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发布时间:2013-02-19  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The most recent grim US jobs report brought forth calls for more Federal Reserve action on fiscal stimulus. Meanwhile, business leaders call for clarity about long-term policy and the need to return to growth. A recent and intriguing project of the George?W. Bush Institute weighs in on the emphasis of business leaders with a “4 per cent solution. While a 4 per cent long-term growth rate for the US is aggressive, this discussion is the right road map for policy.

美国最新的就业报告十分糟糕,致使人们纷纷呼吁美联储(Fed)拿出更多的财政刺激行动。与此同时,商界领导人们也纷纷要求明确长期政策,并强调恢复增长的必要性。乔治·布什研究所(George?W. Bush Institute)最近开展了一个引人注目的项目,针对商界领导人们所强调的问题,提出了“4%解决方案。对于美国来说,4%的长期增长率有点雄心勃勃,但相关讨论提供了正确的政策路线图。

It is right because the nation faces structural impediments to growth. These are akin to carrying too many extra pounds of weight. They don’t seem to slow us down much walking on a flat surface, but are a burden walking upstairs or up a hill. The injuries to our economy since the onset of the financial crisis were made more painful by our failure to make structural adjustments. No single presidential administration deserves the blame for structural problems, but an important lens through which to judge a policy agenda is whether it recognises and mitigates those problems.


While a growth-focused agenda would have many parts, two fiscal policy issues stand out – getting our fiscal house in order and reforming the tax code. The US is on an unsustainable fiscal trajectory, with a debt-to-gross domestic product ratio projected to rise to second world war levels in the coming years. High and rising debt burdens are a structural impediment to growth. They raise expected future tax burdens, discouraging investment and limiting productivity growth. Some recent estimates of this adverse effect suggest our debt-to-GDP levels would reduce expected growth by half a percentage point per year over the next decade. How debt reduction occurs is also important. Recent research by Alberto Alesina of Harvard, and others, has emphasised that reducing transfer spending is more likely to lead to long-lasting decrease in debt and support for growth than raising taxes.

以增长为重点的政策日程由很多部分构成,但两个财政政策上的问题尤其重要:稳定财政秩序,改革税收制度。目前美国财政处于一种不可持续的轨道上,预计未来几年,债务与国内生产总值(GDP)的比率将上升到二战时期的水平。过重并且还在不断增加的债务负担是增长中的一个结构性障碍。它使得未来税收负担预期增加,从而会打消投资积极性、抑制生产率提高。最近对这些不利影响的评估表明,美国债务与GDP比率所处的水平,在未来十年内会导致预期增长率平均每年下降0.5个百分点。如何降低债务也很重要。哈佛大学(Harvard)的阿尔贝托·阿莱西纳(Alberto Alesina)等人最近的研究结果强调,减少转移支付比增税更有可能带来长期性的债务降低,并为经济增长提供支持。

Gradual fiscal consolidation may also be stimulative in the short run. Research by Hoover Institution economists concludes that reducing federal spending relative to GDP to pre-financial-crisis levels over a decade would increase GDP in the short and long term. This outcome reflects lower future tax rates and the boost from lower interest rates to investment and net exports.

短期来看,逐步的财政整固可能具有刺激效应。胡佛研究所(Hoover Institution)经济学家的研究结论是,在十年之内将联邦支出与GDP之比降低至金融危机之前的水平,可以在短期和长期提高GDP。这一结果表明,未来税率会降低,较低的利率会促进投资和净出口。

Our tax code discourages work and entrepreneurship, saving and investment, and distorts the allocation of capital. Sweeping tax reform offers one of the best chances to raise growth; by this I mean reform which reduces marginal tax rates on work, investment and saving, and reduces tax preferences for particular industries and assets. With highly mobile capital, high US rates discourage investment in the US (with attendant job creation) by US and foreign firms, suggesting that economic estimates of growth effects of tax reform may be conservative.


Many in Washington argue that an emphasis on the long term is misplaced, that we should focus on near-term “stimulus and can confront long-term problems later. While there were strong reasons to argue for policy intervention at the onset of the crisis, there are three reasons to be sceptical about the call for “stimulus first.


First, failure to address structural problems contributed to the crisis (for example, the tax bias against business investment and misallocation of capital to housing). Second, making progress on longer-term debt reduction and tax reform would have given policy makers room to implement bolder short-term fiscal policy to support growth. Third, ad hoc responses to the crisis exacerbated policy uncertainty, weakening the recovery.


We should not underestimate the costs of businesses holding off on investment and job creation because they cannot predict the course of policy, and the cost of consumers deferring large purchases against the backdrop of policy uncertainty. Businesses and households know structural problems must be addressed. But how? When?


One group of economists estimates that policy uncertainty could have contributed to a 1.4 per cent reduction in GDP last year. By their figures, returning to pre-crisis levels of policy uncertainty would add about 2.3m jobs in 18 months.


A growth agenda suggests a policy scorecard for voters: Does a policy platform promote fiscal consolidation and tax reform? Does it promote a clear policy path, minimising uncertainty? For Governor Mitt Romney the answers are yes and yes. For President Obama the answers are no and no.

经济增长日程为选民提供了一个给政策打分的计分板:某种政策平台是否会促进财政巩固和税收改革?是否会促进清晰政策道路的形成、将不确定性最小化?就米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)州长而言,这两个问题的答案都是肯定的,而就奥巴马(Obama)总统而言则都是否定的。

The writer, dean of Columbia Business School, was Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under George?W. Bush and is an adviser to Mitt Romney

本文作者是哥伦比亚大学商学院(Columbia Business School)院长,曾担任乔治·布什时期总统经济顾问委员会(Council of Economic Advisers)主席,现为米特·罗姆尼的顾问。


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