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发布时间:2019-09-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编


1. It’s not easy

1. 管理难度

Running a global, complex company in 2017is one of the most difficult management and leadership challenges imaginable.After all, Coke is sold in almost every country in the world; Wal-Mart employs2.2m people. For companies such as these, not only do you need to run yourbusiness, but you also need to think about how to completely change it attimes. Few large companies are adept at pulling off both these tricks. Maybethat’s why IBM has fallen behind in cloud services and mobile, two of the mostimportant changes in the IT world. They require different organisationalstructures and even different talent for success than IBM’s corebusinesses.


Successful companies build strong culturesthat reinforce that success. Adapting to change often requires leaders to breakthat culture. That’s not easy.


2. The formula for growth is not infinite

2. 增长没有固定的公式

There are clear pathways to growing abusiness. Once you have your core product or service, your opportunities comefrom selling it to more customers. Eventually the quest for customers leads tonew markets. Simultaneously, companies seek to expand. Perhaps they look fornew ways to leverage their main products, or they seek to offer new services.


And that’s it. Growth comes from sellingthe same thing to new customers or selling new things to existing customers, orboth. What happens when a company and its leaders have pretty much played allthese cards? Where else can Coca-Cola sell their products? Are there some productcategories that Wal-Mart and Tesco have yet to uncover?


3. New growth opportunities usually involvemore risk

3. 新的增长机会常常伴随着更大的风险

Once a company begins to exhaust its coregrowth formula, it has got to look further afield. And that means expandinginto tangentially related businesses where they may no longer have the inherentadvantage.


Amazon is a particularly intriguingexample, because its managers are taking all sorts of new risks via expansion,even while its core business — ecommerce — is growing by leaps and bounds. It’snot impossible to make this work, but the degree of difficulty goes upexponentially when you enter a market or product category where you don’t have theupper hand. Amazon’s failure in a variety of new ventures, from smartphones, totablets, to search is a case in point.


4. It’s much less fun tocompete when growth slows

4. 增速放缓时竞争就不那么有趣了

Growth is great, but when the naturaltrajectory of growth slows, you’ve got to compete on price and other features. That’s much lessfun, because you’re now fighting a zero-sum game for market share points, and it’s much lesslucrative.


Not only is your business strategy tougherto pull off when growth slows, but a company’s addiction to meeting and beatingmarket expectations (remember the score sheet, aka, the stock market?) createsall sorts of negative side effects. Cost cutting starts to dominate, forinstance. That’s not necessarily a bad thing … until it becomes the go-tostrategy to push earnings per share growth. There are natural limits to costcutting, because at some point you start to lose great talent, cut back on newinitiatives and push out other priorities. For example, the disastrous Gulf oilspill in 2010 was triggered, at least in part, by BP’s maniacalattention to cost cutting.


IBM has spent more money on stock buybacksand dividends than research and development for some time, a strategy thatcertainly pushes earnings per share up, but only makes it tougher to compete,and even tougher to find a new path to renewed growth.


5. No company lives forever

5. 没有长盛不衰的公司

This is the one nobody in the executivesuite really wants to hear about, but it’s simply a core lesson of businesshistory. Of the top 100 companies by revenues in 1955, for example, only abouta dozen still enjoy that same ranking almost 70 years later. Everything leadersdo to grow a business is designed to forestall the day when that growth stops.And of course new waves of entrepreneurial ventures rise to take up the topspots over time. After all, back in 1955 Wal-Mart and Amazon were nowhere to befound, and McDonald’s was a tiny regional player. Today they’re allgiants. What will we see in another few decades?


Companies that become giants in theirindustries are not immune from these five fundamental forces. At some pointthey become so big that the classic pathways to growth become constricted, andthe inevitable rise of new companies start to take their toll. At some point,all successful companies become too big to succeed.



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