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发布时间:2013-02-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Wanted: a president to put can-do spirit back in the USThere have been lower and meaner presidential election campaigns: Richard Nixon’s “amnesty, abortion and acid jibe against George McGovern in 1972 comes to mind. Even so, this was a gruelling and ill-tempered contest. Yesterday, however, under clear blue skies in the nation’s capital, voters finally had their chance to speak.

美国有过更加低俗更加卑劣的总统竞选:1972年理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)嘲笑乔治·麦戈文(George McGovern)“赦免坏人,支持堕胎,纵容毒品的话就是一例。即便如此,今年的这场角逐令人精疲力尽且心情烦躁。然而,昨日在美国首都清澈的蓝天下,选民们终于有机会说话了。

The victor in the 2012 election faces an immediate test of leadership, not merely to overcome the divisions between Democrats and Republicans that have largely paralysed Washington. The greater challenge is how to rekindle a spirit of can-do optimism in a nation beaten down by the global financial crisis.


“What America needs right now is confidence, says a Wall Street chief executive. “All the ingredients are in place for a recovery but we need predictability and strong executive leadership.


This year’s election will be remembered largely as a referendum on economic management, if not an entire philosophy of government.


Having inherited an economy in meltdown, Barack Obama spurned regressive tax cuts and deregulation and resorted to government borrowing and state intervention on a level not seen since the 1930s. Like Franklin Roosevelt, Mr Obama sought to save capitalism from itself.

巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)当初上台时,适逢美国经济深陷困境。他放弃了递减性的减税和解除管制政策,转而付诸于政府借贷和国家干预措施,规模自上世纪30年代以来所未见。与富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)一样,奥巴马寻求阻止资本主义走向自我毁灭。

Four years on, house prices have stopped falling and the US consumer is spending again. But despite a 12.7 per cent year-to-date rise in the S and P stock market index, the feelgood factor is missing and business is holding back on investment. By some calculations, US corporations have $1,700bn of cash on their balance sheets waiting to be spent.


Many blame the corporate investment strike on the “fiscal cliff, the medium-term US budget crisis. Without a resolution by January 1, automatic spending cuts and tax rises will take place, which could plunge the US back into recession.


“The problem is that the US is growing at only 1.5 to 2 per cent, says the chief executive of a big US bank.


“We’re not used to this grind. We need a change in the growth pattern, creating jobs in construction and retraining workers.


What makes investors doubly nervous is the combination of the “fiscal cliff and a return of Europe’s sovereign debt crisis, triggered by an upsurge in borrowing costs for Spain and Italy.


In the post-election lame-duck session of Congress, the stand-off between Democrats and Republicans risks replaying the crisis of summer 2011. At that time, Congress delayed raising the debt ceiling and the US was stripped of its coveted triple A rating, seemingly the guarantee of its superpower status.


Mr Obama, cool and cerebral compared to his predecessor George W. Bush, found it nigh impossible to break down the Republican wall of opposition on Capitol Hill. His ground-breaking bill on healthcare reform passed without a single GOP vote.

尽管比起前任乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)来奥巴马更为冷静与理智,但是他发现要想在国会化解共和党方面反对一切的立场几乎是不可能的。他提出的开拓性的医改法案在国会通过的整个过程中,没有得到一张共和党人的选票。

Mr Obama lacked the seductive power of a Bill Clinton or the towering authority of a Lyndon Johnson. His cold logic won few close friends on Capitol Hill, where congressmen and senators are more susceptible to the politics of the pork barrel, a healthy dose of flattery and a good Cuban cigar.

奥巴马缺少比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)迷人的魅力,也缺少林登·约翰逊(Lyndon Johnson)的威严。冷静的逻辑没能让他在国会赢得几个盟友,众议员和参议员们更易于接受那种以肉桶政治、大量奉承以及上好的古巴雪茄为特征的政治风格。

On foreign affairs, the agenda is no less pressing or daunting. At some point over the next four years, the president will have to make a fateful choice over how to deal with Iran’s ambitions to build a nuclear bomb. Western intelligence estimates Tehran is at least a year away from building a weapon, and any attempt to manufacture one would be detectable.


This implies an opportunity for diplomatic negotiations, economic sanctions and/or preparation for a US-led military strike against Iranian installations in 2013-14. Mr Obama (who blinked first on the extension of Israeli settlements on the West Bank) forced his nemesis Benjamin Netanyahu to blink on threats to take unilateral military action ahead of the 2012 election.

这意味着还有采取外交斡旋、经济制裁以及/或者准备由美国主导在2013年到2014年对伊朗核设施进行军事打击的机会。在以色列在约旦河西岸扩建犹太人定居点问题上曾经先让步的奥巴马,迫使他的死对头本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)收回在2012年大选前采取单方面军事行动的威胁。

Intelligence insiders are betting on some form of diplomatic overture from the next administration to test the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s intentions in 2013, especially given that the firebrand president Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad is due to step down next year.

情报机构的内部消息人士认为,下一届政府将在2013年作出某种形式的外交姿态,试探伊朗最高领袖阿亚图拉·哈梅内伊(Ayatollah Khamenei)的意图,尤其是考虑到激进的伊朗总统马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪-内贾德(Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad)明年将要卸任。

Elsewhere in the Middle East, the next president must deal with the unfolding drama of the Arab spring. And then there is China. In the last four years the US belatedly executed a pivot towards Asia, partly to counter Beijing’s rising power, if not exactly to replicate the “containment strategy successfully pursued against Soviet Russia.


Rising nationalism coupled with territorial disputes in the South China sea are the immediate threat; but the next administration will also be worried about the decline of Japan, squeezed like a nut in a nutcracker between low-cost China and the ruthless competitive might of South Korea.


Twenty-four years ago, as the cold war drew to a close, James A. Baker, the canny Treasury secretary and future secretary of state, coined the phrase “economic insecurity as the signature tune of George H.W. Bush’s campaign. In fact, Mr Bush’s presidency was dominated by national security.

24年前冷战即将结束的时候,时任财政部长、后来出任国务卿的詹姆斯·贝克(James Baker)发明了“经济不安全这个说法,作为乔治H·W·布什(George H.W. Bush)竞选的主旋律。实际上,老布什的任期被国家安全事务所主导。

In the next four years, barring an unforeseen external crisis, Americans are likely to be preoccupied by economic insecurity as they struggle to maintain their pre-eminence in a global economy where advanced knowledge is widespread and low-cost labour readily available.


Yet the US is, in many respects, in far better shape than Europe. Thanks to the Bush and Obama administrations, it has recapitalised its banking system. The shale gas revolution is dramatically lowering energy costs and ushering in a manufacturing renaissance. To the south, low-cost Mexico is increasingly competitive vis a vis China; to the north lies energy-rich Canada. “I am incredibly bullish on America, concludes the Wall Street CEO.


And so, after the heat of the campaign, both victor and defeated might remember that no solutions are perfect but no challenge inherently insurmountable in the next four years for the US, still the most powerful nation on earth.



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