一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。
1. 第二艘航母
China's second aircraft carrier
China's second aircraft carrier set out from a dock of Dalian Shipyard, Liaoning province, for sea trials Sunday morning.
海军在声明中表示,此次海试主要检测验证动力系统(propulsion system)等设备的可靠性和稳定性(reliability and capability),并称航母建造工作正在稳步推进(its construction has been proceeding well)。
自2017年4月26日下水(undocking)以来,第二艘航母建造工作按照计划稳步推进,完成了系统设备调试(system and equipment debugging)、舾装施工(outfitting)和相关系泊试验(comprehensive mooring trials),具备了出海试验的技术条件。
2017年9月25日,我国首艘航空母舰"辽宁舰"正式交接入列(delivered and commissioned to the People's Liberation Army)。这艘航母(外壳)是1998年从乌克兰购买,经过平台改造(refitting)后,主要用于科研、试验和训练(scientific research, test and training)。
国产航母 domestically designed aircraft carrier
航母飞行员进行训练 carrier-borne aircraft pilots training
航母战斗群 aircraft carrier strike group
海上空军基地 seagoing airbase
2. 紧急迫降
emergency landing
A Sichuan Airlines plane made an emergency landing in Chengdu on Monday after its cockpit windshield blew out.
14日早间,四川航空3U8633航班从重庆飞往拉萨,经成都上空时,这架空客A319的风挡玻璃突然破裂脱落(the windshield cracked and fell out)。"没有任何征兆(there was no warning sign),轰的一声,挡风玻璃突然爆裂,"该趟航班机长刘传建在接受《成都商报》记者采访时称,"紧接着我发现,副驾(身体)已经飞出去一半,半边身体在窗外悬挂(my co-pilot had been sucked halfway out of the window)。"
由于突然失压(sudden decompression),飞机的飞行控制器遭到严重毁坏(flight control unit was badly damaged)。据报道,部分飞行控制零件被吸出窗外,驾驶员不得不手动操纵(fly manually),最终安全地把飞机降落在成都机场。降落过程中,副驾和一名空乘(flight attendant)受轻伤,所有乘客平安落地。风挡玻璃破裂引发的事故时有发生,常由飞鸟撞击或者遭遇雷击(bird or lightning strikes)引起,但整块玻璃破裂脱落实属罕见(but it is rare for an entire window to come off)。事件原因正在调查中。
地区性航空公司 regional airline
机械故障 mechanical failure
氧气面罩 oxygen mask
乘客转机 switch passengers to another aircraft
3. 民营火箭
private rocket
OneSpace Technology, China's first private rocket producer, declared the maiden launch of the company's OS-X rocket from a testing base in Northwest China a success Thursday.
此次发射的"重庆两江之星"为零壹空间OS-X系列的首型火箭,也是我国首枚民营自研商用亚轨道火箭(China's first commercial sub-orbital rocket designed and built by a private enterprise)。该火箭长度9米,总重7200公斤。
该火箭可灵活配置燃气舵(gas rudder)、空气舵(air rudder)、姿控动力(attitude control)等多种控制机构,并具有很强的控制能力,可以根据用户的需求进行定制化设计,能够满足飞行试验所需的各类复杂飞行弹道。
首飞实现了长时间临近空间有控飞行(controllable flight),获取了大量真实飞行环境数据。值得一提的是,本次飞行试验中,零壹空间开展了国内首次"减阻杆(drag-mitigating pole)"、"低成本能源(low-cost energy)"、"箭上无线通讯(built-in wireless communications devices)"等创新技术的研究,为简化火箭系统设计、降低研制成本打下了坚实基础。
运载火箭 launch vehicle
固体发动机 solid engine
检查气动设计 verify aerodynamic design
新概念飞机 new-concept aircraft
4. 顺风车
hitch ride
Didi Chuxing, China's largest ride-hailing operator, said on Wednesday that it will suspend its hitch ride service from 10 pm to 6 am as part of its response to the killing of a female passenger. Passengers and drivers will receive safety warnings for orders near 10 pm.
近日,河南一名空姐被其所乘顺风车司机杀害。滴滴称,嫌疑人系违规借用其父顺风车账号接单(take orders)。滴滴承认其夜班安全机制有漏洞(its night safety mechanism was defective),当晚嫌疑人接单时未能触发脸部识别系统(the facial recognition mechanism was not triggered)。滴滴称,案发前,滴滴曾接到关于该司机的一起言语性骚扰投诉(one complaint of verbal sexual harassment against the driver),但由于客服5次通话均联系不上嫌疑人,后续未对投诉做出妥善处理。
16日,滴滴公布对其顺风车(ride sharing, hitch ride)服务的整改措施。滴滴顺风车服务下线所有个性化标签和评论功能(remove the features of personalized tags and comments),顺风车平台合乘双方的个人信息和头像改为仅自己可见,外显头像全部为系统默认的虚拟头像(default profile photo)。同时,每次出车前司机都要进行人脸识别(facial recognition)。在保障乘客安全方面,滴滴将把紧急求助(emergency call)功能提升至页面的显著位置,除了原有功能外,乘客还可一键拨打110、120、122及平台安全客服等求助电话。
顺风车只是网约车平台提供的众多服务之一,其他还包括专车(tailored taxi service)、快车(fast ride)、出租车(taxi hailing)、单车(bike sharing)、代驾(chauffeuring)、自驾租车(car rental)等。
Stay away from illegal taxi
Share your trip details with a friend
Avoid car-pooling
Sit in the backseat
Do not share your personal information
Navigate from your phone
5. 人口定时炸弹
demographic time bomb
The US birth rate dropped to new low in decades, according to preliminary numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fueling fears of a "demographic time bomb".
美国可能面临生育难题(America may have a baby-making problem)。2017年,全美育龄妇女平均生育1.76个孩子,较2016年的1.82下降3%,生育率创下自1978年以来新低(that's the lowest fertility rate the country has logged since 1978)。
专家将这一趋势归咎于两个主要因素(blame two primary factors for this trend):2008年经济衰退(economic recession)的影响,以及上大学的成本越来越高(the increasingly crippling costs of going to college)。
经济学家将婴儿数量下降对未来劳动力的影响称作"人口定时炸弹(demographic time bomb)"。当经济萎缩时,人们往往选择少生孩子(when the economy shrinks, people often opt to have fewer kids)。随着时间的推移,没有足够多的年轻人长大进入劳动力队伍,并支付社会保障(pay into social security),与此同时,越来越多的老年人需要照顾,这将成为社会的大问题。
牛津经济咨询公司经济学家博斯蒂扬奇表示,过去10年里,出生率下降已对美国经济产生严重的影响(falling birth rates have already had a crippling effect on the US economy over the past 10 years),这种影响相当于将美国经济的长期增长率拖低了0.7%(the impact is equivalent to a 0.7% drag on the US' long-run growth rate)。
未来劳动力 future labor force
推迟生育 postpone fertility
冻卵 freeze eggs
晚婚晚育 late marriage and late childbirth
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