Corporate finance and IT departments have become ever more closely intertwined.
Chief financial officers (CFOs) need IT tools to monitor and run the finance function, ensure data are secure, and help them in their role as strategic advisers. IT needs the CFO to sign off budgets, pay the bills and help sponsor initiatives for business development.
Mike McKeon, finance director of Severn Trent Water, the UK utility, says: “Good IT investments can make an organisation, while poor investments can break it. As CFO, I am interested in taking the business forward to success and to do that the CIO and I need to work together ... Separately, we will fail.
英国公用事业企业Severn Trent Water首席财务官迈克·麦基翁(Mike McKeon)表示:“好的IT投资可以成就一家企业,而糟糕的IT投资可以毁掉一家企业。作为首席财务官,我有志于推动企业走向成功,与首席信息官进行必要的合作……如果不合作,我们都会失败。
Myron Hrycyk, Severn Trent chief information officer (CIO), echoes the sentiment.
Severn Trent Water首席信息官迈伦·赫利西科(Myron Hrycyk)赞同这种说法。
Over the past few years, the two have worked together on some of the company’s most important IT initiatives, including the introduction of an enterprise resource management system and a move of the company’s headquarters.
“We both understand what we need to do for the company, says Mr Hrycyk. Unlike in some companies, both the CFO and CIO report directly to the chief executive at Severn Trent.
赫利西科表示:“我们两人都明白我们需要为公司做什么。与有些公司不同,在Severn Trent Water,首席财务官和首席信息官都直接向首席执行官塞弗恩·特伦特(Severn Trent)报告。
“I am Mike’s peer, says Mr Hrycyk, while acknowledging that his counterpart has “a higher profile in the business.
He adds: “I think reporting to the chief executive gave IT a credibility it would not have had if I reported to the CFO or chief operating officer.
The two say their success in modernising Severn Trent’s IT systems and cutting costs highlights the benefits of close co-operation and shared goals.
But it also reflects other factors that CFOs and their IT counterparts say are important to extract the maximum value from IT spending.
“Maintaining flexibility is the key, says Mike Wroe, CFO of Just-Eat, an online fast food takeaway service. “Support on contracts and cash planning is [also] important.
在线快餐外卖服务公司Just-Eat首席财务官迈克·沃劳(Mike Wroe)表示:“保持灵活性是关键。对合同和现金规划的支持(也)很重要。
“By having a day-to-day presence in IT, finance can be part of the decision-making process, ensuring spending is planned and monitored in advance, rather than in arrears when it is too late to influence behaviour.
Like other CFOs, Mr Wroe also acknowledges that the finance function is, “heavily dependent on back office IT systems to provide robust and timely data.
Just-Eats’ financial accounting and group analysis team extracts data from IT systems and for this it relies on the technical staff he says.
Finance has dedicated IT staff for the accounting systems.
Like his counterparts in the private sector, Mike Bailey, finance director for the City of Redmond finance and information services in Washington State in the US, says that IT systems can be a powerful tool for improving and streamlining operations. “Today’s challenging economic situation puts focus on the need for increased efficiencies, which can maintain services in tight budgets, he explains.
与私人企业的财务总监一样,美国华盛顿州雷德蒙德市财政信息服务署的财政主任迈克·贝利(Mike Bailey)表示,在改进和简化业务方面,IT系统是一种具有强大功效的工具。他解释称:“如今经济形势严峻,人们要着重考虑如何提高效率,以便在预算紧张的情况下维持服务。
“Significant improvements in today’s ERP [enterprise resource planning] systems not only enable process improvements but improve the controls that often drive the complexity of the processes.
Nevertheless Mr Bailey cautions that, “many organisations – both public and private sector – are stuck with ineffective ERP systems that aren’t designed to accommodate how work is actually done.
These “legacy systems often hamper process improvements, he says. “Worse than that, legacy systems often do not meet organisational needs, resulting in the growth of shadow systems that can have unreliable and inefficient results for the organisation as a whole.
贝利表示,这些“遗留系统往往阻碍流程改进。“更糟糕的是,遗留系统通常不能满足组织的需要,反而导致影子系统(shadow systems)的滋长,而这种系统会给整个组织产生不可靠、无效的结果。
To address these shortcomings, Redmond recently overhauled its ERP as part of a wider technology plan. “The new system was designed and implemented with a focus on creating an organisation-wide approach, says Mr Bailey.
Technology – including tablets and smartphones – is also making it easier for senior executives to access the data generated by ERP and by other systems, such as business intelligence and analytics.
ERP developers, including SAP, a software group, and business intelligence companies such as MicroStrategy, have built apps for devices including the iPad, to provide CFOs and other company bosses with instant access to key data.
Rather than modernise their own systems, some companies such as BP, in collaboration with Accenture, decided to outsource the IT that supports finance. Accenture says BP’s shared service centre in Aberdeen, built for finance and administration and SAP support in the 1990s, is still a pivotal part of the business.
“Shared services and business process outsourcing can be used to reduce the operating costs of finance, says Paul van Kessel, Ernst and Young Advisory Global IT Risk and Assurance leader, “but deciding when to use them can be fraught with challenges. CFOs need to learn from the success and failures of others.
安永(Ernst and Young Advisory)全球IT风险咨询服务主管保罗·范·凯赛尔(Paul van Kessel)表示:“共享服务和企业流程外包可以降低财务运营成本,但人们可能很难决定何时使用它们。首席财务官们需要借鉴别人的成功和失败经验。
“The key benefits of business process outsourcing [BPO] are obvious. It allows organisations to focus on their core activity and, in addition, cost savings can be achieved. BPO also brings significant risks to organisations. Key risks include data security, compliance and quality issues. The key to success is solid supplier management and third party reporting.
Matthew Buckley from EMC, a data storage company agrees. “The challenge for CFOs, in determining which processes are appropriate for outsourcing, often comes down to evaluating the appropriate level of risk.
数据存储公司EMC的马修·巴克利(Matthew Buckley)对此表示赞同,他说:“首席财务官们在决定哪些流程适合外包时面临的挑战,往往在于评估适当的风险水平。
“Heavily regulated data are likely to require a higher level of control, and therefore will not be appropriate for outsourcing.
“However, businesses may look to outsourcing processes and data management for content that is less sensitive, such as emails.
“An interesting approach that has emerged is the use of hybrid [clouds] in organisations, which enables them to enjoy the benefits of public cloud resources for certain applications, alongside the greater control and security afforded by a private, in-house ‘cloud’, for others.
Indeed, because of the pivotal role that the finance function plays in almost all companies, it is crucial for CFOs to be closely involved in developing security policies.
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