X射线太空望远镜的发射(the launch of its first X-ray space telescope)、世界首个量子计算机的研发(development of the world's first quantum computing machine)、国产C919客机首飞(the debut of its home-grown C919 passenger jet)以及可燃冰试采成功(successful sampling of combustible ice)等。

创新是我国“十三五”规划的核心,规划提出,我国到2020年进入创新型国家行列(becoming an innovative nation)、2030年跻身创新型国家前列(becoming an international leader in innovation)、到2050年建成世界科技创新强国(becoming a world powerhouse of scientific and technological innovation)。

夏季达沃斯 Summer Davos

Over 2,000 prominent leaders from politics, business, civil society, academia and the arts will convene in China's northeastern coastal city Dalian, from June 27 to 29 for the 11th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as Summer Davos.


2017年夏季达沃斯论坛新领军者年会的主题是“在第四次工业革命中实现包容性增长”(Achieving Inclusive Growth in the Fourth Industrial Revolution)。论坛主办方表示,在为期3天的论坛中,参会者将围绕“推广以人为本的技术(focusing on scaling up human-centered technology)”“引领持续再创造(leading continuous reinvention)”“创造可持续系统(creating sustainable systems)”“应对地缘经济变化(responding to geo-economic shifts)”4个议题开展200多场会议讨论。

“世界经济论坛新领军者年会”(the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the New Champions)于2007年开始在中国大连举办,其目的是为“全球成长型公司”(the next generation of fast-growing enterprises)创造一个可以共同规划未来工商业发展远景,并同世界1000强公司(Global 1000 companies)、各国和地区政府之间展开对话的互动合作平台。因其与每年年初在瑞士达沃斯举办的“世界经济论坛”(World Economic Forum)年会相辅相成,所以也被誉为“夏季达沃斯论坛”(Summer Davos Forum)。

金砖+ BRICS plus

At a news conference for the meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi introduced the concept of "BRICS plus".


He said, BRICS plus refers to BRICS further enhancing its connections, interaction, dialogue and cooperation with other developing countries and emerging market economies, in order to better reflect the common ground and collective will of the developing countries through BRICS cooperation.


王毅指出,金砖合作要做新兴市场国家以及发展中国家团结合作的“助推器”(a propeller for unity and cooperation among emerging markets and developing countries)。金砖国家不仅属于五国,更属于所有的新兴市场国家和发展中国家。我们将继续秉持开放、包容、合作、共赢的金砖精神(the BRICS spirit of openness, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win),倡导不同制度文化相互包容、不同发展模式互利共赢的合作模式,不断扩展金砖合作的“朋友圈”(expand our circle of friends through BRICS cooperation)和受益范围,维护和增进广大发展中国家的整体利益和福祉(enhance the overall interests and well-being of developing countries)。

王毅指出,金砖国家已经建立了全方位、多领域的对话合作机制(all-round, wide-ranging and multi-level dialogue and cooperation framework),以年度领导人会晤为引领,包括安全代表、外长等十多个部长级会晤,以及工商理事会、智库理事会、反恐工作组、网络工作组等,还在开拓立法机构之间的交流合作。

王毅说,今年是金砖国家合作发展进程中的重要一年。作为主席国(the BRICS rotating presidency),中国愿肩负起开启金砖国家合作第二个十年的重要使命,与其他四国一道,在协商一致的基础上继续筑牢和充实政治安全、经济金融、人文交流三大合作支柱(three cooperation pillars of political security, economy and finance, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges),积极拓展更多新兴领域的合作(expand cooperation in more emerging areas),同时拓展“金砖+”的对话合作模式,构建广泛伙伴关系,让金砖国家合作这棵大树更加枝繁叶茂,结出更多丰硕的果实。

山体滑坡 landslide

The landslide from a high part of a mountain in Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture of Aba hit Xinmo Village at about 6 am on Saturday, blocking a 2-km section of a river and burying over 100 people.


The Sichuan provincial government has launched the highest level of disaster relief response and sent rescue teams to the site.


山体滑坡(landslide)俗称“走山”、“垮山”,是常见的地质灾害(geologic hazard)之一。

经专家现场踏勘初步分析,这是一次降雨诱发的高位远程崩滑碎屑流灾害(debris flow caused by heavy rainfall),垮塌山体为当地新磨村新村组富贵山山体,塌方量约为800万立方米(collapsed rubble of about 8 million cubic meters)。

目前300余名受灾群众(residents from the disaster-hit area)已被转移安置在附近的叠溪镇叠溪小学和白腊寨村白腊酒店。抢险救灾指挥部已组织专门力量,由专人陪护进行心理疏导(psychological counseling),并发放食品、饮用水、棉被等物资,安排基本生活。

共青团四川省委倡议在茂县参与救援的社会救援力量理性、有序的撤退(evacuate in a rational and orderly way),准备前往茂县的社会力量,暂时不要盲目前往灾区,等待专业人员或政府评估灾情后,做好过渡安置(transitional settlement)或灾后重建(post-disaster reconstruction)准备。

长臂管辖 long-arm jurisdiction

When asked whether the United States had threatened reprisals or sanctions on enterprises with links to the DPRK, Geng said China had implemented the UN Security Council's resolutions concerning the DPRK.


"China opposes 'long-arm jurisdiction' on foreign enterprises," said Geng, adding that China has made this stance very clear to the United States.



美国司法长期奉行的“长臂管辖权”(Long Arm Jurisdiction),是指“当被告人的住所不在法院地州,但和该州有某种最低联系,而且所提权利要求的产生已和这种联系有关时,就该项权利要求而言,该州对于该被告人具有属人管辖权,可以在州外对被告人发出传票”。通俗来讲就是:“哪怕你不在我这个州,但只要你的行为与我有最低联系,我也能够管你。”

而在5天前,另一位外交部发言人陆慷谈及同一问题时,也先后三次使用这个词反复强调:我们反对其他国家仅凭自己的国内法实施所谓“长臂管辖”(China opposes one country imposing long-arm jurisdiction on the entity of another country in accordance with its own domestic laws)。





If any country tries to exercise "long-arm jurisdiction" by enforcing its domestic laws over China's enterprises and individuals, we are firmly opposed to that.


We have relayed the aforementioned positions to the US side in our recent communication.

网络安全事件应急预案 emergency response plan for internet security incident

China released Tuesday an emergency response plan for internet security incidents.


The plan was formulated and released by the Office of the Central Leading Group for Cyberspace Affairs, to "improve handling of cybersecurity incidents, prevent and reduce damage, protect the public interest and safeguard national security, public safety and social order."


该预案中的网络安全事件是指由于人为原因(human error)、软硬件缺陷或故障(hardware and software faults)、自然灾害(natural disaster)等,对网络和信息系统或者其中的数据造成危害,对社会造成负面影响的事件,可分为:

有害程序事件(pernicious procedural incidents):计算机病毒事件、蠕虫事件、特洛伊木马事件、僵尸网络事件、混合程序攻击事件、网页内嵌恶意代码事件和其他有害程序事件。

网络攻击事件(cyber attacks):拒绝服务攻击事件、后门攻击事件、漏洞攻击事件、网络扫描窃听事件、网络钓鱼事件、干扰事件和其他网络攻击事件。

信息破坏事件(information destruction):信息篡改事件、信息假冒事件、信息泄露事件、信息窃取事件、信息丢失事件和其他信息破坏事件。

信息内容安全事件(information security incidents):通过网络传播法律法规禁止信息,组织非法串联、煽动集会游行或炒作敏感问题并危害国家安全、社会稳定和公众利益的事件。

设备设施故障(equipment failure):软硬件自身故障、外围保障设施故障、人为破坏事故和其他设备设施故障。

灾害性事件(disastrous events):由自然灾害等其他突发事件导致的网络安全事件。

其他事件(other incidents):不能归为以上分类的网络安全事件。

中央网信办将网络安全事件分为四级:特别重大网络安全事件(extremely serious internet security incidents)、重大网络安全事件(serious internet security incidents)、较大网络安全事件(relatively serious internet security incidents)、一般网络安全事件(general internet security incidents)。

联合国儿童基金会青年教育使者 special advocate for education by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Chinese singer and actor Wang Yuan, a member of the pop band TFBOYS has been appointed as a special advocate for education by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).




“I am very proud to join UNICEF China as Special Advocate for Education − it’s not only an honor but also a responsibility. From this day on, I will be more active in promoting education and development for China’s children, and do as much practical work as I can…Education is a right; we should never allow it to be a privilege. Let’s work hard to make education even better in the future.”

联合国儿童基金会与中国政府合作,共同促进并支持中国所有的儿童都享有优质的教育。联合国儿童基金会(United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund,UNICEF)与合作伙伴一道,在中国偏远贫困地区(in remote and disadvantaged areas of China)推广“爱生学校”模式(Child Friendly School model)。“爱生学校”项目旨在支持学校以儿童的最大利益为出发点,提高教育质量,促进教育公平。联合国儿童基金会倡导“儿童优先”(children come first)的理念,每一名儿童,不论他们是何身份及身处何地,都有权利接受优质教育(every child, no matter who they are, no matter what part of China they come from, has a right to high-quality education)。


在王源之前,陈坤、马伊琍、杨澜以及张曼玉都曾经先后担任过联合国儿童基金会的大使(UNICEF Ambassador)。

香港回归祖国20周年 the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China

President Xi Jinping inspected the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Garrison in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) at Shek Kong barracks on Friday.


习近平乘检阅车依次检阅20个方队(review 20 formations)。阅兵场上,3100余名官兵和100多件武器装备(over 100 pieces of military equipment)整齐列阵,接受了检阅。


"Hong Kong's development has always pulled at my heartstrings," President Xi Jinping said on Thursday, after arriving at the Hong Kong International Airport.



一是表达祝福(express best wishes for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)。热烈祝贺香港特别行政区成立20年来取得的巨大成就,衷心祝愿香港再创辉煌。

二是体现支持(showcase the support for the HKSAR from the central government)。20年来,中央始终是香港发展的坚强后盾。中央将一如既往支持香港发展经济、改善民生。

三是谋划未来(plan the future)。将与香港各界一道,回顾这20年非凡历程(join people from all walks of life in Hong Kong to review the SAR's extraordinary 20-year journey),总结经验,展望未来,确保“一国两制”行稳致远(to ensure the smooth and long-term successful practice of the "one country, two systems" policy)。

习近平表示,期待着亲身感受香港这些年的新变化。相信通过在港的一系列活动,一定会增强我们建设好、发展好香港的信心(through the series of events to be staged in Hong Kong, our determination and confidence in developing and building a better Hong Kong will surely be enhanced)。

29日中午,习近平主席会见了香港特别行政区行政长官梁振英,下午会见了香港特别行政区行政、立法、司法机构负责人(senior figures of the SAR's executive, legislative and judicial bodies)。

7月1日,习近平主席将出席庆祝香港回归祖国20周年大会(celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China)暨香港特别行政区第五届政府就职典礼(the inauguration of the HKSAR's fifth-term government)并视察香港。


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