A gunman who claimed allegiance to the Islamic State killed 50 people and wounded 53 more when he opened fire in a crowded gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., early Sunday. It was the worst mass shooting in American history. Here is the latest:
周日清晨,一名宣称效忠伊斯兰国(Islamic State)的持枪歹徒在一家人头攒动的同性恋夜店杀害50人,伤53人。这是美国历史上最惨烈的大规模枪击案。下面是最新资料:
Who Is the Suspect?
• The gunman was Omar Mateen, 29, an American citizen whose parents were from Afghanistan. He claimed allegiance to the Islamic State in a 911 call he made before the attack, law enforcement officials said. He lived in Fort Pierce, Fla.
• 凶手名为奥马尔·马廷(Omar Mateen),是美国公民,现年29岁,父母来自阿富汗。执法官员称,在发起袭击不久之前,他拨打911电话,声称效忠伊斯兰国。马廷生前住在佛罗里达州皮尔斯堡。
• The Orlando Police Department said Mr. Mateen was born in New York. Court records indicate he was married and divorced.
• 奥兰多警察局披露,马廷出生于纽约。法庭记录显示,他结过婚又离了婚。
• The F.B.I. investigated Mr. Mateen for possible terrorist ties in 2013 and 2017 but did not believe him to be a threat. The 2017 investigation centered on a possible link between Mr. Mateen and Moner Mohammad Abusalha, an American from Florida who became a suicide bomber for an extremist group in Syria.
• 联邦调查局(FBI)在2013年和2017年调查过马廷,怀疑他或许和恐怖分子有联系,但不认为他会造成威胁。2017年的调查集中在马廷和穆莱·默罕穆德·阿布萨哈(Moner Mohammad Abusalha)可能存在的关系上。阿布萨哈是佛罗里达的美国公民,他前往叙利亚,成为了一个极端组织的人体自杀炸弹。
• The global security company G4S, based in Britain, said Mr. Mateen had worked for it as a guard since 2007.
• 总部设在英国的全球安保公司G4S表示,自2007年以来,马廷就一直在该公司当警卫。
• The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said Mr. Mateen had legally bought both weapons used in the attack, a handgun and a long gun, in Florida within the last week.
• 美国烟酒枪支及爆炸物管理局(Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives)表示,马廷在上周合法购买了他在袭击中使用的一支长枪和一支手枪。
What Happened?
• Mr. Mateen opened fire inside the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, a popular gay club, at about 2 a.m. He was armed with an AR-15-style assault rifle and a handgun.
• 大约凌晨2时,马廷在奥兰多一家人气很高的同性恋夜店“Pulse”开火,使用的是一支AR-15式突击步枪和一支手枪。
• Mr. Mateen shot about one-third of the people in the packed club. Hundreds of panicked clubgoers escaped and fled into the streets.
• 在这家挤满了顾客的夜店里,马廷朝大约三分之一的人开了枪。数以百计的顾客惊恐地逃到街头。
• Mr. Mateen holed up inside the club during the attack and effectively held dozens of people hostage. Some of them hid in a restroom and frantically texted friends and family for help.
• 在攻击过程中,马廷在夜店里占据了一块地方,将数十人扣为人质。他们有的躲进洗手间,疯狂地给朋友和家人发求助讯息。
• Mr. Mateen was killed by a police SWAT team when it raided the building at about 5 a.m. with an armored vehicle and stun grenades. One police officer was wounded, and at least 30 people were rescued.
• 大约凌晨5点,特种武器与战术部队(SWAT)用装甲车和闪光弹攻进楼里,马廷被击毙。一名警察受伤,至少30人获救。
Who Were the Victims?
• The City of Orlando set up a special web page where it said it would release the names of victims. It has released seven names so far: Stanley Almodovar III, Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, Juan Ramon Guerrero, Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, Edward Sotomayor Jr. and Luis S. Vielma.
• 奥兰多市政府开设了专门的网页,发布遇难者的姓名。迄今公布了七个名字:斯坦利·阿莫多瓦三世(Stanley Almodovar III)、彼得·O·冈萨雷斯-克鲁兹(Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz)、胡安·拉蒙·格雷罗(Juan Ramon Guerrero)、路易斯·奥马尔·奥卡西奥-卡波(Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo)、埃里克·伊万·奥尔蒂斯-里维拉(Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera)、小爱德华·索托马约尔(Edward Sotomayor Jr.)和路易斯·S·别尔马( Luis S. Vielma)。
How Does This Compare With Other Mass Shootings?
• More people were killed in Orlando than in any previous mass shooting in the United States. The 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech killed 32 people, while 26 people were killed in the 2017 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
• 奥兰多这次事件的遇难者超过了美国历次大规模枪击案。2007年弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案致32人身亡,2017年康涅狄格州纽敦桑迪·胡克小学(Sandy Hook Elementary School)枪击案致26人死亡。
• This is the second mass shooting in the United States linked to sympathizers of the Islamic State since December, when a married couple killed 14 people in a rampage in San Bernardino, Calif. The Orlando shooting was the worst terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001.
• 这是自去年12月以来,美国发生的第二次涉及伊斯兰国支持者的大规模枪击事件。上次是一对夫妇在加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪诺杀害了14人。奥兰多枪击案还是自2001年9月11日以来,在美国国土上发生的最严重的恐怖袭击。
• President Obama called the attack “an act of terror and an act of hate” and said the American flag would be flown at half-staff at the White House, embassies and military facilities. “In the face of hate and violence, we will love one another,” he said.
• 奥巴马总统称这次袭击是“恐怖与仇恨行径”,并表示白宫、使领馆和军事设施将降半旗致哀。“在仇恨和暴力面前,我们会爱护彼此,”他说。
• The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the massacre in a statement released over an encrypted phone app. The group said the attack “was carried out by an Islamic State fighter,” according to a transcript provided by the SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks jihadist propaganda.
• 伊斯兰国在一个加密手机应用上发表声明,宣称对这次杀戮事件责任。追踪圣战组织宣传的赛德情报集团(SITE Intelligence Group)提供了一份文稿,其中显示,该组织称这次袭击“由伊斯兰国斗士发动”。
What We Don’t Know
• Law enforcement officials have not said whether Mr. Mateen had any direct link to the Islamic State, such as training or any sort of direct communication. The statement by the Islamic State did not provide details about its relationship with Mr. Mateen.
• 执法官员没有明确表示马廷是否与伊斯兰国有任何直接联系,比如参加过培训,或进行过任何形式的直接沟通。伊斯兰国的声明也没有提到他们与马廷之间关系的细节。
• It is possible he was “self-radicalized” — that is, claimed allegiance to the Islamic State but had no direct tie — like the husband and wife team behind the San Bernardino attack last year.
• 马廷的情况有可能属于“自我激进化”——声称效忠伊斯兰国,但并没有直接的联系——就像去年在圣贝纳迪诺发动袭击的那对夫妻一样。
• The authorities have not released the names of most of the victims.
• 当局尚未公布大部分遇害者的名字。
• The police in Santa Monica, Calif., arrested a heavily armed man who said he was in the area for the gay pride parade in West Hollywood, but they did not know of a connection between him and the Orlando attack.
• 在加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡,警方逮捕了一名持械男性。他自称出现在那里是为了参加西好莱坞的同志游行。但警方不知道他和奥兰多袭击案之间是否有联系。
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