金庸,原名查良镛,英文名Louis Cha。1924年生于浙江海宁。金庸曾经和双语君一样,也是一名资讯人。1946年,他进入杭州《东南日报》,负责收听英语的国际资讯广播,翻译、编写国际资讯稿。后又进入上海《大公报》,随后调往香港。1952年在《新晚报》编辑副刊,并于1959年于香港创办《明报》。
波士顿大学比较文学系教授Petrus Liu在最近一篇《石英》杂志(Quartz)的报道中说:
“Translating Jin Yong is often a daunting task because of the complexity of his language, which integrates prose and poetry and makes extensive use of ‘four-character phrases’ and other Chinese idioms in order to recreate the ‘feel’ of traditional Chinese vernacular novels.”
The characters in Cha’s world — who have colorful names like the “Seven Freaks of the South” — operate in what is known as the jianghu, a term that is familiar to Chinese speakers and any reader of wuxia fiction but difficult to translate into English. The word literally translates as “rivers and lakes,” but is typically used to mean people who live in a world parallel to conventional society, one that operates by its own laws and code of ethics. It is closely linked to another wuxia term, the wulin, or “martial arts forest,” referring to a community of people practicing martial arts.
金庸小说中人物的名字极富特色,比如“江南七怪(Seven Freaks of the South)”等,这些人行走在 “江湖”之中。中国读者熟悉的“江湖”,字面意思为“江和湖”,但其意蕴很难翻译成英文,因为它常用来表示和古代传统社会平行存在的社会环境,其生存法规和道德自成一派。“江湖”和“武林”休戚相关,后者指代会武功的人组成的群体。
Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain
这本金庸于1959年开始连载的小说,由在香港城市大学教授翻译的莫锦屏(Olivia Mok)翻译,在1993年出版。
The Deer and the Cauldron
这本金庸的封笔之作由曾翻译过《红楼梦》的英国汉学家闵福德(John Minford)翻译。译本分为三卷,分别于1997年,2000年,2002年出版。
The Book and the Sword
《书剑恩仇录》是金庸先生的第一部武侠小说,由英国记者、作家晏格文(Graham Earnshaw)翻译,2004年出版。
这次的“射雕”三部曲的首部《射雕英雄传》第一卷已经译出,正在进行最后阶段的校对,将由英国的MacLehose Press在明年2月出版,目前已经在亚马逊上开始预售,纸质版的价格是14.99英镑。
《射雕英雄传》被译为Legends of the Condor Heroes;《神雕侠侣》被译为Divine Condor, Errant Knight;《倚天屠龙记》则是Heaven Sword, Dragon Sabre。
《射雕英雄传》第一卷的译者是个可爱的英国女孩Anna Holmwood,中文名郝玉青。
“I already had an interest in China and Chinese history, but that trip proved to be formative for me. After two months seeing China from north to south and east to west, I came away feeling that the only way I would satisfy my curiosity about the country, its people and the culture would be to learn Chinese.”
“A lot of people are curious about the way I have translated the names of moves or elements of martial arts, but these aren't really the most crucial features of whether or not a translation is successful.”
“It’s all about whether the English reader will be drawn into the emotions and the characters, that he or she will be amazed by the prowess of the fighting or caught up in the political intrigues.”
A northerly wind was blowing fierce as they left the inn. The boy shivered. “My sincerest gratitude. Farewell.”
But Guo Jing could not stand to see the boy head into such a cold night wearing such scant clothing. He placed his black sable coat on the boy’s shoulders. “Brother, I feel as if I’ve known you my whole life. Take this against the wind.”
He slipped two ingots of gold into one of the pockets, leaving himself two more for his journey. The boy left without even saying thank you, and began to trudge against the weather, before turning around for one last look.
Guo Jing was standing beside his bridled horse, watching him. The young man waved and Guo Jing ran over to him. “Does my brother need anything?”
“I didn’t ask you your name,” he said and smiled. “Yes, we forgot. My family name is Guo, my given name Jing, meaning Serenity. And you?” “My family name is Huang, my given name Rong, meaning Lotus.”
飞天蝙蝠柯镇恶是Ke Zhen’e, Suppressor of Evil;
黑风双煞中里的陈玄风是Hurricane Chen;
梅超风则是Cyclone Mei;
东邪黄药师叫做The Eastern Heretic Apothecary Huang;
九阴白骨爪译作Nine Yin Skeleton Claw。
Many have considered Jin Yong’s world too foreign, too Chinese for an English-speaking readership. Impossible to translate. And yet this story of love, loyalty, honor and the power of the individual against successive corrupt governments and invading forces is as universal as any story could hope to be. The greatest loss that can occur in translation can only come from not translating it at all.
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