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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The macroeconomics of John Maynard Keynes continue to dominate the global economic policy debate to this day. But many have forgotten that the great intellectual was also one of the most active investors of his era.

时至今日,约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)的宏观经济学说仍然主导着全球经济政策辩论。但许多人已经忘记了一个事实:这位伟大的学者还曾是他所处时代最活跃的投资人之一。

He made and lost several fortunes, for himself, his friends, his college (King’s, Cambridge) and for City institutions that he chaired or founded. In some respects, he was an early hedge fund investor, first in macro in the 1920s and then in equities in the 1930s. He ended as one of the most successful investors of the first half of the last century, but along the way he learnt many lessons that resonate to this day.

凯恩斯为他本人、朋友、母校剑桥大学国王学院(King’s College, Cambridge)以及由他担任董事长或创立的伦敦金融城机构赚下了多笔财富,也赔了不少钱。从某些方面来看,在20世纪20年代的宏观领域和30年代的股票领域,他都堪称是一位先行的对冲基金投资人。最终,凯恩斯是20世纪上半叶最成功的投资人之一,但在投资过程中也得到了许多至今仍引起共鸣的教训。

His investment activities really started in the early 1920s, when he became convinced that the currencies of the economies devastated by the first world war (Germany, France and Italy) would soon collapse as inflation took hold. These positions soon made money, and an overconfident Keynes proclaimed that with “a little extra knowledge and experience of a special kind, the money “simply comes rolling in.


Not quite. In May 1920, the markets became temporarily optimistic about developments in Germany, and over-leveraged positions in the market were rapidly reversed. Keynes and his syndicate were in effect wiped out, although he managed to survive by borrowing more money from his father, and by 1922 he had repaid syndicate members and had amassed a personal fortune of £21,000.


His macroeconomic reasoning had proved sound, as usual. Nevertheless, he had learnt a key lesson: that the market can stay “wrong for longer than most investors can stay liquid.


Keynes was not deterred. By the late 1920s, he believed that the Federal Reserve would be able to maintain economic growth at a high level because inflation was under control. He was therefore exposed both to equities and especially to commodities in 1928-29, when the Fed unexpectedly tightened interest rate policy and the global cartel in rubber collapsed.

凯恩斯没有被吓阻。到20世纪20年代后期,他相信,由于通胀已得到控制,美联储(Federal Reserve)将有能力维持高速的经济增长。因此,他在1928至1929年间同时投资了股票和大宗商品,并尤其倾向于后者。而就在这时,美联储出人意料地收紧了利率政策,导致全球橡胶卡特尔崩溃。

Again, he sustained large losses as the Great Depression started. A double lesson here: don’t fight the Fed, and never, ever misread the Fed (which, of course, is much easier said than done).

随着“大萧条(Great Depression)的到来,凯恩斯再次蒙受了巨大的损失。他由此得到了一条双重教训:不要和美联储对着干,也不要误读美联储(当然,说起来容易,做起来就要难多了)。

D.E.?Moggridge, in his outstanding 1992 biography, says that “Keynes was extremely stubborn during short-term market fluctuations. Over-confidence, mixed with stubbornness, is a very bad combination for a macro investor, and his record in the 1920s was not impressive.

1992年,D·E·莫格里奇(D.E.?Moggridge)出版了著名的《凯恩斯传》(Maynard Keynes: An Economist's Biography),其中写道,“凯恩斯在短期市场波动期间表现得极度顽固。一个人身上同时体现出自负和顽固的特质,恰是宏观投资的大敌,因此凯恩斯在20世纪20年代并未取得什么了不起的投资业绩。

Keynes, however, learnt humility from his experiences in the markets, as all great investors do. In the mid-1930s, he was convinced that President Franklin D. Roosevelt would succeed in stimulating the US economy, and he again used margin to leverage his personal portfolio. He had a volatile ride, but this time he was right, and he made the bulk of his personal fortune, which exceeded £400,000 when he died in 1946.

然而,像所有伟大的投资人一样,凯恩斯在市场打拼过程中学会了谦逊。20世纪30年代中期,他相信,富兰克林·D·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)总统将成功地刺激美国经济增长,所以他再次使用保证金对个人投资组合进行杠杆化操作。他的投资组合经历了剧烈震荡,但这一次他投准了,赚到了一大笔财富。1946年他去世时,个人财富超过了40万英镑。

Furthermore, Keynes had adopted a new approach to investing in individual equities. As early as 1924, he had realised that the risk premium on equities should provide a long-term excess return on equities relative to bonds, when the conventional wisdom was the opposite.


After that, his strategic allocation to equities was groundbreaking. A big lesson here: selecting the right asset class is always the most critical foundation for long-term success.


But in the 1930s, his stock selections for his King’s College portfolios were also highly successful. A fascinating recent paper by academics David Chambers and Elroy Dimson examines his record, using data from the King’s College archives.

在20世纪30年代,凯恩斯为国王学院投资组合选股时也取得了很大的成功。最近,学者大卫·钱伯斯(David Chambers)和埃罗依·迪姆森(Elroy Dimson)使用国王学院档案馆的数据分析了凯恩斯的选股记录,之后发表了一篇精彩的论文。

Keynes’ method was to make concentrated investments in a relatively small number of stocks, on the principle, adopted by Warren Buffett, that “it is a mistake to think that one spreads one’s risk by spreading too much between enterprises about which one knows little.

凯恩斯的方法是集中投资少数几只股票,他依据的是一条后来被沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)所采纳的原则:“有人认为广泛地投资于自己所知甚少的企业能够分散风险,这是一种错误的想法。

He also identified other risk premiums that have since proved durable, by investing mainly in small- or mid-cap stocks, high-dividend payers, and other “value stocks. He became a contrarian investor, mainly buying stocks that had recently underperformed the general market. He used leverage, but by now applied concerted discipline to contain his risks. Many of these techniques are used by the most successful equity long/short funds today.


According to Chambers and Dimson, in the 22 years he managed the King’s portfolios, Keynes’ long-term Sharpe ratio, a measure of risk-adjusted performance, was a very respectable 0.69, compared with 0.45 on a balanced portfolio at the time. Aiming for anything higher than that, as some hedge fund managers do, is to chase the impossible dream.


Gavyn Davies is co-founder of Fulcrum Asset Management and Prisma Capital Partners

本文作者是Fulcrum资产管理公司和Prisma Capital Partners的联合创始人


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